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Fairy Tale

Oh yes. It was just a very easy XML-edit, actually.

Yeah. I could do spells. But I don't know what they would be designed to achieve. I am really not too interested in spells, and certainly not cardgames either. But who knows. Some cardgame will never be in the mod, I can promise you that. :lol:

Speaking of spells. The ranged bombardment really makes the Snaketrail spell useless. I should have to edit that one too, or remove it from the game. Maybe give archmages greater range for their bombardment. I really don't like spells though. A teleportation spell of some kind could be of some use, when thinking about it; allowing you to teleport units behind enemy lines or something.

I need to go see MacGyver now. :D TTYL
Nice. Mages needed something to make them more useful as currently they were just really expensive weak catapults.
I would keep the ranged bombardment a relativly rare ability, possibly only giving it to Denerean Battleships to show their naval superiority.

I don't think the Skysnake spell would be useless if you restrict it to Archmages. However it will be useless to the AI. As final frontier shows quite painfully, the AI will not load missiles onto land units.
With thy sky snake spell..why not make it similar to an ICBM just not so destructive. This way, the AI will be more likely to use them and yo wont have to worry about transporting them. Just a thought.

I would stay away from a spell system though. . FfH has a decent spell system, but it's more a utility item than anything else. If you tried to win with spellcraft, you would get annihalated. Melee and brute force always wins out in that game. Magic is relegated to a utility role which is rather disappointing.

If a spell system could be implemented much like the really old Master of Magic game, it would be useful since you could reallt decimate an approaching army before they get to you. However, I dont think Civ 4 could support that.

I'll still keep an eye out for yer next update. Hope this mods stays how the way you like it. Keep up the good work.
Ajidica: Yes. I made the mages weaker way back. Before that, they were as strong as the Archmages, but they were somewhat overpowered. They did rule the field of battle, but you could win any war by just building a small stack of Mages, which wasn't my intent. This system will make them useful again, but hopefully not overpowered. I will have to test it thoroughly though.

Jennvare: Oh yes. This mod will indeed stay the way I like it, because when it comes down to business, I don't mod for anyone else but myself. If other people like it too, that's a real bonus. I've had 5.000 dl's total that I know of, so obviously I'm doing something right here.

This mod is really about warfare and the clash of arms. I don't like magic, as I said, but if I can make the units "magical" in a way that supports and gives meaning in the game, I will do it. For an example, a teleportation spell could be really useful; working like paratroopers in a way. Or a "spawn" spell, letting you spawn skeletal warriors or something.

I've been thinking about using the nuke, actually. But I dunno yet.
all righ fed me up
but there are fortunately other good games than civ 4
Fed up? How come?

Well. As for good games, there's Oblivion. You can create your own Socuzia in Oblivion. Oblivion is recommended. It works like a charm on this old computer of mine too.
nope oblivion, morrowwind were never my favs
beside civ series better was always the competiv product Call to Power or imperium galactica in the game history
and the civ series were always more like boring compared to other games
actuaaly total war lies before civ too
total war simply has better game mechanics
and RPGs better than oblivion are for example Final Fantasy, the japanese rpgs
not for all, but for many as me
there are also people preferin western style rpgs though
so to say Socuzia is very sexy but Yuna was a whole way up BETTER
so to say Socuzia is very sexy but Yuna was a whole way up BETTER
an Fairy Tale wouldnt be goin that way like since yu prefer trolls ahead of my Empress
Naah. You're out sailing, MajKira. I dare to say that Morrowind is the absolutely best RPG ever in history. Morrowind, Oblivion second and then perhaps Ultima VI (I can't choose between 5 and 6). Those are the three.

I like my ladies, but I can't make a porno mod either, mate! :lol: I actually had a picture of a Warrior Queen in nothing but a hmm... iron bikini, thigh-high boots, wielding her sword, but I had to discard her from being one of the leaders. She was rather too much.

Oh, and BTW, I am sorry to disappoint you on the Empress business. But I found a character that is really gender-neutral that will work as Emperor or Empress for all nations. It's a knight with helmet, and I already included that instead of the Emperor. If I would find a unit that could go for Empress, I would have other uses for it, I bet.
Naah. You're out sailing, MajKira. I dare to say that Morrowind is the absolutely best RPG ever in history. Morrowind, Oblivion second and then perhaps Ultima VI (I can't choose between 5 and 6). Those are the three.

