Enabling Revolutions in World Map Scenario

Apr 2, 2013
Oklahoma City
The world map scenario, containing much additional content not used elsewhere and placing every civilization in their respective geographies, looks lucrative and fun. Even though it doesn't work as intended, I quite enjoy the separatism feature and prefer to keep it on in my games. Were it not for this, I probably would have played several world map games already, but as soon as I found out that it's not included, it put a damper on my interest in playing that scenario.

A couple of months ago, I asked in the main thread if it was possible to edit a file to enable it, and was told that it's as simple as changing a single line of text, but that it's highly discouraged, because the world will be swallowed up by barbarians as there are no more possible civ tags to include to represent the separatists. So, I have two questions:

- Even if barbarians spawn primarily (and I've seen it happen in random map games on standard size, too), would it not still be possible for prior-owner civs (existing or conquered) to regain ownership of cities that they formerly controlled? In a recent game where I was in a winning position, I had the satisfying/frustrating experience of cities I'd conquered revolting back to their previous owner once provisional government expired (but which was preventable and more or less likely based upon garrison strength, culture, happiness, espionage, etc.), and I think this is both realistic and shouldn't be a problem with the civ-tag limit. If it is as simple as changing the single line of text, would this still occur as I describe, even if barbarian spawn is still frequent?

- What is this line of text and how do I modify it to enable this? TheBirdMan suggested using WB to enable it in settings, then reloading the save, but unfortunately that did not work.
Okay, well I have almost no experience editing game files, but I just went ahead and opened the save file in notepad, hoping that that would display and enable me to change features of the scenario, and sure enough, all I had to do was delete the lines which said no revolution and no barbarian civs, and I can see the separatism icon in play after loading the game to test it. I'm going to go into this fully expecting it to either crash outright or not work properly, but I still want to give it a try. Will check back here with my results later.
Wait, you can't enable it after choosing scenario? But I just did, and revolutions happen in my game. I did notice a few cities rebelling and swearing fealty to Barbarian State, tho. But I'm pretty sure they got taken back, so I don't think the planet is being swallowed in a tide of barbarism - unless that happens with Raging Barbarians?
Well, I had to manually edit the WB save for the Huge Worldmap scenario to get it to work for me - I don't think Walter has updated the SVN (assuming that's the version you're using) to make that the case by default.

That said, I actually didn't have any problems with enabling it. Barbarian civ integration resulted in some funny, undesirable things like Brazil appearing in the Ukraine, but the actual separatism itself seemed to be working fine.
Well, I had to manually edit the WB save for the Huge Worldmap scenario to get it to work for me - I don't think Walter has updated the SVN (assuming that's the version you're using) to make that the case by default.

That said, I actually didn't have any problems with enabling it. Barbarian civ integration resulted in some funny, undesirable things like Brazil appearing in the Ukraine, but the actual separatism itself seemed to be working fine.
I'm using the last version in CivFanatics, not SVN.

Yeah I saw the odd civs appearing from revolts, which is kinda annoying, but everything seems to be working as intended.
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