• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Every Civ Is Here!


May 19, 2020
I don't know how or if it would work, but I'm thinking, what if Firaxis pulled a Smash Ultimate and added all civs into Civ 7, like Assyria, Sumeria, Siam, Songhai, Mali, Kongo, Georgia, and even the Hittites were added back into civ. It might cost a lot of time and effort though, but could be a great outcome for both Civ fans and Firaxis.
I doubt they would add Songhai back. They already have Mali in and as they both occupied roughly the same territories, it would be unlikely they would add Songhai in Civ 6 as well. One can hope, though.
Well, it means they have to plan to give us all civilizations realised yet, but also all leaders. Which means:
  • American: Abraham Lincoln, Eleonor Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, George Washington
  • Arabian: Abu Bakr, Harun al-Rashid
  • Assyrian: Ashurbanipal
  • Austrian: Maria Theresa
  • Aztec: Montezuma II, Nazca
  • Babylonian: Ishtari, Nebuchadnezzar II
  • Byzantine: Theodora, Justinian
  • Carthaginians: Hannibal, Dido
  • Celts: Cunobelin, Boadicea/Boudica/Boudicca, Brennus
  • Chinese: Mao Tse Tung, Wu Zhao, Wu Zetian
  • Danish: Harald Bluetooth
  • Dutch: Willian of Orange/Willem van Oranje
  • Egyptian: Ramesses II, Hatshepsut
  • English: Elizabeth I, Henry VIII, Churchill
  • Ethiopia: Zara Yaqob, Haile Selassie
  • French: Napoléon, Louis XIV, Joan of Arc, Charles de Gaulle,
  • German: Frederick the Great, Maria Theresa, Bismarck
  • Greek: Alexander, Hippolyta
  • Hittites: Mursilis
  • Holy Roman Empire: Charlemagne
  • Hunnic: Attila
  • Incas: Atawalpa, Huayna Capac
  • Indians: Indira Gandhi, Asoka
  • Indonesian: Gajah Mada
  • Iroquois: Hiawatha
  • Japanese: Tokugawa, Amateratsu, Oda Nobunaga
  • Khmer: Suryavarman II
  • Korean: Wang Kon, Sejong
  • Mayan: Smoke-Jaguar, Pacal II
  • Mongols: Bortei, Kublai Khan
  • Moroccan: Ahmad al-Mansur
  • Native American: Sitting Bull
  • Ottoman: Osman, Mehmed II
  • Persians: Xerxes, Scheherezade, Darius II
  • Polish: Casimir III
  • Polynesian: Kamehameha
  • Portuguese: Prince Henry, Joao II, Maria I
  • Roman: Julius Caesar, Livia, Augustus Caesar
  • Russian: Stalin, Lenin, Catherine the Great
  • Shoshone: Pocatello
  • Siamese: Ramkhamhaeng
  • Sioux: Setting Bull, Sacajawea
  • Songhai: Askia
  • Spanish: Isabella
  • Swedish: Gustavus Adolphus
  • Venitian: Enrico Dandolo
  • Vikings: Canute, Gunnhild, Ragnar
  • Zulus: Shakala
Even if we exclude the leaders, we still have the Assyrian, Austrian, Carthaginians, Celts, Danish, Hittites, Holy Roman Empire, Hunnic, Iroquois, Moroccan, Native American, Polynesian, Portuguese, Shoshone, Siamese, Sioux, Songhai, Venitian and Vikings, so 19 civilizations. Even if most of them are already represented:
  • Assyrian: Not represented. Sadly, suffer from being close to Babylonian and Sumerian, even if the people/era is not the same.
  • Austrian: Not really represented, but suffer from the existence of Germany and Hungary in the game.
  • Carthaginians: It is in the game as "Phoenician"
  • Celts: Anti-blob policy. Technically we have early Celts with the Gallic, and late Celts with the Scottish (even if the Gallic are a blob as well...).
  • Danish: They were the "Viking" civilization, now as Norway. Technically not represented, Danish history is quite interesting to fit a era.
  • Hittites: Not represented. Sadly, suffer from being close to the Byzantine and the Ottoman, even if the people/era are not the same.
  • Holy Roman Empire: It was more the "Frankish empire" than anything else, since HRE is now Germany.
  • Hunnic: Not really represented. It seems that the Scythian took the place, but Huns were quite a threat.
  • Iroquois: Not represented. All depends how much Native American representation the game should have.
  • Moroccan: Not represented
  • Native American: Anti-blob policy.
  • Polynesian: Anti-blob policy. Polynesian is not a monolytic culture: Hawaian is different than Maori. If the Polynesian are coming back, it will be under a newer name.
  • Portuguese: Not represented. Sadly, suffer from being close to the Spanish (and the Brazilian I guess), and from the European overrepresentation?
  • Shoshone: Not in the game. All depends how much Native American representation the game should have.
  • Siamese: Not represented. Sadly, suffer from being close the the Khmer and soon Vietnam.
  • Sioux: Not represented. All depends how much Native American representation the game should have.
  • Songhai: Not represented, suffer from being close to the Malian.
  • Venitian: Not represented. Was mostly a one-shot thing to represent italian city-state during the Renaissance. Suffer from the European overepresentation.
  • Vikings: Anti-blob policy. We have Norway.