I like my ladies, but I can't make a porno mod either, mate! :lol: I actually had a picture of a Warrior Queen in nothing but a hmm... iron bikini, thigh-high boots, wielding her sword, but I had to discard her from being one of the leaders. She was rather too much.

Oh, and BTW, I am sorry to disappoint you on the Empress business. But I found a character that is really gender-neutral that will work as Emperor or Empress for all nations. It's a knight with helmet, and I already included that instead of the Emperor. If I would find a unit that could go for Empress, I would have other uses for it, I bet.

what nonsense yu talk always
wh porno
best rpg regardin to wh
yure out sailin yurself
porn is something comletely different thing
yu know obviously nothin

so mock yurself together with yur f k k mod
I wont let me mock by a bunch of creep crapps

wh yu do know about porn at all
nothin Im drinkin
yuuuu yurself are drugged!!!!!!
I don consider trolls as my friends
I only know of understandin people as my friends
well educated and experienced
so yu are certainly not one of my comrades
an Im a person who is impirin my people
leadin to victory an dominance
yu re like a mockin troll!!!!!!!!!!
Right. :lol:

I honestly don't understand what you're so fired up about. :confused: I've tried my best to help you in any way and I've also taken some good advice about the mod from you. At least I considered you my friend there for a while.

I guess this has been a modding lesson too, and I now understand why the big game developers distance themselves from the players. Totally awesome.

(I am sorry, mate, but I need to report your rudeness now. It's for the best of all.)
im not jus a player Im doin good work as game tester and I CAN mod
im not a kiddin mocker like yu little kiddy
MajKira, there is a difference between offering game coments and just being rude. Le Sage has put in ALOT of time on this mod and it shows. So instead of simply dissing him, please be polite. Remember, this is a personal project and Le Sage is in no way obligated to even acknowledge any of our opinions.

Having a few rare spells as nukes might be interesting, however I would keep them as Evil Civ only spells as in fantasy they tend to be the only ones to use apocalyptic spells. To balence it out the good civs might get flying ships with transport capeabilities.

Le Sage, out of curiosity, are you a native English speaker?
I am going to decide on the nukes soon and how to use them, and also decide on how, and if, I will implement some more spells.

No. I am not a native speaker. English is only my third language, actually.
The Fairy Tale of the Huntress

At the outskirts of the southern Arcana woods there was a small cabin in which the Huntress lived. She was and older lady with good humour, though widowed since many years. She was still known as the greatest hunter in the land, and caused much awe with her sophisticated handling of arrow and bow.

In the town of Encetana, nearby to where the Huntress lived, there was a lord by the name of Meerner, who also took an interest in hunting and was mighty jealous of the old lady and her skills. "How come an old woman, fragile and broken, can be considered a greater hunter than me? I, Meerner, who am of my youthful spirits still?" he sometimes asked in anger and dark jealousy.

He decided to make a quest. If she could hunt and kill a bigger beast than him, he would recognize her as the greatest hunter in the land. Because of her good humour, she willingly accepted his challenge and went to Encetana to take part. Both hunters were to return in five days and in those five days, they should kill the mightiest beast they could find in the Arcana forests.

The Huntress went looking for prey at the foot of the mountains, knowing that these were lands were the Wolfbeast grows to impressive sizes. On the fourth day of her hunt, she found the most massive Wolfbeast and followed it patiently for several hours, without getting a good shot. Finally, they stood outside the Wolfbeast's lair and the Huntress saw that the Beast had three puppies.

"I might lose the quest, but I will not kill a mother", the Huntress whispered and escaped silently through the forest.

Back in Encetana, the Huntress had nothing to show for her hunt, since all her days had gone to tracking and finding a beast she could not kill. The Lord Meerner, however, rode proudly onto the town square with the mightiest Wolfbeast ever seen and threw its dead body onto the ground. "Here!" he shouted so everyone could hear. "Here, you see the greatest hunter in the land!"

