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Fantasy Expansion


Aug 5, 2011
Hi, so this is going to be a triple threat thread.

Subject A. Hi I'm new here, but I have a HISTORY with civ,you could say! I started playing Civ 3 when Gold edition came out, though my pc sucked and I missed out on civ4, I actually updated my pc around the time the Babylon DLC came out in October and I picked up the game, got about 968 hours on it right now, so yeah, that's where I stand on it. Love the game, and it really got me interested in history and all the incredible characters through out.

Subject B. So, in Gods and Kings, I got a question, but doesn't everyone? I heard a little bit from a friend that there is going to be some sort of imporvement to the multiplayer connection, but how much do we really know about this, and is it actually true? That's something I would really appreciate, I have great internet and still Civilzation online is a chore do to constant drop outs and crashes.

Subject C. This is the big one.

So if you could pick ANY theme for an expansion, and be able to see the leaders of civilzations come to life and see how they build they're empire, or just pick crazy characters with insane abilities for the hell of it, what would it be?

My honest thoughts are that the next major expansion will include many modern civs, the likes of Soviet Union and Mexico, maybe Communist China. But I'm talking if I could just snap my fingers and be able to play a version of civ that consists of leaders that are ridiculous to put in, fictional for starters, or aren't even actually leaders, who would I choose?

maybe you'll pick up on a theme
Empire of Rock and Roll - John Lennon, leader page based off of this photo

"Hi there. I'm John Lennon, and that's all I am. But I'm also whatever you want me to be. But not to me,"
UA: Devil Music - Gain 10 points for building a great artist for every unit killed.
UB: Recording Studio. +1 great artist point. +3 culture. Gives +30 gold for every Great artist made in this city.
UU: Elvis Impersonator, replaces the Paratrooper. When drops down from a major thrust shake in the air, deals damage to all units around it upon landing.

The People's Nation of Democratic Jazz Men - Miles Davis, leader page based off of this photo
"Mmm. Miles Davis. I can't tell you why people love me. All I do is blow my horn, make sure it feels good for me. You got me, cat?"
UA: Free Wheeling - For every undiscovered tile that becomes discovered, you get +5 science points for that turn.
UB: The Cellar: +1 great artist point, all luxuries in city do plus +1 happiness.
UU: Master Player, replaces both the Great Scientist and Great artist, and gains the ability of both.

The United Folk of Country - Leader head Johnny Cash, based off of this photo
"Hello, I'm Johnny Cash. I reckon the trip over was hell. Hope it was worth it. How about a drink? Hehe,"
UA: Simple Living - Start game with +7 happiness. All specialists give half unhappiness.
UU: Outlaw - Replaces the warrior. +100% defense and attack against barbarians.
UU: Good ol' Boy - Replaces great general. Everytime a unit within 2 blocks of this general gets +3 culture when defeating another unit.

The Pops - Michael Jackson, based on this picture
"Oh, hello. I'm Michael Jackson. Don't believe the rumors, I'm not insane, and I'm not afraid to show I really am. I'm an artist, and so are you, inside,"
UA: Papparazzi. Can disguise scouts as other unit's workers and get free open borders when doing so. Espiaonage is less effective on this Civ than all others. All units are invisible to other civs when fortified within friendly borders.
UU: Fashion Designer. Replaces Great artist. Can upgrade units without you having the tech to do so for free. Comes out at double rate.
UU: Studio Puppet: Replaces Infantry. Can be stacked on one tile with a maximum of 2 units per tile. Same strength as Infantry, but attacks with the shouting of their voices, sounding off.

Electronic People - Brian Eno, based on this picture
"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Brian. This is fluffy, we make music together here. And it's the wave of the future,"
UA: Over and Over and Over - For every unit that is on the deployed, it costs .5 less production to build another one.
UU: Syntheziers, replaces the riflemen. Can only fight in their own borders, but gets +50 percent against all non mounted units.
UU: DJ, Replaces the Giant Killer Death Robot. attacks by blasting music from his turn table and light shows going every where.

The Streetz of Rap - 2Pac
"Hows it hangin', man. Tupac, man, I'm Tupac, haha. I don't know if your gonna like it around, man, but you gotta take it for the good and the bad,"
UA: The Game - +10 gold when pillaging a tile. Attacking a city of a Civilization you had a friendship with while going to war docks 20 percent strength. Plus 20 percent attack bonus if attacking a civ that back stabbed you or one of your friendly countries.
I'm actually kind of proud for coming up with that one.
UU: Gangster. Replaces Infantry. Does +20 percent extra damage when fighting a war with another civ who is your friend.
UB: Hood. Replaces Castle, does better defense.

