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Eusebius World Religions - REVIVAL

Raumohir, (does that mean something?)
It sounds like a great thing you're working on. When do you think you'll be ready to release it.

I've played Eusebius' mod a couple of times now. Overall I really like and it and wonder why it doesn't have any star ratings. I see that some of the ideas I had are already in the mod (buildings that change on their own). One thing is that it's not clear to me how to found some religions or how they quite interact. I really like the units that have 10 guys-it's great when they fight.

Please make it clear in your mod about how the different religions affect your civ and relations with other civs. Also, some clarity about how to found religions and when they move to a new holy city.

Another thought I have is about Open Borders. It seems to happen too early in the game and it makes sense that differing religions would be resistant to open borders. Religions really are the cause behind many wars throughout history.
Re: Cyberstar, callicles, and Eusebius.

I've divided the religions up into 4 families: pantheist, polytheist, monotheist, and nontheist. The family that a religion belongs to generally (there are exceptions) has an effect on when, who, and how its founded, as well as how quickly it spreads and how zealous its believers are.

I appreciate all the good ideas you all have been generating. I'm currently taking a break from religion modding, but the conversation is stimulating.

Raumohir, I suggest you consider making your religion families civics in addition to or instead of religions. Civics give enormous flexibility and I had actually considered redesigning the whole thing with each religion as a civic. With 18 religions, that isn't practical, but with your idea of religion families that ought to be a snap. It would be easy to tie that in with my idea of each religion enabling different civics.

I have checked out this mod and like it, but I also like other big mods that add lots of content to the game. My current favorite is ViSa, but the modders have refused to touch religion, claiming that they don't want to change the game mechanics, just add more stuff. Personally, I think that all their additions add up to some fundamental changes to the way the game is played, but oh well. The only thing I don't like about ViSa is the stock religion system. I really, really don't like founding religions accidentally as I progress up the tech tree. It's my biggest beef with the stock game.

Unfortunately, Civilization wasn't designed like, say, the Elder Scroll games, where several mods can be loaded simultaneously, or even NWN, where a bundled modding tool can easily add and combine mods. No, Civilization has these complex XML's full of script, which make it difficult for casual players to mix and match mods or components.

So I have a little request, either for Eusebius or Raumohir. Is there any way you could be convinced to make a simplified religion mod as an addon for ViSa? I would be content to stick with Stone-D's solution of making religions separate techs, just to keep it simple. In fact, I would prefer to keep it simple, although the religious family sounds like a neat idea. There wouldn't have to be diseases or highly complex behaviours, just a means of choosing religions without accidentally founding them and maybe a tiny bit of variety in effects of different religions. Evidently you're getting tired of modding, but ViSa really, really needs a religion mod, and you're one of the few modders who has made a big religion mod and is still active. Do this, and you'd have the gratitude a great many players.

If anyone else looking at this thread is interested, I posted a request thread in the parent forum here.
Eusebius: on HephMod, what exactly did he incorporate from your mod? Just how religions spread or did he actually include all of your extra religions?

If he didn't add all of the religions, how would one go about adding them to the mod? I love the ideas of HephMod and I love your mod and would like to further combine the two if it hasn't been done already.

EDIT: Or rather, incorporate his mod to yours. You included maps that I absolutely love using in yours and sometimes certain maps don't work unless used with the mod they come with. If I can't use the maps you included with HephMod, I would rather incorporate all of his stuff into your mod or somehow include the maps as well as all of the religions into his.

Thanks :D
Eusebius: on HephMod, what exactly did he incorporate from your mod? Just how religions spread or did he actually include all of your extra religions?

If he didn't add all of the religions, how would one go about adding them to the mod? I love the ideas of HephMod and I love your mod and would like to further combine the two if it hasn't been done already.

EDIT: Or rather, incorporate his mod to yours. You included maps that I absolutely love using in yours and sometimes certain maps don't work unless used with the mod they come with. If I can't use the maps you included with HephMod, I would rather incorporate all of his stuff into your mod or somehow include the maps as well as all of the religions into his.

Thanks :D

Let's see. Three questions. #1: Adding more religions to Hephmod using the founding-by-shrine method wouldn't terribly difficult. Add to the religions XML file. Update the TGA files. Update ewr.py to include all religion data. BUT I've been taking a break from the religion thing and I'd have to have a lot more requests for this before I got motivated :goodjob:

BTW, the same applies to Johanobesus' request for Visa add-on. I'd really need to hear a lot of interest. That one is doable along the same lines as Hephmod, but they put out a lot of releases and I would have to stay on top of it constantly. Sounds like a real maintenance headache.

