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FfH2 0.14 Bugs

strategyonly said:
ok, smarty pants, LOL:p , how'd you do that? details pls?:confused:

Its one of the settings in the editor. If you have excel you can load 'Fall from Heaven 2 014/FfHEditor.xls' and change it in there. If you dont have excel you can change the slavery chance (it defaults to 25%) with notepad in the 'Fall from Heaven 2 014/Assets/xml/GlobalDefinesAlt.xml' file.
Kael said:
Its one of the settings in the editor. If you have excel you can load 'Fall from Heaven 2 014/FfHEditor.xls' and change it in there. If you dont have excel you can change the slavery chance (it defaults to 25%) with notepad in the 'Fall from Heaven 2 014/Assets/xml/GlobalDefinesAlt.xml' file.

thx for answering so fast, am going to do it right away, and since i dont have excel, will do it that way, and again, THX, you are always helpful, and i appreciate that.:goodjob:

EDIT: <iDefineIntVal>100</iDefineIntVal> darn thing still did not get one, ARGG
Now I am sure I found something. I have just played Ljosalfar and finaly got feudalism and co-opted Lanun (shame though I cannot get more) and suddenly BANG! Sir, we forgot how to tilt the fields- all my farms make one food less... hmm permanent alliance members share techs. Maybe I got seafaring? Farms would say so... But I got no increase in food from sea tiles.
I don't know if this is intended (and if it is, I guess it must have been reported before although I don't remember this), but I can't cast targetted spells such as Charm or Plague on any unit in the same tile than Archeon or whatever is the red dragon's name. When selecting the tile to cast the spell in, the game simply acts like my spell is cancelled (I don't even get a chance to select a target). I thought that the dragon's magic resistance only affected himself, not the whole tile.

By the way, after a few hours play I have a good feeling about this version (at least since I applied the patch, the game would CTD after a half-dozen turns before that :D). I haven't got far into my current game yet, but the few changes I have noticed along the first half of the tech tree (down to Infernal Pact, Iron Working, Currency and Optics -- damn those small toundra islands !) feel rather right to me. Merging the barracks and training yard for example was a good go, as well as moving the brewery stuff to Crafting. I used to build Elder Councils to compensate the malus from markets but I found that I didn't actually miss them (I guess I used to build them "because they were available" rather than because they were actually useful up to 0.13, even when I built up really large empires and made sure I had one per city it didn't seem to weight much in my actual research rate). I'm still looking forward to run into the other new features, but up until now I find that once again you have managed to make the game even better than it was before. That's great, congrats to the team !
Ooops, forgot to mention : in this game, I hadn't built any adept yet (got beaten by 3 turns to the catacomb library, and my toundra-isle towns wouldn't build a mage guild fast enough at the moment so I skipped magic for a while), but when I had a Ritualist learn Entropy II and begin summoning imps, I noticed that sometimes the imps could summon a skeleton. I thought that the n&#176; of skeletons allowed in the army was tied to the number of adepts and the likes, but I ended up with a pair of skeletons without having ever built a single adept so far. Maybe the Ritualist was counted as a valid spellcaster skeleton-wise (even though he can't summon them), and together with the imp he invoked at the time that was enough to make 2 skeletons available, or something like that.
I'm Elohim this time, built Halfmoon 3 turns ago, and now I notice that he somehow has Magic Resistance. I have alter of Lunnator, but I don't think that that did it. No other unit was similarly affected.

edit: ah, okay, makes sense.
SchpailsMan said:
Ooops, forgot to mention : in this game, I hadn't built any adept yet (got beaten by 3 turns to the catacomb library, and my toundra-isle towns wouldn't build a mage guild fast enough at the moment so I skipped magic for a while), but when I had a Ritualist learn Entropy II and begin summoning imps, I noticed that sometimes the imps could summon a skeleton. I thought that the n° of skeletons allowed in the army was tied to the number of adepts and the likes, but I ended up with a pair of skeletons without having ever built a single adept so far. Maybe the Ritualist was counted as a valid spellcaster skeleton-wise (even though he can't summon them), and together with the imp he invoked at the time that was enough to make 2 skeletons available, or something like that.

Yeap, sometimes imps can cast their own spells. Djinn have the same ability. The number is skeletons is limited by the number of units that can raise skeletons, regardless of their unitclass.
strategyonly said:
Just crashed here is log and saved game: crashes next turn.:blush:

No crash for me. Im starting to think that your install may be messed up.
Nikis-Knight said:
I'm Elohim this time, built Halfmoon 3 turns ago, and now I notice that he somehow has Magic Resistance. I have alter of Lunnator, but I don't think that that did it. No other unit was similarly affected.

Yeah, Halfmoon starts with MR. Heroes get a bonus to their resistances because of the hero promotion. Since Duin doesnt have that he has MR instead.
Nikis-Knight said:
Is the increased limit of skeletons (before tower of Necromancy has been built by me) intentional?

I suspect that some of the tower's effect is applied prematurely, as in, always.

You are right, it will be fixed in today's patch.
Patch "B" is up and linked in the first post.
The tech tree says it lets you build pagan temples for two techs, meditation and philosophy I think.

With the slave capture chance, does capturing workers also have an element of chance? I just wiped out the Calabim and the whole campaign only netted me 1 worker, the rest just disappeared.
Aren't werewolves that are created by enraged werewolves supposed to also be enraged? I thought it was like this 0.13, but I might be wrong.
z00t said:
The tech tree says it lets you build pagan temples for two techs, meditation and philosophy I think.

Meditation doesnt exist anymore. I cant find any reference to it. Let me know if you find a place that references it.

With the slave capture chance, does capturing workers also have an element of chance? I just wiped out the Calabim and the whole campaign only netted me 1 worker, the rest just disappeared.

No, but if they have the loyalty promotion you cant convert them.
Maian said:
Aren't werewolves that are created by enraged werewolves supposed to also be enraged? I thought it was like this 0.13, but I might be wrong.

Only ravenous werewolves are enraged. After they are fed they grow into the more powerful (but non-enraged) Blooded Werewolf.
Kael said:
Yeap, but the only way to really test it is to compare 2 units combat percentages. One with the promotion and one without.
I did. Before, using the mouse-over, and after, using the Combat Log. I duplicated this in a new game using the World Editor. If the bonus won't show up in either of these text's, then I don't know of any other way to "look" for it. However, the idea is great and is long overdue.

- Niilo
Kael said:
No crash for me. Im starting to think that your install may be messed up.

good idea, i am going to download new version now, will see later if ok, and again good info.

EDIT: You hit it right on the Letterhead, works great now, was wondering on first download why it went from 600 down to 50 for speed of download, now i know, thx.:goodjob:
FM_Freyland said:
Tomb of Basium does not give the Mercurians -25%

Chiming in with this again, since quite a few posts popped in right after me. I had killed Basium, and the archers defending his city did not reflect the 25% strength loss caused by the Tomb of Basium.
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