EX II - The German "Equality" Game

Exsanguination, Don't worry about the swap, It should be all right if I stay last in the list.

Um...just 1 question, did you take any victory conditions off. eg domination, culture or is this an any win game.

Ok thanks for your time.
Here is the game. I had my internet provider go out last night, so I couldn't post it until this morning. I'll write the summary in here!
It was the downtime that the site reported on the main page. That's why I couldn't access last night! Sorry - Hopefully they'll fix it soon. :mad:
Pre-turn 2030 BC: All I can say is that we must expand into all this great territory as fast as we can! I will make that my top priority. I order all my subjects to make with the reproduction. They don't complain :p

I also check the science rate, and it seems that no matter what we put it at we never get better than 40 turns for the next tech, so I put it low to make some cash. I will check back often if things change.

1990 BC: Road completed, and a mine started. Exciting isn't it!

1950 BC: A Spearman completed in Leipzig, at the same moment a barbarian shows up! :goodjob:

1910 BC: Settler produced in Berlin.

1870 BC: Settler moving to the area with 2 cows and a wheat. I am trying to get food production areas settled, so we can kick out more settlers.

1830 BC: Our intrepid scouts discover lots of good land to the North.

1790 BC: We make contact with a Zulu warrior! Shaka is polite to us, and we also notice that they have NOTHING! They are PATHETIC! :mwaha: They do have the same number of cities (although not for long) and they have no techs - we are 2 ahead of them.

1750 BC: Mine completed near Berlin - fairly good production there - several 2 shield grassland squares. I'm moving the worker to connect a road to our new cities.

1725 BC: The mighty city of Konigsberg is founded within reach of 2 cattle and 1 wheat. Still no luck researching faster by moving the tech slider. :mad: Berlin's cultural influence expands.

1700 BC: Spearman produced - will be used to escort a Settler someday.

1675 BC: Another Zulu warrior sighted, but no settlers yet. We notice that they have Warrior Code now, so we trade them Pottery and a smattering of gold for it.

1650 BC: Ho hum.

1625 BC: La la.

1600 BC: Berlin produces another Spearman, starting on another Settler. I am making sure to have escorts for all Settlers due to the rampant barbarianism in these parts.

1575 BC: Zulu borders sighted to the north in dense forest. I whip a temple in Hamburg, because once it grows it will have access to the wheat in the flood plains, which will more than make up for the population loss now.

1550 BC: The Zulu city of Ulundi seems to be built entirely in forest.

1525 BC: Any of you ever notice that this game is lots of fun?

1500 BC: A lone Zulu warrior draws awful near to Hamburg...

1475 BC: Very little happens in the German realm. So little, I almost considered not writing anything for this turn. In fact, I think I won't! Oops, too late!

1450 BC: Berlin produces another Settler. I want to start on the Pyramids, but I realize we don't have Masonry! This is my fault. I'm so used to getting that out of a hut or starting with it I almost assumed you could build the Pyramids from the beginning. :cringe: I start the Colossus as a place holder, but I think we should switch it once we get Masonry.

1425 BC: The Zulu are building the Colossus also.

1400 BC: I decide to send our new settlers towards the Zulu - We are alone except for them so we can fill in the other areas later, but I think we should limit the Zulu expansion room while we can. Hamburg has access to the wheat now, so I am turning it into a worker factory.

1375 BC: Frankfurt founded in an incredible food area. It also has access to hills and incense. With this city kicking out settlers as fast as possible we should be able to expand well.

1350 BC: Last turn! I think we are off to a good start, except we are probably lagging in tech because the Zulu aren't helping us out much at all. Getting the Lighthouse should be a major priority, as it looks to be the two of us on this continent. Good luck!

Hmmm these turns went very fast :)
Well not much done in my turn.... The most productive city during my reign was Konigsberg. It build a temple, a settler and a spearman and also increased it's cultural borders. Munich was found to completely block off Zulu settlers to enter our territory. We have quite some Zulu warriors in our territory but I don't think that they won't be a problem if they should attack us. I also connected Incense with a few cities. Alphabet was researched and I started on writing afterwards to go for literature ( GL ) Heideburg was found near a river next to 3 Incense. One settler was just finished in 850 in Frankfurt so the next king should settle it somewhere. I think we can settle most of our land, but we need a lot more workers to make the land a little bit productive. Good luck to next king :)
Ok, here is my summary.

(0) – Inherited turn.

I went for a sort of gambit by swapping the tech to Masonry and pumping the science up to just get it before the colossus finished. I then noticed that we had only two workers. I then noticed that we only had a regular warrior defending our capital. Hmm… something’s not quite right here. So I went into each city and decided to fix a few things.

I whipped the temple in Leipzig, change Heidelberg to worker, changed Koingsberg to barracks, changed Munich to temple, and changed Hamburg to barracks.

(1) – 825 BC

- Leipzig finishes its temple and builds settler.
- Hamburg finishes barracks and builds settler.

