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EltNESIII: Some Assembly Required

To: Bascland Union
From: Tanresios

While we would have preferred that you were a part of the nation of Tanresios, we are perfectly willing to have peaceful co-existence with the Bascland Union, and perhaps we could also start a trading relationship, if you are willing.

You may wonder about why we sent one of our warbands towards the north, as well as missionaries. The reason is that we wished to provide protection for those tribes that chose the answer of joining Tanresios, as well as giviing those new joiners some knowledge of the organization of the Tanresian government.

OOC: Tell us when you finally update the stats!
They're updated. Note, I am not infallible, and there are bound to be some mistakes. Point them out to me and explain what looks wrong, and I'll fix it.
Great update.

We find your use of women in warfare barbaric and unethical

This doesn't really make sense to me however. It's not that uncommon at this point. It's still early on and there are a number of notions of Celtic warrior women in mythology, and Celtic warrior goddesses and particularly among tribes where all the "manpower" is needed both men and women are known to engage in warfare take the Scythicans and Sarmatians for instance. Or the Mongols later on.
They're not Celtic.

Only those in Brittany find real objections to it.
You have 11 units. 1 Upkeep per 5 units.

(You could try to convince them? :0 I said Iron Age would find you more and difficult neighbors, however you pwned Porter pretty easily.)
You have 11 units. 1 Upkeep per 5 units.

(You could try to convince them? :0 I said Iron Age would find you more and difficult neighbors, however you pwned Porter pretty easily.)

Ah, OK. I thought this would be like in my NES, where the units counted separately.

(And how do I convince them? 'Cause I doubt their leaders would actually say "Hey, let's join Tanresios, it looks really hot as a country, and it would work über-great!" just because)
Yay, update. Sorry i've not been very involved, I finish Farm routines later in the week, then i'll have more time.

Which nations do I now have contact with?
From: Barber
To: Phoolan Devi

At least, the senders of the missionaries. We find this ancestor worship is a universal religion, yes- we have adopted it for ourselves! May our relationship be both peacable and fruitful.

We are so happy to see that you have embraced the gifts of the stars and tides. We would like to begin trading with your people. We offer textiles and pottery. Would that suit you?

From: Sparta
To: Phoolan Devi

Greetings, and welcome to the Aegean. We would not suggest visiting the eastern half, as it is currently engulfed in war. If you do not spread your religion here, however, your explorers and trade goods are welcome.

We would be happy to trade with you. Have you a market for our pottery and textiles?

To the mod: Does exposure to more distant cultures help a nation develop faster (from late copper to bronze to iron)- like if i am in contact with Tanresios or Cypriot Empire, would i learn from them?
Immaculate: very good question. To advance from one tech level to the next (Mid Bronze>Late Bronze, for example) it normally costs probably 20 EP. This applies to most early tech advancements.

However, it can be augmented according to individual situations, which will be determined by me, and influenced heavily by the player. If you're very clever and convince me of why it would happen faster(cheaper), you can do it much quicker. Example, Adrogans (playing Qing in east asia) is skipping Late Bronze Age and going directly to Early Iron age, because he's outright and actively stealing stuff from the Tairon Empire. This is costing him 25 EP where it would normally cost him 40 EP.

So, in short, convince me exactly why and how you will get there faster through your friendly friendly neighbors, and it might happen.

From: Spartan Empire
To: Phoolan Devi

While we're not exactly sure what "textiles" are, we're always in need of more wine jugs! We have the Ilium to deal with at the moment, and thus might have to postpone our trade, unfortunately.

From: Barbers
To: Phoolan Devi

It would indeed. If you're willing we'd start accepting them right away?

Milarqui: How exactly would it benefit the Bascland Union? Play it from there, if there's any immediate benefit you see for them. I'm open to it if you can actually convince me. (Ahha, I never knew they were counted separately(navy/army?), but that is not the case with this NES.)
Can i trade with the Bascal union?
Orders SENT
Arturo is a fine name, the Warlord thinks.

Not that the Warlord has a personal name, that sort of thing must be given up with the rank. A Warlord is not a man, a Warlord does not serve himself and needs no name to call himself, the Warlord is the Warlord, the embodiment of the Wovvolken.

The Warlord, not Arturo, never Arturo, perhaps in another previous life, a simpler life, but the Warlord’s name is not Arturo.

