FfH trivia game thread

It is the title given to the highest ranking mage in the Amurite magical hierarchy, a position only obtained by winning in magical mortal combat with the old Caswallawn. I have no clue as to the title's etymology, if thats what you are asking.
there is one building in the game that has a numberical great people modifier that dosnt have a type. what is it?

The Gypsy Camp.

My question:

[tab]Born to be the winters bane
[tab]raging heart, torrent of flame
[tab]can any of you guess my name?
[tab]look for the hero it contains
Tough one, Kyorlin is "The Winters Bane", but Acheron contains "hero". I think Pandemonis is right, though.
Tough one, Kyorlin is "The Winters Bane", but Acheron contains "hero". I think Pandemonis is right, though.

Actually, I dont think so anymore.

Born to be the winters bane
It would go for both of them, though of course Kylorin (If Kael can confirm me the spelling, most entries list him as "Kyorlin") would get the upper hand.

raging heart, torrent of flame
Acheron means river of woe in greek, so the "torrent of flame" sounds more appropriate. As for the "raging heart"...
Despite the teaching of Ceridwen, the power of sorcery is available to any who would claim it. It isn't just the force of our oppression, but the tool of our liberation. -- Kylorin, Archmage of the 7th Circle

But indeed, Achero got h-e-r-o in its name...
Acheron the Red Dragon?

Acheron is correct. He was born to be winters bane because he was created by Bhall during the Age of Dragons. At that time Bhall was good and her primary enemy was Mulcarn.
Since it's gotten a bit quiet in here, I'll push forward the next question:

Which leaders have had a leaderhead change since the first release of Light?

(And apropos of nothing, anyone else think it'd be neat to have Cardith Lorda's leaderhead change once Eurabatres is summoned?)
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