(2) – 800 BC

- Koingsberg finishes barracks starts a spearman.
(3) – 775 BC …ZZZ…

(4) – 750 BC …ZZZ…

(5) – 730 BC

- Frankfurt finish worker starts temple.
- Founded Gojkyville on hill next to a river, it starts a temple.

(6) – 710 BC

-Koingsberg finishes spearman and builds another. This should be pumping spearman for a while because it has perfect shield output to spit out a spearman every 4 turns.
- Heidelberg finishes its worker and begins a temple.

Suddenly, we receive news that the Aztecs have finished the colossus. I begin to worry because there is going to be a lot of lost shields as the colossus was being built in our capital. But fate come down and winks at me and my scout bumps into a Roman worker. I quickly make contact and lo and behold they have Masonry. I trade our alphabet and some cash for masonry, the wheel. I quickly change Berlin to the Pyramids and begin researching mysticism just in case we get beaten to the pyramids as well.

- Whip temple in Munich.

(7) – 690 BC

- Whip barracks in Frankfurt but then change its production back to temple so that it gets it much quicker.

- Munich finishes temple and starts a worker.

(8) –670 BC

- Hamburg finishes settler and starts a spearman.

(9) – 650 BC …ZZZ…

(10) – 630 BC

- Leipzig finishes settler and starts a worker.

- Koingsberg is still spitting out spears.

(11) – 610 BC

- Zulu want our Alphabet and some cash for there iron working; we give it to them but also get a worker as well.

(12) –590 BC

-Nuremberg founded and worker started.

(13) –570 BC

- Road connecting the northern cities is complete.

(14) –550 BC

- Hamburg finishes spearman start a settler.

- More spearman pumping from Koingsberg.

(15) – 530 BC

- Leipzig finishes worker and starts another.

- Munich finishes worker and start a barracks.

-Cologne founded and starts a temple.

- Whipped temple in Gojkyville.

(16) – 510 BC

- Gojkyville finishes temple and starts a settler.

- Whipped a barracks in Munich.

(17) – 490 BC

- Munich finishes barracks and starts spearman.

- Finish researching mysticism and start research on writing.

(18) – 470 BC

-More spearing in Koingsberg.

(19) –450 BC

- Frankfurt completes its temple and stars a settler. A barbarian moves near Gojkyville threatening a worker, the defending spearman is sent as a diversion.

(20) – 430 BC

- Spearman kills barbarian, Needs to be moved back into the city. If someone beats us to the pyramids the change to the oracle as I think we can only get one of them if we want to expand quickly.

Good luck.
not much happened... big things are probably gonna happen though...

1) We got beat to the pyramids by the babs, fell back on the worhtless Oracle, which launched us into a golden age
2) Settled Hannover and Bremen. Hannover is in an awesome spot - 3 3/2 cow spots, plus coast.
3) Got a couple settlers out there and a couple in production. Settle one near the horses (should be going there now), the other is up to you, Brian J
4) Built a little military - couple swordsman, spearman, warriors.
5) We are looking real bad. The Romans and Zulu both have HR and Philosophy, we have neither and are researching literature.
6) The Zulu have the gaul (sp?) to trounce through our territory with their settlers and warriors. they are ettling to the NE. My solution - expand and build military, and later destroy them if possible.

Alright, we are in a pretty bad position. We need to EXPAND EXPAND EXPAND. More cities = more money, faster techs. We need to pick it up. Also, build our military. Good luck.
Sorry indeed.. We are a little behind but will catch up :)

10 BC:
Move settlers and workers around.

10 AD:
Rome offers us Horseback Riding for 120 gold. I get it for 115.
Founded Stuttgart. Rome beat us to a choice site.

30 AD:
Oops, our scout finds a Barb camp! Runs away.

50 AD:
Scout didn't run away fast enough, killed by a horse.
Berlin starts Great Library.

70 AD:
Exchange Literature for Philosophy with the Zulus.

Bonn built, overlaps both Syracuse and Bysantium.. need temple in here fast.

90 AD:
A worker near Berlin is killed by barbarians!

110 AD:
Swordsman dispatched to hunt Barbarians.

130 AD:
This I didn't need.. The Zulus declare war!

150 AD:
Border Skirmishes, a Spearman in Heidleburg fell but there is a backup.

170 AD:
A Swordsman in the mountains fights off a Zulu archer.

190 AD:
Salzburg founded to fill hole near Leipzig.

Intombe falls to our swordsman! Although it was only size 1, it was not auto-razed.

210 AD:
We discover Mathematics, start Construction.

Our swordsman kills a Spear in Islandawa.

230 AD:
Our Sclut is ambushed by treacherous Zulus!
Our Golden Age ends. A Zulu Spearman is holding our Iron!
Time for Construction drops from 10 turns to a depressing 23..
Our swordsman attacking Islandawa falls. We get our Iron protected, losing another swordsman.

