Embassy with "The Brotherhood"

From I.Larkin....

Dear Cyc, thank you for yor kind post. Unfortunatly we can't find any deal that may help us in our struggle.

What do you think if we can arrange conference with Kuche that probably may soften contractual obligation?

Anyway, it is very supportive, that you "keep us in mind".

I. Larkin, Knights of the Brotherhood.

See. I still think they are running a scam with the Kitchen.
That might be a reason, why kitchen tries to force us into breaking the deal. :think:
They wouldn't be trying to get us to break the deal, so to speak, they would be trying to expedite the delivery of Chivalry. The Kitchen probably realizes that we don't want to give them Chivalry anytime soon, but if they have the BH offer us lots of gold for the tech, and we take the deal, the Kitchen can buy it from the BH (or some other form of negotiation). Maybe cheaper than they could get it from us. And what would we say when they have Riders on our borders? "Hey, you owe us gold?"

Please stop giving our techs away without discussion. Thanks.
Feudalism was a fixed part of the deal. So I didn't see much reason for a discussion.

So I supposed the Anarchie paying us gold for the techs we've already given them is not a fixed part of the same deal?

Say, can I hire you to paint my house? :)
Please tell me what money they owe us and I will push them to pay.

From the Kitchen Embassy....

No. Chivalry has been taken out of the picture. The Kitchen is the only tribe that wants it, so they can research it and keep it, eating the cost of research. As we are now NOT researching it, our total research costs go down 800 gold. This means that the other two tribes now have to pay us less. But this does not mean we have to purchase Chivalry from the Kitchen.

The Kitchen's research costs (excluding Chivalry) ~ 1125

Eagles' research costs (excluding Chivalry and the Code of Law) ~ 2500

Anarchchie's research costs ~ 1875

The Kitchen would get paid 375 gold by Eagles and Anarchy (each)

Eagles woud get paid 833 gold by the Kitchen and Anarchy (each)

Anarchy would get paid 625 gold by the Kitchen and Eagles (each)

The Cod of Law would be divided by the Kitchen and Eagles. 214 divided by 2 = 107. The Kitchen would pay the Eagles 107 for the CoL. Anarchy would not.

When you do the math the Kitchen owes the Eagles 940 gold minus the 375 we owe them equals 565 gold. They have paid 300 gold so far.

Anarchy owes Eagles 833 gold plus one third of the gold they made selling Math to the BH (42?). 833 plus 42 = 875. Minus the 625 we owe them equals 250 gold. Has the Anarchy paid anything yet?

We owe no tribe any gold.

Now if both we and Anarchy wanted to buy Chivalry off of the Kitchen, we would wind up owing the Kitchen 2 gold, if they paid us nothing more. (They owe us 265 and 1/3 of Chivalry is 267.) If ony we wanted to buy Chivalry , it would cost us 400 gold, meaning we would have to pay the Kitchen 135 gold. (400 minus 265 equals 135.)

So push them for 250 gold...
A letter sent by Lanzelot of the Knights:

Dear Eagles,
it has been a long time, but we finally managed to recover from the treacherous attack of the Anarchos, to regain our lost territory and to finish the Great Library for catching up in tech. Now we are "back in business" and would like to continue the earlier talks of a deal "Invention for gold".
Also, we have recently won a major battle against the Anarchos, so for the moment they don't appear to be dangerous, and we can now afford to direct some of our gold into the acquisition of new technology.

If you are still willing to get into business with us, please let us know the prices of any techs that you can sell us towards Military Tradition. (Of course this also depends on what we will get out of the Great Library. No idea, how far the outside world has meanwhile advanced during our "dark ages"...)

Best Regards,
As I can see, they will get Monotheism, Feudalism, Engineering, Theology, Education and Invention from the Great Library (besides all AA techs of course).

Are we willing to sell any of our other techs to them? Especially towards Military Tradition?
As I can see, they will get Monotheism, Feudalism, Engineering, Theology, Education and Invention from the Great Library (besides all AA techs of course).

Are we willing to sell any of our other techs to them? Especially towards Military Tradition?
I say no. The next tech down that line is gunpowder, and I'd prefer to make them work their own way towards it.

After all, we have to consider that we have a strong probability of fighting them in the end. If we give them any techs, it should be in exchange for either an alliance or neutrality in a fight against the Kitchen.

Just my two cents there.
The only positive thing would be to get some extra cash from them. They won't be able to catch up with us techwise anyway, I am sure about.

But I am also fine if the team says, no techs to our opponents any more. :)
I don't mind selling them AA techs for cash, if they would be interested. But I think they were asking about current era techs.

Do we have a best guess on how far away are they from completing The Great Library?
I believe that Lanzelot will switch the Great Library to Leonardo's Workshop (for half-price upgrades) if we sell him Invention. He knows the GL is obsolete now and wants to improve his situation. Probably not a good idea to give him Leonardo's. He's bluffing.

Speaking of Wonders, I believe we should switch Tuscan Talon to THE MAUSOLEUM OF MAUSOLLOS. This will start us into a peaceful Golden Age in 4 turns. I believe that would be more valuable to us than the benefits of the Collosus.
They will complete The Great Library very soon, I am sure about. They can't switch to anything, as they did not even leave the AA.
I don't like the idea of selling techs, but the problem is that if we don't sell techs to The Brotherhood, then I think there is a near certainty that The Brotherhood and Kuche will form an alliance :hmm:.
I believe that Lanzelot will switch the Great Library to Leonardo's Workshop (for half-price upgrades) if we sell him Invention. He knows the GL is obsolete now and wants to improve his situation. Probably not a good idea to give him Leonardo's. He's bluffing.

The Great Library is far away from being obsolete. It becomes obsolete when the civ that actually built it gets Education. Thus, The Brotherhood cannot switch the build. And as I mentioned, they will get Invention by the Library as well, as Kueche researched it recently.
I don't like the idea of selling techs, but the problem is that if we don't sell techs to The Brotherhood, then I think there is a near certainty that The Brotherhood and Kuche will form an alliance :hmm:.
I actually agree. Maybe if we sold them the upper-tree techs? You know: the more cultural/economic ones. Militarily, I'd like to keep them behind for as long as possible.
Proposed note to Brotherhood:

Dear knights of the Brotherhood, dear Lanzelot,

We recognized that you have completed The Great Library, which is a great achievement and we send our congratulations on this.

Before we start discussing any deal between our teams, we would like to know what techs you gained from the Library and which you are interested in to purchase.

Please give us an update.

With best regards,
Calis of the Flock
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