Download Here: Fall from Heaven II 0.25
1. No more onExit errors on load.
2. Burnt Forests will now be removed by improvements.
3. Converted to BtS v13.
4. Buttons switch with civ specific art.
5. Dynamic model changes.
6. Spells can spread religion now (for temple founding).
7. Gorilla cages are buildable.
8. Units can gain promotions from combat (used to grant Losha immortal from combat).
9. Spiritual Guide mechanic added.
10. Added the enslavement mechanic (units and civics).
11. Fixed immortality (units and promotions).
12. Pearls can be accessed with fishing boats.
13. Non-researchable techs wont be handed out with late eras starts.
14. Added the Morale spell (for flagbearers effect).
15. Fireballs/Meteors are cleaned up at the end of turns.
16. Fixed the Natures Revolt python error.
17. Hidden Nationality no longer allows untis to occupy the same tile.
18. Fixed an issue that kept hero pedia pictures from displaying if english is the selected language.
19. You can't found cities on mana nodes.
20. Trent summons are now permanent.
21. AI update called after summon.
22. AI considers bonus movement from promotions when picking a summon.
23. New AI_summonAttackMove function (makes summons more aggresive).
24. Added the unit ability to have gold provided from victorious combat (for pirates and the black wind).
25. Fixed an issue keeping ranged add and remove promotion spells from working (fixed rust and some other spells).
26. The AI now considers available weapons, affinity and damage types when considering what units to build.
27. Building mouseover help will only display "Required to train ..." if the players civ is able to build that unit.
28. Fixed Orc selection sounds.
29. Giant Spider invisibility added back in.
30. HN Casters create HN summons.
31. Switched the Editor to excel 2007 (no more 256 column limit, woohoo!).
32. Reduced the turn/year display to just display the turn.
33. Fixed a spinlock error when hidden nationality units attack barbarian allied teams (BtS makes hidden nationality shim as the barbarian player, since we allow player to ally with the barbarians it was causing spinlocks).
34. Movement is subtracted when the unit is routed by fear (to keep blitzing units from being able to attack against fear indefinitly).
1. Removed the Imperialist trait.
2. Added the Pillar of Flames spell.
3. Added the Crush spell.
4. Added the Graft Flesh spell.
5. Added the Tsunami spell.
6. Added the Conjure Lifespark spell.
7. Added the Domination spell.
8. Enabled Advanced Start.
9. Replaced the Reversal of Fortune with Hasturs Razor (randomly redristributes the damage on units within range).
10. Created the Vile Touch promotion (passes the enervated effect to living units in combat).
11. Removed the Archer of Leaves.
12. Added the Satyr unit (UU for the Fellowship, model by seZereth).
13. Added the Illusionist unit (Svartalfar UU, in awaiting new "shadow" mechanics).
14. Added the Puppeteer unit (Balseraph UU, in awaiting new "shadow" mechanics).
15. Removed the ability to Regenerate maps.
16. Added the Freak unit (Balseraph UU, starts mutated).
17. Added the "No Lairs" game option.
18. Added the "Hallowed Ground" game option (no Armageddon counter).
19. Added the "No Settlers" game option.
20. Added the "Compact Enforced" game option (no Infernals or Mercurians).
21. Added the "Wildlands" game option (double normal amount of animals).
22. Added the "Labruscum" game option (barbarians start the game with some cities).
23. Added the "Living World" game option (double the normal chance of events) (seZ).
24. Added the "Last Days" game option (double the changes to the armageddon counter) (seZ).
25. Added the Arena building (Balseraph Training Yard replacement, Melee and Recon units can risk death for a chance to gain experience in arena battles, either way the city gains +1 happy for a few turns) (Loki).
26. Added the Hall of Mirrors building (Balseraph UB, has a chance to create a temporary illusionary version of any enemy units within 1 tile) (Loki).
