Honestly, the Bannor are still on my "to do" list. I can't think of a decent tweak for them, and none of my friends are really interested in playtesting them. My problem is, when I play the Bannor, I'm not really sure I know what I want to do. Like, what's the advantage, besides Crusade, that they have? They're very vanilla.
Yesterday I was playing around with the idea of making them the anti-barbarian team, maybe giving them a unit with the Orc Slaying promotion. Really, though, I need to mull it over. I need to sit and figure out what it is I want to accomplish with the Bannor when I play as them. I'm always open for suggestions.
When I play Bannors I want to accomplish a big military empire without upkeep. A Land of Light, of soldiers and priests. Because they cannot make peace they must conquer. Their aim is to expand the Land of Light, because if they do, at the end everybody will be good, and they will be no Chaos nor Hell in Erebus.
Their civic is verry powerfull, and I worked on the idea to keep using that civic during all the game. I think the main change is to allow courthouse and basilica in Crusade, which allow them a no-upkeep economy: -80%, and you need only 4 law manas for the last 20%, that is easy with your palace and your holly city (yes, you choose the Order with them). With military state and Crusade your units don't really cost, so you can use all your cottages for your research. And priests can provide some gold.
Yes, they are the "vanilla" civ of Erebus. For exemple all palaces are special building of their palace. I think this is an interesting point of view because what is specific to them (Crusade, demagog, etc.) doesn't appear in the civilization description. I imagine they are "vanilla" because in some sense they are the good guys, the heroes of the story, if you see what I mean. So, I think you shouldn't use special units or buildings that appear in their description.
In my mod I added something else, but you don't like new spells:
- Units of level 5 or higher (no hero or illusion) can be promoted commander
- commanders can launch "discipline" (+20% power, no fear, 20% vanishing per turn) on a stack
It is a way to simply mimic the idea of bannor chain of command, and use many commander to get more units or build command post, which is good to get 8 xp (command post + theocracy + conquest + wonder) with Sabathiel to have lvl 4 units.
In the flavor, it is a way to show their discipline, their affinity with ranged battle and the fact than anyone can become a commander. A meritocracy for braves.
I like your idea to make them an anti-barbarian civ.
They are already guardsman, but they may get a bonus against hidden nationality units, wich appears barbarian. Maybe they can get a bonus when they defeat barbarians, for example a bonus of xp when they kill a barbarian unit, or reduce the Armagueddon Counter if they raze a barbarian city.
I think interesting your idea "Crusade gives +25% cottage growth rate", wich allow the cities improvement to regenerate faster after a demagog spread.
The main problem is they increase the growth of everything that grows if you use the normal mechanic (for example : fort) but it is not really a problem.
In my mod because I was tired to see their city without real production I added +1 prod to villages, cities and enclaves in the tech Guild.
About the spread, maybe these units may get xp ? I remember in Orbis the spread units get the half of the xp they should have if they were built in cities (with Sabathiel it is 4 xp, so lvl 3 units). I think this is interesting in their flavor and their mechanics.