#2 Incorporating his into mine... much bigger deal. The Python wouldn't be too bad; the SDK would be a bit of a pain, but the XML would be a bear. I don't even know all the XML changes in mine because I lifted a bunch of them from Ket who in turn merged a bunch of other mods. I would have to do automated file comparisons and a ton of manual editing. Not very likely to happen at all... unless one of you decides you would like to take it on.

#3: The maps. This one is easy. As far as I know the only factor with maps is the number of civs allowed (and my mod assumes 24). This is a single #define in the SDK. All it would take would be a re-compile. Heph could post an alternate dll as an optional add-on at any time, if he does C++. Alternately he could probably get one from the author of the Revolutions mod.

know its been brought up, but I need to Canibalize part of this mod. All I want is the 3 plaques that work, Smallpoxs, plague, and AIDS. I have no clue about what should go were, so help please!!!
I was playing your outstanding mod . After just beating a game and starting a new fresh one , decided to be Thai . Noticed it was the Kublia Khan leader head which matches exactly traits and all with the Mongolian choice if one choice. If it was intended thats cool just wanted to make sure you were aware of it , but anyhoo thanks for making this awsome mod dude , if you made anything else i'm gonna try and play those too , keep up the GOOD work. !
I can't download your mod. Filefront leads me straight to their front page. Looking forward to trying it though:)

Thanks for letting me know. Investigating with filefront. The first time this happened I figured it was my fault because I hadn't given them an e-mail address. Now, this is annoying. Anyone got any recommendations on other hosting sites?

File download links repaired. Got frustrated with filefront and am trying megauploads.com. You will have to enter a 3 letter code. Let me know if you have any troubles.

Summer for me so Civ is back on the HD. Good to see you having revived this. :)
I really have enjoyed playing your mod, a couple of times through now. One problem I have noted, however, is that I am not able to choose a couple of civics that the game tells me I have met the requirements to choose. Notably: "Spread the true faith" and "Spiritual development" never become available even though the research I do tells me they should be. I believe a couple others like "Priest" and one other may not be available as well, I will have to keep a closer eye on my next game. I was hoping to see if someone else had had these problems, or, if you already had a fix for them, but, did not see anything along this line hear already.:sad:

Johnny Boy
I really have enjoyed playing your mod, a couple of times through now. One problem I have noted, however, is that I am not able to choose a couple of civics that the game tells me I have met the requirements to choose. Notably: "Spread the true faith" and "Spiritual development" never become available even though the research I do tells me they should be. I believe a couple others like "Priest" and one other may not be available as well, I will have to keep a closer eye on my next game. I was hoping to see if someone else had had these problems, or, if you already had a fix for them, but, did not see anything along this line hear already.:sad:

Johnny Boy

Please remember that each religion has a set of civics that it enables and disables--even if you have the tech. Check the Religion section of the Civopedia.

Please remember that each religion has a set of civics that it enables and disables--even if you have the tech. Check the Religion section of the Civopedia.


I will check that out, thanks. However, the game I started last night with Saladin, where he does not yet have a religion will not let me utilize the "Correct Doctrine" or "The Priests" Civic. Here again though, this may be a case of me not having the right religion, or, no religion at all, I will check it out. I'll let you know if I have any further questions, and, thanks for getting back to me so quickly.:)
I will check that out, thanks. However, the game I started last night with Saladin, where he does not yet have a religion will not let me utilize the "Correct Doctrine" or "The Priests" Civic. Here again though, this may be a case of me not having the right religion, or, no religion at all, I will check it out. I'll let you know if I have any further questions, and, thanks for getting back to me so quickly.:)

This is how it is designed to work. With no religion ("Paganism"), you can have Paganism, Panentheism or Free Religion civics. None of the other religion civics nor even religion-related civics in other columns are allowed.

Thanks Eusebius, as I am playing this new game, and, refering to the civlopedia as you suggested, things are working like you designed them. I feel kind of silly now for not looking there in the first place.:blush: Thanks again for the quick response and accurate guidance.:goodjob: And most of all for the great mod!
Great mod, just a few ideas on that religion tree thing



Now for what would be cool

Islam + Hinduism = Sikh founding
Shinto + Buddhism = Tenrikyo founding
Confucianism + Buddhism = Taoism founding
Taoism + Hinduism + Buddhism = Cao Dai founding

Also increased great prophet rates, because they now would have such a big impact on the game.
never mind, i fixed it
didn't know i had to download winrar

One more question...
I'm trying to play hotseat games but they keep on crashing.... What can I do about this?
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