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EAT POOP YOU CAT: The Gritty Reboot that doesn't acknowledge the previous editions


Watermelon Headcrab
Feb 28, 2006
In a forum... that has gone too long without a game of Eat Poop You Cat... one man... will create a thread... that will be flocked to by players who yearn for the awesomeness.

So, guys, sign up, this game is awesome. OR I KEEL YOU!


1. If you wish to play this game, post your interest in this thread. Even if a game has started, you can still join unless I close signups, which will usually only happen near the end of the game (to avoid ending on a picture).

2. When we have a good number of signups, I will shuffle the list and send a caption, via PM (Private Message) to the first person on the list. Note: if you are a new member and you want to join a game, you must have PMs activated first. PMs become activated once you have been at CFC for 5 days and made 5 non-Forum Games posts; alternatively, you can go here and ask an admin to activate your PMs.

3. This person will then draw a picture to represent this caption. You can use any image editing program you like, or you can hand-draw your picture and scan it in, or you could even just copy and paste pictures from Google Image Search - just so long as there are NO WORDS in your pictures (except for simple onomatopoeias like 'grr' and 'vroom', they are allowed).

4. The artist will then send the picture AND NOTHING ELSE to both me and the next person on the list by PM. (To clarify, that means just the picture and not the original caption. Also, try not to give the picture too revealing of a filename: it's much too tempting to cheat. ;))

5. The next person will then think up a caption which describes the picture (although it doesn't have to be a straight description - if it would work in a caption competition, it's welcome here, and funny captions are always good to see. I've bolded this rule because I love to see funny captions!).

6. Then they send their caption AND NOTHING ELSE to both me and the next person on the list, who will need to draw a picture, etc. etc.

7. Basically we just repeat Steps 3-6 for a while.

8. The last person on the list can PM their contribution to just me. I will then put together all the pictures and captions into one post and put it on the public thread for the participants to gaze upon with awe and/or shame.
Current Round:

Previous Rounds:


Spoiler :
CivGeneral (picture)
KaiserElectric (caption)
NinjaCow64 (picture)
madviking (caption)
Joecoolyo (picture)
Catharsis (caption)
mythmonster2 (picture)
Souron (caption)
SouthernKing (picture)
Askthepizzaguy (caption)
The Black Knigh (picture)
Perfection (caption)
MartinLuther (picture)
KaiserElectric (Again) (caption)

The poop has been expelled


Spoiler :
Perfection (picture)
CivGeneral (caption)
KaiserElectric (picture)
mythmonster2 (caption)
Catharsis (picture)
Buddhafish (caption)
Joecoolyo (picture)
Optical (caption)
Souron (picture)
The Black Knigh (caption)
MartinLuther (picture)
SouthernKing (caption)
classical_hero (picture)
NinjaCow64 (caption)
Askthepizzaguy (picture)
Winston Hughes (caption)

the poop has been expelled


Spoiler :
Souron skipped
SouthernKing (picture)
Catharsis (caption)
classical hero (picture)
Joecoolyo (caption)
CivCube Optical (picture)
Zack (caption)
bonefang (picture) skipped
Buddhafish (picture)
NinjaCow64 (caption)
CivGeneral (picture)
KaiserElectric (caption)
The Black Knigh (picture)
Souron (caption)
mythmonster2 (picture)
Perfection (caption)

the poop has been expelled
I am so Phirsty in.
Oh yes indeed.
Its been way too long! It must begin again!
thread title should be "EAT POOP YOU CAT: The Saturnine Reboot"

Can I haz ins?
Basically yes.

I'll give this until about a week after I opened the thread (so, Thursday), then start up ROUND ONE.
If we haven't started yet, I'll join. :)
My bad, it slipped my mind.

There's currently an odd number of players, so I'm going to leave signups open, but start the round now.


Souron (picture) <-- UP
SouthernKing (caption)
Catharsis (picture)
classical hero (caption)
Joecoolyo (picture)
CivCube (caption)
Zack (picture)
bonefang (caption)
Buddhafish (picture)
NinjaCow64 (caption)
CivGeneral (picture)
KaiserElectric (caption)
The Black Knigh (picture)
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