The Punks - Kurt Cobain, as photo.
"Hey. Im Kurt. Welcome to the show. Im Kurt. Fagoozle,"
UA: Anarchy in the UK - Better espianoge and sabotage abilities. Pillaging another civ's tiles docks culture points from them.
UU: Non-Conformist. Replaces warrior. For every three non-conformists on the screen, one of them will uprage on their own into whatever the latest tech you have is.
UU: Event Planner - replaces great genereal. Can build Demonstrations anywhere, which replace Fortifications, and create extra happiness when in your own city, but do major happiness docking when built in another countrys borders.

OKAY I think I've exhausted this idea for now, that was a fun way half an hour.
I've been thinking from time to time of making a musical civilization mod, or to implement it in a similar fashion to religion.
Though I think punk's leader should be Johnny Rotten or Joe Strummer xD


Holy empire of Reggae, Ska and Rocksteady - Bob Marley or Prince Buster
UA: Reasoning: Happiness kept from traded away Incense and Spice
UU: Rudeboy, replaces warrior, stronger in the vicinity of other rudeboys
UI: Shantytown, can be built next to cities, boosts population, but not unhappiness
The Heavy Metal Empire
„I believe in the fans. I believe in metal more than anybody you've ever met. And another thing, I'm prepared to die for metal. Are you?“ ~ Joey DeMaio

UA: Drums of Doom - with the invention of music, all currently active military units gain +10% strength + spread fear (5% chance for the enemy to panically retreat from battle with heavy losses ~60%)
UU: Metal Warrior (replaces warrior) - berserker rage (+20% attack, -20% defense)
UB: Fitness centre (replaces monument) - all melee units receive +10% strength

Celts - Shane MacGowan
UA: St. Patrick Popularity: Golden ages are renamed to st. patricks day, and a huge culture, happiness, gold and defence boost are gained from them, but workers are too drunk to work, and soldiers are at half capacity.
UU: IRA, überboost in own cities occupied by other civs, and when defending home territory.
UB: Pub, replaces colosseum, grants both culture and happiness
No! Miles Davis is not the going to be the leader of Jazz, he made it more rock than anything else. Either have Louis Armstrong or Duke Ellington as the Jazz heads. You could also have the King of Swing Benny Goodman
Lol! I love the Ska civ idea, I totally forgot about them. As far as the leader head goes, it just depends on if you wanna call it Reggae or Ska.

Also nice choice on Metal's head and abilities. The fitness center is hysterical.

Mmm, I was considering Duke Ellington or Louis Armstrong, and while Miles Davis DID bring a lot of rock and roll into Jazz music, he's the king of Jazz, bar none. Everytime I listen to his earlier work, I'm reminded of this.
Not only that, but Miles Davis is just more interesting than those guys. He was kinda psycho, but very charismatic. I think he was able to show all the different sides of jazz better than any other jazz artist. He could go from homey and warm, to exotic and strange in a matter of seconds. That shows he wasn't afraid to explore new ground.

Also, Kurt totally deserves to be the punk leader head. Sid Vicious is too stupid, Kurt was the whole punk mythos rolled into one cigarette, not to mention, he was the leader, whether he admitted it or not, of the punkers.
Ah, no, please, Kurt Cobain was not Punk and Punk was not Kurt Cobain.
The Empire of rocking Martians
Leader: Ziggy Stardust (David Bowie)

UA: For every incense luxury you posess you get a free great artist every 100 turns.
UU: Spider from Mars: Replaces the paratrooper, and has a higher strength.
UI : "Special" plantations: Replaces any luxury resource with the 'incense' recourse.:mischief:
Nice one.

A. If you can give me one good reason why Kurt wasn't punk, or why he shouldn't be thought of as the quintessential punk kid, do tell me why. Or who else do you think should be the leader?

B. He was raised on pop music, yes, but in his teens he listened to nothing but punk, and was a prominent member in the scene, rubbing elbows with the likes of metallica, the melvins, flipper, all before he even started Nirvana. He loved punk, and his music was of a very distint punk sound, even if his licks and chorsus were more in tandem with pop songs of the 60's. Kurt is the one who said "Punk rock means freedom" I think he completely deserves the spot, along with Miles Davis.

I'm glad no one argued the other spots, though :)
Beethoven would be the leader of the Classical civilization, and quite frankly, would defeat any other civ, no question.
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