[MOD] FFH TweakMod

I'd have to confirm that farms add food for Infernals. I think it's hardcoded that any food value on a tile is set to zero for them. Also, these events should work normally with the Mercurians. Their society is a blend of mortals and Angels.

I probably won't touch these events. They're not particularly influencing or game breaking, even if they seem a bit... weird.
All right, here's a zip with the Mana events. Again, these are BTS events that could use some tweaking for FfH.

Dustbowl (Soil Erosion): Stopped (meaning no end effect) by Nature Mana. Affects Plains already, so added Fields of Perdition too.
Washed Out (Roads): Stopped by Water Mana.
Pestilence (Insect Swarms): Stopped by Nature Mana.
Tornado: Stopped by Air Mana. Affects Plains already, so added Fields of Perdition too. Also added Enclaves to the affected list, since it affects all other Cottage types already.
Cyclone: Stopped by Water or Air Mana.

Hurricanes and Food Sickness would require Python changes to implement because of how they trigger, so I did not implement them. (I probably will when I finish my event mod).

The three attached files in the zip are your TweakMod files with the new additions at the end of each of them.


from the upcoming changes:

I suggest to change it to UNITAI_HERO like in Wildmana. Don't know of any difference between UNITAI_ATTACK and UNITAI_RESERVE. Most of the UNITAIs are leftovers from BTS anyway.
Glad to hear of some new stuff. can't really contrib much on the Svalfs.

BTW after the Svalf changes, what civ are you thinking of next?

Also, this might be too much to ask again, but how hard would it be to get Wildmana-style advanced terraforming/automatic terraforming into Tweakmod?
I'm not sure if any other civ really needs to be done. Maybe I'll look at the Mercurians again, but most teams have solid mechanics now. Likely, after the update, more changes will be made to the Svartalfar based on the feedback I get.

As for WildMana, I'm not too big a fan of merging mods in, and I think the automated terraforming is a change made in the C++ code.
automated terraforming should already be part of base FFH. You can activate automatic spellcasting by adding


to a spell. Unless Kael removed the automatic spellcasting code in the DLL recently it should work.
automated terraforming should already be part of base FFH. You can activate automatic spellcasting by adding


to a spell. Unless Kael removed the automatic spellcasting code in the DLL recently it should work.

I'll have to try that when I get home.
Ouch, hope you feel better.
I'm going to hold off on the update this weekend. I got a bad intestinal virus, and I'm just not in a programming kind of mood.

/scutarii casts healing spell/


that is it when you have only medic I promo:sad:
Get a 2nd one, for [diety]'s sake!
Waiting patiently for the next version. ;)
thankyou for the vampire-raizing bit. i long for few other changes if possible. to make the game believeable.

*catapults like mashines should be able to bombard tiles immediately adjesent to them. currently i can not harm city attackers without loosing my unit. it is not realistic. is it this way because the AI-players are not able to use such a feature efficiently? cant you give it a ''spell'' to summon a missile? like a fireball does?

*if the catapult is to be given such an ability it should also distroy any imrovements in the tile. not all the time nor not all of the improvements in one go. forests should be immune to bombardment ofcourse.

*all archer like units defending a city should have a free launch at an attacker before the attacker engages with one defender. is it so already?

*flesh golems should not gain fly ability with incoperation of hawks but only with bigger flying units (gryphons etc).

*currently i dont shift from fellowshipofleaves because i depend on defender of nature civic for my population happyness. this is strictly overkill. naturists tend to breed less if they truly want to preserve forests. so limit the happy bonus fromforests to three for that civic.
[to_xp]Gekko;11907998 said:
looking forward to the update Rystic :D

I'll admit, I got a little distracted by Borderlands 2, but I can definitely push it out this week. It's basically done, I was just playing with some of the placeholder units. If I remember, I'll publish the changelog when I get home from work.
take your time, I just wanted you to know there's interest in a modmod that polishes the rough edges while leaving the core FFH experience intact :)

*fingers crossed* is it based on Tholal's code like Magistermodmod?
[to_xp]Gekko;11910563 said:
take your time, I just wanted you to know there's interest in a modmod that polishes the rough edges while leaving the core FFH experience intact :)

*fingers crossed* is it based on Tholal's code like Magistermodmod?

No, unfortunately, the Tweakmod is all very minor changes. Here's the current changelist.

EDIT: If you have any questions, I'll go over the reasoning for any change.


[to_xp]Gekko;11910563 said:
take your time, I just wanted you to know there's interest in a modmod that polishes the rough edges while leaving the core FFH experience intact :)

*fingers crossed* is it based on Tholal's code like Magistermodmod?

Good news, I've done the changes I want for the new Tweakmod. However, the upload limit is 10mb, and the file is over that because of all the graphics changes. Do you know how I would go about posting it?
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