In the end, there is too much to represent. Technically, they can't do a "Ultimate" à la Smash, because they can't give us a "Native American", and some of them kind of overlap. Sure the Malian and the Songhai are not the same thing, but the latter succeded the former and took the territory.
Well, it means they have to plan to give us all civilizations realised yet, but also all leaders. Which means:
  • American: Abraham Lincoln, Eleonor Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, George Washington
  • Arabian: Abu Bakr, Harun al-Rashid
  • Assyrian: Ashurbanipal
  • Austrian: Maria Theresa
  • Aztec: Montezuma II, Nazca
  • Babylonian: Ishtari, Nebuchadnezzar II
  • Byzantine: Theodora, Justinian
  • Carthaginians: Hannibal, Dido
  • Celts: Cunobelin, Boadicea/Boudica/Boudicca, Brennus
  • Chinese: Mao Tse Tung, Wu Zhao, Wu Zetian
  • Danish: Harald Bluetooth
  • Dutch: Willian of Orange/Willem van Oranje
  • Egyptian: Ramesses II, Hatshepsut
  • English: Elizabeth I, Henry VIII, Churchill
  • Ethiopia: Zara Yaqob, Haile Selassie
  • French: Napoléon, Louis XIV, Joan of Arc, Charles de Gaulle,
  • German: Frederick the Great, Maria Theresa, Bismarck
  • Greek: Alexander, Hippolyta
  • Hittites: Mursilis
  • Holy Roman Empire: Charlemagne
  • Hunnic: Attila
  • Incas: Atawalpa, Huayna Capac
  • Indians: Indira Gandhi, Asoka
  • Indonesian: Gajah Mada
  • Iroquois: Hiawatha
  • Japanese: Tokugawa, Amateratsu, Oda Nobunaga
  • Khmer: Suryavarman II
  • Korean: Wang Kon, Sejong
  • Mayan: Smoke-Jaguar, Pacal II
  • Mongols: Bortei, Kublai Khan
  • Moroccan: Ahmad al-Mansur
  • Native American: Sitting Bull
  • Ottoman: Osman, Mehmed II
  • Persians: Xerxes, Scheherezade, Darius II
  • Polish: Casimir III
  • Polynesian: Kamehameha
  • Portuguese: Prince Henry, Joao II, Maria I
  • Roman: Julius Caesar, Livia, Augustus Caesar
  • Russian: Stalin, Lenin, Catherine the Great
  • Shoshone: Pocatello
  • Siamese: Ramkhamhaeng
  • Sioux: Setting Bull, Sacajawea
  • Songhai: Askia
  • Spanish: Isabella
  • Swedish: Gustavus Adolphus
  • Venitian: Enrico Dandolo
  • Vikings: Canute, Gunnhild, Ragnar
  • Zulus: Shakala
Even if we exclude the leaders, we still have the Assyrian, Austrian, Carthaginians, Celts, Danish, Hittites, Holy Roman Empire, Hunnic, Iroquois, Moroccan, Native American, Polynesian, Portuguese, Shoshone, Siamese, Sioux, Songhai, Venitian and Vikings, so 19 civilizations. Even if most of them are already represented:
  • Assyrian: Not represented. Sadly, suffer from being close to Babylonian and Sumerian, even if the people/era is not the same.
  • Austrian: Not really represented, but suffer from the existence of Germany and Hungary in the game.
  • Carthaginians: It is in the game as "Phoenician"
  • Celts: Anti-blob policy. Technically we have early Celts with the Gallic, and late Celts with the Scottish (even if the Gallic are a blob as well...).
  • Danish: They were the "Viking" civilization, now as Norway. Technically not represented, Danish history is quite interesting to fit a era.
  • Hittites: Not represented. Sadly, suffer from being close to the Byzantine and the Ottoman, even if the people/era are not the same.
  • Holy Roman Empire: It was more the "Frankish empire" than anything else, since HRE is now Germany.
  • Hunnic: Not really represented. It seems that the Scythian took the place, but Huns were quite a threat.
  • Iroquois: Not represented. All depends how much Native American representation the game should have.
  • Moroccan: Not represented
  • Native American: Anti-blob policy.
  • Polynesian: Anti-blob policy. Polynesian is not a monolytic culture: Hawaian is different than Maori. If the Polynesian are coming back, it will be under a newer name.
  • Portuguese: Not represented. Sadly, suffer from being close to the Spanish (and the Brazilian I guess), and from the European overrepresentation?
  • Shoshone: Not in the game. All depends how much Native American representation the game should have.
  • Siamese: Not represented. Sadly, suffer from being close the the Khmer and soon Vietnam.
  • Sioux: Not represented. All depends how much Native American representation the game should have.
  • Songhai: Not represented, suffer from being close to the Malian.
  • Venitian: Not represented. Was mostly a one-shot thing to represent italian city-state during the Renaissance. Suffer from the European overepresentation.
  • Vikings: Anti-blob policy. We have Norway.
In the end, there is too much to represent. Technically, they can't do a "Ultimate" à la Smash, because they can't give us a "Native American", and some of them kind of overlap. Sure the Malian and the Songhai are not the same thing, but the latter succeeded the former and took the territory.

I agree, I wasn't really talking about leaders, that can change every game (with the smash ultimate analogy again, we can see Mario has changed or altered movesets over the years)
The civ part I think I was a little vague, but I'll say if it is in a different name it'll stay that name this is the same with the de-blobbing that's been going on, especially in Civ 6
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