Pre-turn 2030 BC: All I can say is that we must expand into all this great territory as fast as we can! I will make that my top priority. I order all my subjects to make with the reproduction. They don't complain
I also check the science rate, and it seems that no matter what we put it at we never get better than 40 turns for the next tech, so I put it low to make some cash. I will check back often if things change.
1990 BC: Road completed, and a mine started. Exciting isn't it!
1950 BC: A Spearman completed in Leipzig, at the same moment a barbarian shows up!
1910 BC: Settler produced in Berlin.
1870 BC: Settler moving to the area with 2 cows and a wheat. I am trying to get food production areas settled, so we can kick out more settlers.
1830 BC: Our intrepid scouts discover lots of good land to the North.
1790 BC: We make contact with a Zulu warrior! Shaka is polite to us, and we also notice that they have NOTHING! They are PATHETIC!

They do have the same number of cities (although not for long) and they have no techs - we are 2 ahead of them.
1750 BC: Mine completed near Berlin - fairly good production there - several 2 shield grassland squares. I'm moving the worker to connect a road to our new cities.
1725 BC: The mighty city of Konigsberg is founded within reach of 2 cattle and 1 wheat. Still no luck researching faster by moving the tech slider.

Berlin's cultural influence expands.
1700 BC: Spearman produced - will be used to escort a Settler someday.
1675 BC: Another Zulu warrior sighted, but no settlers yet. We notice that they have Warrior Code now, so we trade them Pottery and a smattering of gold for it.
1650 BC: Ho hum.
1625 BC: La la.
1600 BC: Berlin produces another Spearman, starting on another Settler. I am making sure to have escorts for all Settlers due to the rampant barbarianism in these parts.
1575 BC: Zulu borders sighted to the north in dense forest. I whip a temple in Hamburg, because once it grows it will have access to the wheat in the flood plains, which will more than make up for the population loss now.
1550 BC: The Zulu city of Ulundi seems to be built entirely in forest.
1525 BC: Any of you ever notice that this game is lots of fun?
1500 BC: A lone Zulu warrior draws awful near to Hamburg...
1475 BC: Very little happens in the German realm. So little, I almost considered not writing anything for this turn. In fact, I think I won't! Oops, too late!
1450 BC: Berlin produces another Settler. I want to start on the Pyramids, but I realize we don't have Masonry! This is my fault. I'm so used to getting that out of a hut or starting with it I almost assumed you could build the Pyramids from the beginning.

I start the Colossus as a place holder, but I think we should switch it once we get Masonry.
1425 BC: The Zulu are building the Colossus also.
1400 BC: I decide to send our new settlers towards the Zulu - We are alone except for them so we can fill in the other areas later, but I think we should limit the Zulu expansion room while we can. Hamburg has access to the wheat now, so I am turning it into a worker factory.
1375 BC: Frankfurt founded in an incredible food area. It also has access to hills and incense. With this city kicking out settlers as fast as possible we should be able to expand well.
1350 BC: Last turn! I think we are off to a good start, except we are probably lagging in tech because the Zulu aren't helping us out much at all. Getting the Lighthouse should be a major priority, as it looks to be the two of us on this continent. Good luck!