Here we go!
640 AD - Pre- Turn - There are wars raging in all directions, but since we seem to be at peace, at least for now, and since we are the ONLY government still in despotism, I start a revolution!!!

The corruption is killing us, and post-patch despotism truly sucks.
650 AD - Japan and Rome sign a military alliance vs. Zulu. The wars are escalating! :die!: Americans complete a magnificent Great Wall. We are 4th in the histograph - it is obvious that we will have to fight another war - we are GERMANY after all... The Romans are the obvious targets, but they will CRUSH us right now. In fact, our military is horrendous... Production unchanged, mostly because we are in anarchy!
660 AD - There is that strange lighted square in the middle of Iroquois territory... must be UFO's!!! :mutant: How strange... Anyway, the Romans begin sending massive amounts of horses through our territory towards the Zulu. I want to get a piece of the remaining Zulu empire also, therefore, I start amassing a small strike force in our northern cities. The plan is as follows: When the Romans attack, we use our small force to capture one of the Zulu cities, letting the Romans defend us against counterattack. Since we have very little military, we will need their help, but we can't do it all ourselves.
670 AD - Rome and America ally vs. the Aztecs. Egypt and Rome ally vs. the Aztecs also! Our friends the Romans seem to have their grubby little hands into everything... it's a good thing they like us! 6 Roman horses in our territory. We renegotiate the ROP with Romans to gain a little gold and cancel it with the Zulu completely. That should hinder their movements through our territory. The Zulu engage Roman horsemen in OUR territory!
680 AD - Rome and Egypt ally vs. the Iroquois! Rome and Russia ally vs. the Aztecs! It's a world war! We sign a military alliance against the Zulu with the Romans!! WAR!!!

This does two things - a) we will attack the Zulu capitol in a few turns, and it solidifies our peace with the Romans, who could crush us at any moment.
690 AD - The Zulu and Russians sign a peace accord. The Zulu are doomed anyway. Suddenly, our cities emerge from the depths of anarchy, and the people raise me onto their shoulders, calling me KING!

We are a monarchy now! Several cities are switched to military units, as we can't stay this weak.
700 AD - Persian galley spotted off our coast. Romans have around 10 horses in our territory now.
710 AD - Our forces are amassed outside Zimbabwe, and they pour over the walls like jelly over bread (good analogy yes?

) Unfortunately, we kill three spearmen, but the city remains defended!!!
720 AD - Zimbabwe captured!!! The Romans will get the rest - we have no more military resources. The city is resisting, so we begin a massive starvation program.
730 AD - Persians request an audience, asking to trade territory maps, and we oblige. Berlin finishes a marketplace, starts on horsemen. Note: I like building horsemen instead of swordsmen because they can be upgraded all the way to cavalry.
740 AD - Romans attack Bipeadi, and lose several horses. They have around 20 of them however in our territory... and as I write this the city falls to the Romans. In another graphical glitch, there seems to be railroads beneath the city... We are officially the weakest nation in the world (actually we are stronger than Zulu of course, tied at average with 3 others, and behind the rest).
750 AD - The Romans keep running in a seeming unending supply of horses through our territory. It's amazing how many they have. I want my mommy.
760 AD - I had to stop abruptly at this point. I did however manage to use the newly discovered knowledge of Monotheism (thanks to the great library!) to obtain everyone's territory map. The Americans and Babylonians seem to be superpowers, and the Greeks and Aztecs are mighty as well. We have our work cut out for us!
Note to next player : I have a fast computer, so I turned all animations on - you might want to change them back. Also, make SURE you don't declare peace with the Zulu until our alliance with the Romans is finished! That would be very.... traumatic.
Fun game guys - can't wait to see what happens!