The Huntress bowed and recognized his greatness, but she also saw that the beast he had killed was the mother she herself had seen the day before. She was saddened by this and withdrew to her secluded home at the edge of the forest. Lord Meerner celebrated his hunt and his title for four days and four nights and gave grand festivities. "At last I am the greatest hunter in the land and the old woman has been surpassed!" he bragged.

On the fourth night he was sleeping in his bed as three small Wolfbeast puppies climbed through his window. The little beasts tore his eyes and heart out and left him dead in his own bed in a pile of blood.

Upon hearing about the lord's unfortunate death, the Huntress said: "It is not the size of the beast that makes the great hunter, it is the size of one's patience."

Nice. However those are some mean teddy bears. Ripping his eyes out and letting him drown in his pool of blood? Teddy Bears gone bad.
The Fairy Tale of The Count

In the Principality lands where the men are noble, handsome and strong, and the ladies are beautiful and shining as the spring flowers on the banks of River Amaranth, there once lived a simple Knight's Squire of one of the greatest counts in the land. This simple Squire followed his master on all the adventures, war-campaigns and tournaments he took part in and became highly liked by his master.

On their way to the great tournament in Ost Weld, the Count and his Squire were stopped at the bridge at Glaender's Creek by the infamous Black Knight who wanted to challenge the Count to a fight to the death. The Black Knight knew that he could not beat the noble Count in a fair duel at the tournament, and so sought to use trickery and deceit to defeat his most feared opponent. The Count, accepted the challenge in the name of the Knightly Code that had served him so well.

The Count wielded his sword against the Black Knight who stood laughing on the bridge with his terrible mace in hand. The weapons clashed in sparks and light as the two fought in a battle on life and death. Soon, the Count had fought his rival to a standstill, but the Black Knight laughed, and out of the forest came a swarm of arrows that struck the Count down.

The Count fell to the ground, his body filled with the deadly arrows of the Black Knight's allies in the woods. The Black Knight spoke: "Now the tournament of Ost Weld will be mine. The immense reward is mine for the taking! No other lord in the land can ever challenge me now." He thought the Count was already dead when he rode away and his archer allies escaped into the forest, but out of the woods, came the Count's Squire to tend his master's wounds.

The colourful banners fluttered in the strong wind and the trumpets sounded; the crowd spoke aloud and the noise of hooves and armoured men was heard mingled with the giggles of the ladies. All the commotion of the yearly tournament of Ost Weld. This year was special though; the Duke of the Principality had invited all the noblest knights in the land to fight over the prize of generations, this year, the winner would win the hand of the fair princess Arleena.

The knights rode up one after one and presented themselves to the Duke and his entourage. The Black Knight stood there amazed as the Count, in full armour rode into the arena. "I thought you were dead, you bastard", the Black Knight spoke silently to the Count, "but you surely have ten wounds in your body, and you are no match for me in that condition." The Count spoke naught, but stayed silent in his closed helm.

The days passed and the knights took each other out, one by one. Soon, only the Black Knight and the Count were left in the tournament and the final battle was to be fought. Silence fell as the battle was prepared, the two knights facing each other in one, final, great cataclysm. The knights spurred their horses onwards and collided; the sound of heavy armour and the splinters of the Count's broken lance. The Black Knight was thrown to the ground but was soon on his feet again, wielding his mace.

The Count made the Black Knight fall again with several mighty blows to his shield and body. Finally he lay there, helpless, the Black Knight, spitting blood, and the Count came up with his sword held high. He opened the visor on his helm and the Black Knight could see the face of the simple Squire.

The Squire spoke: "Now go to your death, you lousy Black Knight. Go to your death with the knowledge that a simple serf's son killed you, and that this serf's son was trained in the arts of war by the Count you so treacherously murdered." Then he ran the Count's sword through the Black Knight's throat and watched him die. The silence and astonishment was total at the tournament arena of Ost Weld.

The Duke rose from his seat and spoke: "I promised my daughter to the winner of this tournament, and you shall have her hand, Squire, for you, my lad, are truly the greatest knight in the land! You shall have land and you shall have riches! You shall have all the attributes of your fallen master, and you shall be a Count!" And then the crowd cheered as the princess Arleena put the crown of Amaranth leaves upon the simple Squire's head and smiled.

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