250 AD:
Dortmund settled.

260 AD:
The Zulus capture our workers, we capture them back.

270 AD:
Stutgart was taken by a warrior! Our Iron source is once again squished by the Zulu.

280 AD:
We take back our Iron at the cost of a Swordsman.

We've got problems here.. Our Spearman is weakened and protecting workers who have to rebuild the road to our iron.. thats right, no Swordsmen for a few turns.. and protect that spearman!

A Zulu Spear/settler is trying to sneak past our archer and swordsman.

Our military is weak. We should be moppong up the Zulus who dont seem to ahve Iron at all, but we aren't. Probably because they are attacking across Mountains. We need better defense.

Sorry, this turn sucked.. not really too bad I guess, we gained one city, lost another. Stuttgart should fall easily if we can get troops down there..

Our settler was lost as well, hiding in the city.

We have to lower the science rate, no choice, or we will lose money..

Good luck..
Hope the rest of you can turn this mess around.. Damn Zulus! :mad:


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PS The Romans will trade Map Making for Math, and throw in some gold too, I suggest we take it.. Just ask what they will give for Mathematics.

Save us some research..
I'm writing the writeup now - I played 15 turns and I concentrated completely on the war. Unfortunately I had to stop early, but we are doing well. They should lose another major city on the next turn. Lots of whipping! I had to in order to win, but it worked.
Here we go!

280 AD - Pre Turn - Trade Mathematics for Map Making, 2 gold/per turn, and 52 gold with the Romans. Our treasury looks a lot better now. I whip out several swordsmen - reconnecting iron is our first priority!

290 AD - Several whipped swordsmen built - can't build any more until we reconnect iron. 2 Zulu workers are working on it - sending a bunch more workers to the front.

300 AD - Several Barracks whipped out - I am going to apply the whip liberally - we will need it! :whipped:

310 AD - 5 barracks produced in one turn! I love the whip! I have read posts by Diety level players who say they never leave despotism - the whip is such a huge advantage! Interesting isn't it! It is the only way we can turn this war around. ;)

320 AD - Several Zulu horsemen appear close to Nuremberg. Unfortunately, reinforcements can't arrive fast enough - a second spearman is whipped there, but the first swordsmen will have to survive by itself next turn. One of our swordsmen kills an archer - becomes elite. Thank goodness the Zulu's don't have iron! [punch]

330 AD - Nuremberg successfully defended!!! [dance]

340 AD - Iron reconnected!! All spearmen queued up are switched to swordsmen. 7 swordsmen whipped out! Let the conquest begin! Ngome destroyed by our forces in the East. An elite swordsman kills a horseman, no leader :(

350 AD - Our elite kills another archer - still no leader. Another swordsman in the East becomes elite killing a warrior. Amassing large number of troops near the Zulu city of Isandhlwana.

360 AD - We attack Isandhlwana, unfortunately we lose our elite warrior and fail to capture the city :mad: I hate it when an elite swordsman loses all 5 hp without doing any damage... An archer emerges from the city and kills another of our swordsmen :aargh3:

370 AD - The Romans have Code of Laws but are unwilling to part with it.

380 AD - We kill an elite Zulu warrior in the South. Swazi destroyed by our elite swordsman in the East!

390 AD - Isandhlwana liberated by our forces! We have cut off their horses! With no horses and no iron, we should be able to completely destroy them with ease.

400 AD - Preparing attack on the rest of Zulu homeland. Starting to produce a few Settlers - we need to claim as much free territory before the Romans do. Try not to let the Romans get iron - legions could spell trouble for us. Oh wait, they don't get legions!! :goodjob: For fun, I see what the Zulu's would be willing to offer for peace - not much yet, but they have code of laws and contact with 4 other civilizations. Well they'll give it up soon.

410 AD - Stuttgart destroyed by our forces in the South. Most of the stupid small cities the Zulu's settled around our borders have been destroyed. We must fill in with our settlers...

420 AD - We use a captured Zulu warrior ro attach the horses to our network - we can build horsemen!!! All queued swordsmen switched to horsemen - I like them better - mobility is really important, and swordsmen are un-upgradeable. Tugela destroyed by our forces in the East.

430 AD - I had to stop here unexpectedly, but we have around 6-7 swordsmen around Mpondo, ready to take it. 3 settlers are built and ready to expand our borders to the South and East.

Notes: I concentrated completely on the war. I figure we can catch up to everyone by milking the Zulu for all they have once we complete the war. I suggest that we continue attack them, however... without iron or horses they should be easy pickings. On that note, the Romans don't have either of those either, so we should kick them off our continent, maybe when we get knights? Also, I used the whip ALOT, maybe too much, but it sure works well for fighting wars.

Good Luck whoever is next!


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Way to go Charlie!

I never use the whip, but it was needed here! :) Kill the Zulus! :hammer:

I just hope they were not over-whipped, or there will be major unrest for a long time.
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