His own wife is the daughter of the previous Warlord. An uncommon situation, but an odd way for the previous Warlord to grant his blessing to an odd situation. The Warlord, no one would say it, was not born in Granae.

But who would oppose the conqueror of the South, the chosen one of the Warlord? None, no one even offered their name as a candidate when the time came. There was only one name on the ballot, but then after a moment that name meant nothing, it was gone, useless, nevermore.

The Warlordess, so like her mother, beating bears into submission, sometimes the Warlord wondered if he was not unlike that bear. The previous Warlord had been a wise man, and had wanted very much to open the Wovvolk to new blood, but then he had saddled it all with the stone hard determination of these women and they had seen to it that everyone kept in line. The Warlord most of all, he wonders if his wife had been trained by her mother or her father to watch out for him, keep him in line, to keep the whole Empire from turning Norse.

Not that the Warlord would ever do any such thing, but life comes without trust and safeguards are safeguards, he understands.

But for all the fear about impure blood, there were some things that it made possible for the Warlord. The Norsemen in the army received better treatment than before, were treated like brothers.

And there is more yet to do.

“But the Warlord always follows us on our campaigns,” the General is saying, exclaiming, yelling.

“You are a fine General Himclair, you will lead the men with honor. A Warlord, you must know, has to cultivate leadership to serve the people even into the future.”

“You are young yet, Warlord.”

“And our people need leaders.”

Point taken, Himclair bows his head, “As you command sir.”

And out into the snow he goes, the Warlordess sits the bear down and walks over to him, “Do you intend to stay and sleep in a warm bed while your men are afield!”

The rage, the righteous rage, The Warlord feels almost domesticated.


“Of course not, my dear.”

She calms down for a moment, “But what then?”

“There are some things, only the Warlord can do,” and he takes his Axe from the bottom of the bed, pulls thick bear hides over his back. He catches the Warlordess in an embrace and vows to return.

A large, imposing figure marches North alone.
OK, some story about the Blood Canyon Battle...

Spoiler Battle of Blood Canyon :
He was very nervous. This wasn't the first time it happened. However, the reason for his nervousness was new. His warband had been "volunteered" for this incredibly dangerous task, and failure was not an option here.

"Nastair?" one of his friends asked.

"What's the matter?"

"We've got to start moving soon. The moon has already come up, and soon it will be high in the sky."

"Give me a few moments to relax." He breathed deeply, knowing that it was going to come quite soon, and looked up to the sky, in an attempt to draw advice from his ancestors, especially his recently deceased father, who had been one of the soldiers who had captured the King of Porters several tens of years ago. It wasn't easy to know that the next few hours would probably make or break the destiny of Tanresios. "I'm ready."

"Let's go, Nastair."

Both of them took their weapons and prepared themselves for the attack. It was getting dark, and soon it would be time for the attack. In order to keep the Porterian army off-course, a few campfires were still on, but the rest had been put out in order to prevent the enemy from catching on the tactic. The trapped soldiers had prepared themselves for this quite mad plan, which nonetheless still had a great chance of success, and were just waiting for the signal.

They didn't have to wait too much. The moon was high in the sky when a bloodcurling scream was heard from the mouth of the cannon where they were standing.

"NOW!" the general shouted, and everyone jumped into the fight. Their brothers-in-arms were already fighting, and they weren't going to leave them without some actual help.

The Porterian army, exhausted after having followed the advancing warbands, was taking too much time to reorganize after the nocturnal attack launched by the main Tanresian army, and the latter had made the most of it by killing as many enemy soldiers as possible, conscious of their numerical disadvantage. Thus, when the Porterian soldiers got ready to fight, nearly a third of their number had been killed, and a fifth was crippled or heavily injured. They attempted to rally behind their general, an able man that had taken control of the army after news were spread of the King's renounce to the throne, but it was too late. In the moment they charged against the main Tanresian army, the scouts they had thought were cowering in the end of the cannon were already attacking their back.

The battle would become a bloody matter, for many were killed that night, more than any other night ever in the history of the world. However, by the end of the night, it was clear that the winner had been Tanresios. There were about three or four hundred Tanresian soldiers still alive, but the Porterian army had been completely destroyed. One of the few survivors happened to be Nastair, son of Matal, the Hero of Libbon, and he was honourably discharged from the army for his heroic battling. The remaining warbands would finally end what had started nearly a century before, by bringing the rest of Porters under the rule of the Great Council of Titana. Fortunately, peace was held and no former Porterian people rebelled, knowing that, while the Tanresian were nice people if you were nice with them, attempting to mess with them could be the last mistake you ever made, as evidenced by the fact that such a thing had sparked this war.

