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Fall Further - The Original Thread

and another version of same theme, just varied, and more long (and seems better) one cut same 20 secs from start :

http://www.louisfoxfire.com/cgi-bin/download.cgi?file=rising-dawn&name=Rising Dawn

Nice, fitting one , with really deep atmosphere and dark fanatsay Kadhi feel, that also have some feel of temptations of Mammon.

There is alot of valid music, just too much to check :)

I like that one - nice find.

another post about Kadh traits - may be it should be Agnostic, Arcane , Summoner (Adaptive) instad of just Agnostic, Arcane , Summoner, in order - to make difference from Tebryn Traits, and , as well to give him traits that are seems fit him as well - Adaptive and Charismatic.
I was giving him Arcane, Charismatic ... or Summoner, Charismatic , but he need both Summoner and Arcane/....
So only way to give him Charisma (people control), is giving him Adaptive trait. Also make Sence to have Finanical if he goes path of Greed.

At the moment he's Arcane/Ambitious - with the exact effects of "Ambitious" to be confirmed. Summoning may be a lesser concern as their "summons" are generally permanent anyway (the Gate-Creatures).
yeah i keep listening that track , it IS really great for Kadh, really... heartouching i'd say, and its all about him....

About ambitious trait - nice idea, i like it :D, allows to pimp some new stuff into leader and also adds new feature to the game :)
Longbow and Immortal added.


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new kadhi flag design/brainstorm :

new kadhi flag design/brainstorm :

Thanks - switched it over (Dark Blue/Light Blue version)


Just did the Kahdi Rider (the only Horse Unit they get - Horsemen, Knights, Chariots and War Chariots are all removed).

Replaces Horse Archer, weaker (5:strength:, no first strikes), more mobile (ignores terrain cost), excellent scouts (start with Sentry).

The Kahdi do not maintain horsemen in their military, but they do accept converts from other nations. If a convert shows a particular aptitude in the saddle, they may serve the Kahdi as a "Rider" - acting as a scout and protecting the borders of the Kahdi.


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nice, and tright that it should be very usefull unit. May be should add retreat rate as well..... so it can be really awesome pillager/scout.

Should it be moved to Trade? since noone will tech stirrups when no units aviable on whole horse path.....
str 5, no metal upgrades - seems reasonable.
just fast, 1 minute sketch in my workbook at ocassion, now scanned
i trying to solidify Kadhs image with numerous fast sketches b4 i going to do biggest part of doing leader head full color illustration..... (i hope i start this weekend
Let me just say how impressed I am over all these Civs, tried them all and must say that the 'good' lizards must be the best builder civ there is. The wyvern guardians can be beelined rather quickly for good defence (and attack) and the temples (for gold/culture/research) are amazing for a strong acceleration city expansion combined with the insane population growth you can get in the right terrain. I end up with double my normal population and double my normal research rate compared to many other games with other civs around turn 250.

Looking forward to try the Kadhi, and will try to tickle your intrest in the future for gigant and/undead civs. ;)
just fast, 1 minute sketch in my workbook at ocassion, now scanned
i trying to solidify Kadhs image with numerous fast sketches b4 i going to do biggest part of doing leader head full color illustration..... (i hope i start this weekend

Looks good :)

I've done quick recolours for the Archer, Crossbow and adept - so I think we're almost set now for the unit art - can't wait to see the finished Kahd-head :)
Just out of interest, would you be interested in a more draconic Civ that could counter the Khadi?
That looks nice, but of course you would have to edit it a little (there is not paper tech in FfH)

I think that at one point Sun and shadow mana were supposed to be tied into map decay (before that, it was from the hidden trait), but that was never implemented. I think you should go ahead and make these mana types effect map decay then implement it. Sun mana should make it less likely for your maps to decay, while shadow mana make it morel likely for rivals' maps of your territory to decay. Perhaps the global amount of both manas (manae? manarum?) should be effect the rate too.

I may add this to my modmod too, even if I have to add the mana-parts myself.

Moving it to the SDK may be a good idea too
Vehem, you should totally steal this guy's stuff and put it into Fall Further. Just don't give him any credit, he's such a hack... ;)

Heh - that seems a long time ago :D

MagisterCultuum said:
That looks nice, but of course you would have to edit it a little (there is not paper tech in FfH)


I may add this to my modmod too, even if I have to add the mana-parts myself.

There was slightly altered version I posted as part of the work on the pre-shadow Sidar that I did here as well - help yourself. I'd forgotten the way that I'd implemented the proto-Sidar abilities if I'm honest. There's actually some interesting mechanics there... Hmm...
Vehem, can you please finish all basic unit set retexture : So far we need ottomans unit pack from VD, pale skin, blue/ black/white/gray wear.
Warrior, Worker, Champion (ottoman swordsman) < will do my self if get a time. Should be somewhat ornate, in style of Immortal/longbows/ followers. Settler?
so far we set, you can go to mechanics and implementing whle i will conscentrate on LH art.
I jsut changed my comp to better one, 1-2 days till i wil lable to work on it, i will start LH progress this weekend, with prolly finishing at next weekend.
ow really:

i forgot!!!!

The old Psion art is not Psion any more.... it should be advanced djinn which you can upgrade if going Mammon path.
(more powerfull, evil one)

The new psion is courtesy of Vehem - he should just reskin Nullstone golem and add some blue flames to it.

Niks- i have really important request - can you please make evil advanced djinn by artwork i made for psion - Ex-Psion artwork. Feel free to change things, only it should be upgrade from normal djinn and evil, spellcasting version.
Niks- i have really important request - can you please make evil advanced djinn by artwork i made for psion - Ex-Psion artwork. Feel free to change things, only it should be upgrade from normal djinn and evil, spellcasting version.

Not sure where you're going with this one... The Djinn is simply the existing Djinn, though the gate-creature form is permanent rather than a limited duration summon. It also arrives before the Mammon/Oghma split, so it's not really an overtly evil creature. To my mind it doesn't really require any additional artwork - the existing one fits it well.
Not sure where you're going with this one... The Djinn is simply the existing Djinn, though the gate-creature form is permanent rather than a limited duration summon. It also arrives before the Mammon/Oghma split, so it's not really an overtly evil creature. To my mind it doesn't really require any additional artwork - the existing one fits it well.

you didnt got my idea - the existing concept art for psion (old one) is art for Upgrade of normal djinss.

The idea that once player choose Mammon path he can upgrade his normal djinss into more powerfull and eviler version (using money). This making alot of sence: 1. Money upgrades into mammon evil servants. 2. Evil affinity of djins.

So while normal ones aviable always (and with Oghma - in increased amounts), those ones are aviable only if Mammon path choses (and this also balances them, gives another flavor to mammon path).
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