Embassy with "The Brotherhood"

It has been sent. :thumbsup:
We are up Mysticism, Maths and Map Making on The Brotherhood.


Considering that they have to research everything on their own (in at least 4 turns), they will need quite some time into the MA.
It appears the Anarchie have sold Mathematics to the BH for 125 gold, as planned. We should be getting our share of that gold soon.
I saw nothing interesting in the last three turns. The BH has had the largest increase in score and power of the teams. The have not increased in technology. They still need Construction, HBR, and Mysticism.
From Lanzelot ~

Dear Eagles,

perhaps now is already later? We noticed, that you and the Küche have now reached the middle age, and consequently the "trade embargo" that you had signed against the other continent, should now have run out. We also noticed that the Anarchos managed to enter the middle age, which they cannot have achieved on their own account, so we think that they already have done some kind of trading with you.

Therefore our question is, whether you are interested in any kind of trade relation with us as well? We know that up to now you believed the Anarcho's accusations without questioning and you believed that we are unreliable "Robber-Knights" who break deals on a whimsy, but we hope that recent events have shown you that this is not the case: the Anarchos have broken a peace deal that still had 15 turns to go and have taken two nearly undefended towns in the middle of peace. Something like this is unheard of and should show you their true nature. Perhaps you can now understand at least a little bit, why many turns ago we simply could not give them our hard-earned Republic "for free"...

Please let us know, whether in principle you are now open for deals with us, or whether you have taken the sole side of the Anarchos in this conflict on our continent. At the moment we have consolidated the situation, but I want to be open: very well that in the long run our situation is hopeless, if we can't find at least one nation in this world that is willing to trade with us.

With best Regards, Sir Lanzelot
I think an appropriate response is that we are open to deals with them "in principle", but we don't see any deals that could be made at the moment.
The war appears to be going very badly for the Knights - you can see a black Anarchie border not far to the northeast of Camelot.


Dear Sir Lanzelot of the Brotherhood,

We firmly have to reject the criticism that we blindly believe whatever you believe Anarchie told us about you. As you know very well our negotiations a long time ago simply were unfortunate. Thus, there were no further deals.

We are unable to say, who is wrong or right in your conflict.

Regarding your question, whether to trade or not, I want to point out that we are willing to trade in principle, but unfortunately right now we see no possibility for any trades.

With regards,

Calis of the Flock
Looks good.
Dear Calis of the Flock,

a few turns have passed now, and we finally have some air to breath and some gold to offer again. I want to be open: the damage we suffered was severe, we were almost eliminated by this treacherous sneak attack, and we needed every shield and every coin to beat back the Anarchic SoD. But we managed to do that, and now it looks like we'll soon have something that might open up trade possibilities: gold. We have re-gained the lost ground, our GA has kicked in, and our markets are making good profit... :gold::gold:

However, you probably already noticed, there's one problem: we don't have any libraries (and don't want to build any, as long as the on-going war is not yet decided). Therefore for us it would make more sense to buy techs than to research them. So the big question is: assuming we research the remaining AA techs now (which we could easily do in 12 turns), would you be able & willing to sell us any techs towards Chivalry? (For obvious reasons, this is our current prio 1 research target...)
We noticed that you optimized your empire for commerce now, so perhaps it would benefit your plans as well, if we send you our gold instead of sinking it into techs that have already been researched by someone else.

Best Regards, Sir Lanzelot

BH in cahoots with the Kitchen?
I think the earliest tech we could trade, would be Invention. All others are underlying our three way agreement.
Yeah, but I mean they're pushing for an early Chivalry. Offering big cash for it. It would be prudent to stick to the truth about the three way agreement, and not mention our brief evasion of that tech.
Yeah, but I mean they're pushing for an early Chivalry. Offering big cash for it. It would be prudent to stick to the truth about the three way agreement, and not mention our brief evasion of that tech.

So what do you intend to tell them?

Don't know yet....
Proposed response...

Dear Knights of the Brotherhood,

Thank you for contacting us. It is always good to hear from the other continent. We are sorry to hear about your struggles in war, but are encouraged by your victories as much as we are saddened by your loses.

We regret to inform you that due to our contractual obligations, we are forbidden to sell or trade technologies learned in the very early Medival Age. Are there any natural resources you might have in abundance?

We'll keep you in mind. Perhaps we can put together a "gold for Invention deal".

Cyc of the Eagles
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