Diavolo Rosso
Lord Giggles
yep... in my campaign, aasimar were children of angels and tieflings were children of demons (kinda like half orcs with the whole rape background)... although the stigmata of the unborn thing is genius if i do say so myself ;P
thx mega! For my blog I want to get ahead of the game. I'm trying start a column answering reader questions, and in a month I'd like to do another one in that series. So if you have a question on DMing or FfH as it pertains to D&D send me questions. I'll be including your question and my answer in the post, but I'll also answer any questions right away. Just putting it out there
On another note, I'd like to get an idea of what you think might be missing from the game in terms of D&D classes? Specifically, what character/unit/archetype in FfH isn't currently represented by 5th edition classes?