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Featured Game 3 Pre-Discussion: Darius

Played for practice as Darius on PW3 and King. Two Scouts are important to build because of all the marshes and jungle. :)
Saw that Thal updated the frontpage (posted gotm 2 winners. grats!). Any status update on the DLC problem for gotm3?

Hoping to be able to start it this weekend :)
I listed the GotVEM #2 winners. I don't think Thal has been online since the problem was first reported. I'm pretty sure he'll address it as soon as he sees it.
Thanks for the update Txurce. Fingers crossed the start file gets fixed soon (though probably wont have time to play until next weekend)
just wanted to say, i've never done a GOTM before and with the new changes to Darius, the map, the policy balance adjustments... the anticipation is killing me...

speaks volumes to the work that's gone into VEM. Looking forward to starting the save file when it's ready.
I can't wait, either, and partly also because of the rough-looking map. As I've said elsewhere, I'm looking forward to the GotVEM's becoming more scenario-like, in that there is a "story" of sorts to the particular civ's quest.
I am really loving the well crafted scenarios as well. I spent ages trying to come up with a similar heavily forested start by random chance and didn't get close.

A future GOTM with the variant with the larger/higher resolution map by glider1 would be interesting too.
As I am waiting for Thal to fix the GOTM build I started playing a practice game with Basically the same settings as this. The start I had was completely different than the GOTM start so I won't comment on the game itself, however:

First off maybe it is just the game I am playing but VEM 118 seems to make Barbarians crazy! There are tons of them everywhere, very aggressive. Attacking out of their camps regularly. Which is very cool but different from what I have been seeing lately. They seem to be upgrading to modern units more slowly however.

Not having played Darius much, it seems the goal here is going to be to find another Civ right away and just go hell bent for them as soon as you get Spears. Immortals have a very early limited lifesapn so if you want to take advantage of that, early War is the key. I think I am going to burn any city smaller than 8, and replant with a fresh settler.

Immortals have great healing abilities and they don't seem to obsolete until after Muskets. So buying/building them then upgrading to Pike or beyond will keep the extra healing ability. Armies of Muskets with double healing are awesome!

Given this I think I will be playing for a Domination Victory right from the start. Ignoring Culture for the most part due to the large number of cities I will accumulate. Concentrating on Happiness buildings Satraaps Courts and Gold. Rapid Expansion.

In the GOTM #3 I will probaly settle where I am head for Spears then Plantations. I will send my worker north then to the east to keep him out of the thick of the trees. Grab the Ruins on the hill and search for the coast.

I will most likely build Scout, Monument, Immortal, Worker, Settler. Although I may leave out the monument.

Grab the Early Free worker and Settler, Possibly the Early Culture Buildings then Honor Tree...
No worries. Timescale for a new version? ^_^
Do you know if it'll be the same map or just same settings, as in either is the DLC requirement removable in WorldBuilder or can you export this map for us?
:thanx:for coming bk!
I will have it updated in just a few minutes. GotM maps are created as a scenario, so I simply start the scenario and save the file. I forgot to disable the DLCs when doing so. The main thing I look for when restarting the scenario is the ratio of hostile / non-hostile citystates, which is randomized each time the scenario starts, and I want a particular mix for each map.
Sweet. The lack of a weekend is more than made up for by the epicness that now awaits tonight.
Spoiler :
Working perfectly for me.
Spoiler :

EDIT: Spoke to soon <_>''. Crash at turn 69, and the last autosave was turn 60. I'm out already. :cry: Ah well :crazyeye:
I'll still play along. It was going shockingly anyways...
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