Expansion Civilizations

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I don't know about Israel being included. It might be seen (by others, I stress, not me) as rather too controversial. And the rest (like me) might see it as an excuse for a major religion rant, and while I'm more than happy to have one of those I'd rather have it on the Off-Topic forum, myself :mischief:

I agree Israel has had a rough deal of it over the past few centuries, however.
Luxdorf said:
My sugestion is to include Portugal, because it was the strongest and the bigest Impire in the 16th century.

couldnt have put it better myself.
impire? i don't think the biggest impire should be included. That would mean that the country with the most imps would deserve recognition and i am not sure that is a valid reason. Unless they were real creative imps or something.
@JBG- Uch...i hate the political spin so much on Israel. Every nation has its thorns, i mean we have China in the game...and the Malinese. And if it's all politics and profits. Then how many Malinese buy the game? ;)

But as i've said, I would like to have seen Israel, with or without religion. Although to me, they should include Cultural religion. After all, Israel is a religion, culture and land...it is everything. It's basically civilization in a blender. =)
isreal, Korea, England(King Arthur n Churchill) America (Teddy Roosevelt, Regan, JFK, only cuz everyone loves him cuz he got shot and screwed everywoman in town) um More african Countries, like South Africa. Mexico, Cuba, Phillipines. Countries people give a damn about these days. Germany(Hitler) Russia(Stalin) The Confederate States of America(Great if they implement a Civil War thing)
Still have to tout Canada as a candidate for an expansion. Great leaders would be Joe Beef (mil/com), Laurier(exp/mil) short history any major event that was not to the norm before around 1970 in Canada was met with the NWMP (north west mounted police) or the Military, these would be major strike movements, uprising etc. The unique unit should still be the Avro Arrow the only Canadian built fighter that was pioneered to take out ICBMs and carry conventional weapons. Anyways that’s my little rant.
meatwad4289 said:
isreal, Korea, England(King Arthur n Churchill) America (Teddy Roosevelt, Regan, JFK, only cuz everyone loves him cuz he got shot and screwed everywoman in town) um More african Countries, like South Africa. Mexico, Cuba, Phillipines. Countries people give a damn about these days. Germany(Hitler) Russia(Stalin) The Confederate States of America(Great if they implement a Civil War thing)

Churchill was the Prime Minister for Britain not England, and King Arthur!?! hes in the same catergory as Robin Hood in my books, stick with victoria and Elizabeth they suit England best :)
There is no need for England as an independent civ from Britain. Britain didn't even exist when Elizabeth was Queen of England, so it's a little pointless to cut hairs so fine.
Actually, Britain DID exist then. You mean the UK. That DIDN'T exist then :p

And for a long time it was known as the Three Kingdoms (rather Tolkeinesque, no?) too.

And I agree - the UK would have been a better choice.
Britain as a united nation did not exist. There is no meaningful distinction between the UK and Britain in that context anyway.

FYI, the Three Kingdoms didn't exist under Elizabeth either -- Scotland was still independent and ruled by the Stuarts, Wales was fully subordianted to the English state (it didn't count as part of the Three Kingdoms even after the Stuarts ascended the English Throne), and Ireland was recognised as a fiefdom under English suzereinty, not a kingdom in its own right.
I can see no logical way for countries like canada, mexico and australia to be included in the game. They may be somewhat important today, but in terms of history, they have never been as important as their mother nations (Spain, England). And i think that goes for most New world countries except the USA, which is the only new world country that deserves to be in Civ.

If you can convince me that such new world countries have done more to impact history than their mother nations, then kudos to you. But i can see no historical argument that will favour countries like Canada and Australia.
Historically, Mexico dominated the south-western half of North America, and were for quite a while considerably more powerful than the United States. It is only in the relatively recent past that America has taken the advantage (and done so completely, I might add).
SmokeyD said:
Britain as a united nation did not exist. There is no meaningful distinction between the UK and Britain in that context anyway.

Britain is a geographical, not a political term.

And Mexico (in a sense) is already present in Civ via the Aztecs.
Britain is a geographical, not a political term.

Great Britain, as opposed to Lesser Britain (Brittany) is a geographical term.

Britain by itself is refers both to the British nation (people united by a common history, language, culture and, ultimately, political leadership) and to the political entity of the United Kingdom.
Bah! We're all pedants! :old:
Well I know people say the Byzantine Empire shouldnt be included, sighting both the Greek and Roman Empire's. However I and many others believe it to be different from the previous two. Everything from philosophy to religion was unique, so yes it should be its own Civilization. Return Theodora and bring in Justinian I.

Also lets include the Mayan Empire, Carthage Empire, Assyrian Empire, Babylonian Empire, Polish Empire, Abyssina Empire and Portugal Empire, perhaps even Korea. Thats 9 new Civ's, good for an Expansion.

Wonders, Id like to see the Temple of Solomon, Dome of the Rock, the White House, Big Ben, Hippodrome.
Xen_Antares said:
Wonders, Id like to see the Temple of Solomon, Dome of the Rock, the White House, Big Ben, Hippodrome.
Temple of Solomon's already in the game as the Jewish Shrine.
Xen_Antares said:
Well I know people say the Byzantine Empire shouldnt be included, sighting both the Greek and Roman Empire's. However I and many others believe it to be different from the previous two. Everything from philosophy to religion was unique, so yes it should be its own Civilization. Return Theodora and bring in Justinian I.

Anyone who thinks Byzantium and Classical Rome are the same should be beaten.

Also lets include the Mayan Empire, Carthage Empire, Assyrian Empire, Babylonian Empire, Polish Empire, Abyssina Empire and Portugal Empire, perhaps even Korea. Thats 9 new Civ's, good for an Expansion.

I'm not sure the Polish-Lithuainan Commonwealth played a large enough role in world history to warrant inclusion. At least, perhaps not when compared to other European nations. For me, Civ is far to Eurocentric as it is. I mean there are six and a half (America being the half, considering its cultural links with Europe) nations from Europe already, and only two or three from each other continent or region.
SmokeyD said:
Historically, Mexico dominated the south-western half of North America, and were for quite a while considerably more powerful than the United States. It is only in the relatively recent past that America has taken the advantage (and done so completely, I might add).

During what years was Mexico more powerful than the United States?

The United States beat the snot out of Mexico in the Mexican-American war.

Mexico doesn't need to be included IMO.
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