OOC: Sorry for the quality of this story. I have a couple of questions. If it was 2800 vs 4000, how come I lost everyone (if 1 Warband = 400 people, then 7 Warbands = 2800 people) and Porters lost more people than it had deployed? Also, I would have guessed that my better tactical disposition would have prevented several more deaths.
Milar: Porter bought more units, of course. Yes, you lost the entire army that entered the canyon. But the porters lost their entire army as well, which was bigger. Joy almighty. (Let's just assume 5 warriors survived from your army to tell the tale. I never technically said 2800 deaths, just 7 warbands.)
Milar: Porter bought more units, of course. Yes, you lost the entire army that entered the canyon. But the porters lost their entire army as well, which was bigger. Joy almighty. (Let's just assume 5 warriors survived from your army to tell the tale. I never technically said 2800 deaths, just 7 warbands.)


And what about the answer to the diplo?
To: Bascland Union
From: Tanresios

While we would have preferred that you were a part of the nation of Tanresios, we are perfectly willing to have peaceful co-existence with the Bascland Union, and perhaps we could also start a trading relationship, if you are willing.

You may wonder about why we sent one of our warbands towards the north, as well as missionaries. The reason is that we wished to provide protection for those tribes that chose the answer of joining Tanresios, as well as giviing those new joiners some knowledge of the organization of the Tanresian government.
Norsemen do not wear bearskins.

From his first observations this seems to be the case, the Warlord sulks in the woods in a very un-Warlordlike manner, watching the moon, waiting for the Omen.

In distant fields the Warlord had his armies, vast numbers, iron wills, the Warlord longed to join them, not for the plunder alone, but even the Warlord must make a realistic assessment of his capacity to subdue the North singlehandedly.

The Warlord sleeps high up in the trees, waiting for the Omen.


When it comes it is glorious, and the Thunder Gods have granted their blessing, the skies are clear and the whole small village of Norsemen is lit up from above.

The Bearskin frightens them, before they even see the giant copper axe around his waist.

“Wait,” the man says in the words of the Norse, “Who are you, we do not permit trespassers.”

“I am no trespasser,” the Warlord replies in perfect Norse, “I am here to speak to your chieftain.”

The man stumbles back, a little shocked, now that this bearskinned man could speak, and more than that speak in Norse he did not know what to think, suddenly his only option was to bring the Warlord to the Warchief.

The axe bulges under his skins.

The Warchief laughs to see him, “The Warlord of the Wovvolken, being brought in like a dog.”

The axe is out all of the sudden, the man leading him in is felled.

“No dog,” he says, “But I come offering a peace to our lands.”

The body sits in the midst of the tent, the axe is still out, held high, ready. The Warlord of the Wovvolken can only become so with the utmost mastery of martial talents, and everyone in the tent, whether they draw their weapons or not, gives pause to his words and they do not lunge to die in the fight.

The Warchief is quiet, does not order any attack, he too may die first, he only asks, “What is it that you have to say?”


To: Norsemen
From: Wovvolk

I propose that we join together, in the hopes of plundering further south and seizing worthwhile loot. Rather than fighting over this frozen land we could bring great riches home to it and bring prosperity to the North! The Wovvolken Army has ended any previous anti-Norse sentiments and throughout the Wovvolk these populations have been well accepted, to the extent that the current Warlord himself traces his ancestry North. And so let us put away arms, join together, and locate the truest fields to deliver our vast plunder.
From: Bascland
To: Tanresios

That makes sense, thank you. A trading relationship would be good, yes. We will however be taking this upcoming few decades to arm ourselves against the outside world on the whole; unless, of course, you could gift us a Warband or two? (in which case trade this turn would work out good.)

From: various Norsemen polities and leaders
To: Wovvolk

An uneasy peace, perhaps. We will not join you, not now- war has ripped our people apart. We cannot say the same for our populace as you can for yours, for they still hold both hatred and fear- the atrocities have been many, with your statements of Mercy being for the weak.

Abaddon: Cypriot Empire, Nile Dynasties, Lyscovian Sultanate.

Adrogans: Sorry to hear that. You could've made or ....break'ked China.

All: Have I done the impossible, done stats with no mistakes? Point them out if you spot any, please. Otherwise, I will be checking the thread more regularly now.
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