The Doviello are the secret civilization that few people ever get. Don't play Charadon. Hes a cut price Sheelba that has a better early rush and... little else really.
Mahala is the real Doviello. Her traits are Raiders/Ingenious. Except Doviello units already upgrade for cheaper, so its more like Rai/Ing/Ing. Ing trait also starts with 50 gold which goes some way to replacing beginning with no starting tech.
You may have seen some threads recently about warriors being too good and breaking game balance. The Doviello have a better warrior (+20% to city attack), Mahala's warriors have an extra first strike so they have a good chance to cause big damage in suicide attacks, and they upgrade to Axemen for 20 gold. Normal upgrade price is closer to 75 I think. You're not an Aggressive leader though so don't rely on them for more than one early rush and use your worldspell alongside.
So, the Doviello don't need Training yards to make Axemen (100 hammers saved) and can upgrade warriors cheaply (loads of hammers saved). This pushes you towards a commerce emphasis than a hammer one which is unusual in a warmonger. Go hard Agristocracy with first priority being Tech: Calendar, next Code of Laws and finally Bronze Working --> Sanitation. Don't build many cottages, instead spam farms and try to raise your happy caps. There are lots of easy ways to do so. Public Baths, Civic: Religion, Civic: Consumption with Markets which are another good build to support Doviello upgrading, finally Gambling houses making an appearance late game.
Thats your economy. Your military can take several forms. Melee line with Adepts, Melee line with Ashen Veil, OO melee line, Mounted line transitioning into Melee.
Mahala's Adepts don't need a Mage Guild to build and begin with 3 good spells. Melee + Adepts will never be a wrong choice unless you have no metals.
If you believe that you can be first to Ashen Veil or can steal it from a neighbour then its a good choice. Ritualists move at the same speed as Melee units and replace the need for Siege, Sacrifice the Weak is a good economic civic although it is short on happiness in its column, the Infernal Grimoire is a good way to get Iron Working. The source of Entropy mana is more important than you might think. Rush spell is incredibly useful.
OO Doviello is all about abusing the Ingenius trait. Warriors --> Drowns usually costs 60 but the Doviello do it for 30. They're also a 90 hammer unit so the upgrade to Stygian Guard is also cheaper. Heres the upgrade path: Worker/Slave +10 --> Warriors +30 --> Drown +25 --> Stygian Guard. Stygs are available with Fanaticism which is cheaper than Iron Working even after you've picked up OO and Priesthood on the way, which give you a hero and a good priest unit. Stygs are also better than the Doviello Champion replacement which doesn't get +25% vs. melee.
Finally, the mounted Doviello is a surprise I just discovered recently. Doing some experimental games I formed the opinion that what made warriors good was their cheapness in hammers. Therefore, any civ which could somehow produce units with commerce instead of hammers might have a chance against them. Picking the second strongest unit line (mounted) and the Doviello cheap upgrades (because the Khazad don't have a mounted line I think) gave me a nice little game. I won on a Standard Emperor Pangaea vs. 7 opponents by turn 254. You have to win by being a bully and running a pillage economy. I opened by upgrading about 7 scouts to Horsemen soon after building my first Stables and sending them off to attack the weakest opponent on the map. 3 movement and Raiders trait makes this easily possible. Theres usually one weak opponent who has no metal and mostly warriors. As quickly as possible you should pillage all their improvements, steal their workers and burn their outlying cities. Casualties are not acceptable, but you should try to get as much XP from safe kills as you can. You're attacking to make a profit from pillaging and razing cities, not to win, so make peace as soon as theres no more profit to be made. You then move onto the next weakest civ and repeat until you've made it to Stirrups and have enough gold to upgrade all your Horsemen to Horse Archers. This is when you can start thinking about conquest instead of pillage. Declare war, capture their workers, upgrade them to warriors and start raiding with them, get their army to chase the raiding warriors and attack those weak stacks that leave themselves open with your whole invasion force, retreat to heal, repeat.
I'd happily use Mahala in a game against anybody that wasn't Flauros or Kandros Fir. Don't expect miracles though. With a Financial trait all you have to do is turn up to the game. To win with the Doviello you have to work for it.