27. Removed the Yggdrasil wonder.
28. Removed the Tomb of Sucellus wonder.
29. Added the Unique Feature mechanic (woodelf).
30. Added the Yggdrasil unique feature (+1 happy, provides the fruit of yggdrasil resource, boosts food).
31. Added the Tomb of Sucellus unique feature (+1 happy, provides life mana).
32. Added the Mirror of Heaven unique feature (line of site +6, provides sun mana).
33. Added the Letum Frigus unique feature (no effect... yet).
34. Added the Maelstrom unique feature (damages, destroies or teleports ships that pass through it).
35. Added the Broken Sepulcher unique feature (provides death mana, Barbatmos spawns on it) (seZ).
36. Added the Barbatmos unit (barbarian lich hero, won't leave the Broken Sepulcher).
37. Increased the max players from 18 to 40.
38. Added the Remnants of Patria unique feature (+3 happy, boosts hammers).
39. Added the Pyre of the Seraphic unique feature (provides fire mana, can sacrifice angels to bhall on it).
40. Added the Dragon Bones unique feature (provides ivory, boosts trade, +1 happy).
41. Added the Pool of Tears unique feature (+1 happy, cures disease, enervation, plague and poison).
42. Increased the resource limit from 50 to 75.
43. Added Sun mana (no effects yet).
44. Added Religion Weight Modifiers (so different leaders and prefer different religions and leaders can be set to never adopt certain reigions).
45. Added the Blessing of Amathaon game option (doubles the normal amount of bonuses) (loki).
46. The Elohim start the game knowing where all the Unique Features are (loki).
47. Promotions can override mesh sizes (so grigori heroes always show a single unit instead of a group).
48. Added the Cotton bonus.
49. Added the Gulagarm bonus (hell resource).
50. Added the Razorweed bonus (hell resource, reduces the heal rate of enemy units).
51. Added over 100 events from BtS (all the disaster events prereq a minimum Armageddon level before they will trigger).
52. Removed the Undead Slaying II promotion.
Balance Changes:
1. Cover 2 and Formation 2 now require Combat 3 (just as Shock 2 does).
2. Buboes can cast Rage now.
3. Wraiths, Ars and the Angel of Death start with the Vile Touch promotion.
4. Banish spell now returns all enemy demons and elementals within range to their home plane (resistable).
5. Weapons upgrades no longer require buildings.
6. Removed the Scorched Earth traits from Jonus and Sheelba.
7. Tailor gives a bonus with Cotton instead of Sheep.
8. Returned the Forge to pre-weapons settings (+25% hammers, prereq smelting).
9. Made the Dwarven Smithy into a Forge replacement again.
Cosmetic Changes:
1. New model art for the drown.
2. New model art for the Stygian Guards.
3. New model art for Water Elementals.
4. New model art for Knights.
5. New model art for Spartiatoi.
6. New model art for Shield Walls.
7. New model art for Kuriotate Swordsman.
8. Added a custom "Gold" interface.
9. New skin art for the disciples and priests by Elhoim.
10. New model are for Buboes by seZereth.
11. New model art for the Bannor Warrior by seZereth.
12. New Valkyrie model art by Ploeperpengel.
13. New Main Menu
14. History pane added to the improvement pedia screen.
15. Load/Save menu BtS graphic replaced with a FfH graphic.
16. New icons for all the mana types.
. No rename city popup (I removed "self.__eventEditCityNameBegin(city, False)" from onCityBuild)
. Multiplay OOS's
To do:
. Nothing!
To do- waiting for "Shadow":
. Trophies
. invisibility applied by promotion
. causes war attribute/check on spells
. mana bar gui
. Horsemen spawn mana when they die
. Need to add the Sprawling trait effects
. Dirge spawn
. evangelist mechanic
. Magnadine captures barbarians
Im trying to build in some debug infromation to help you help me isolate the OOS issues. To enable then check out the Fall from Heaven 2 025\Assets\XML\Gameinfo\CIV4GameOptionInfos.xml file. The DEBUG options aren't marked visible by default. Go ahead and change the bVisible option on GAMEOPTION_NO_EVENTS, GAMEOPTION_DISABLE_AI_SPELLS and GAMEOPTION_ENABLE_WORLDBUILDER_ALWAYS bVisible attributes from 0 to 1.
After that you should see those options in the custom game menu. The names are pretty self expanatory and those (as well as the game option to disable the Armageddon Counter) should help you isolate the issue. We will see how it goes and thanks again for helping.
- Kael
1. No more onExit errors on load.
2. Burnt Forests will now be removed by improvements.
3. Converted to BtS v13.
4. Buttons switch with civ specific art.
5. Dynamic model changes.
6. Spells can spread religion now (for temple founding).
7. Gorilla cages are buildable.
8. Units can gain promotions from combat (used to grant Losha immortal from combat).
9. Spiritual Guide mechanic added.
10. Added the enslavement mechanic (units and civics).
11. Fixed immortality (units and promotions).
12. Pearls can be accessed with fishing boats.
13. Non-researchable techs wont be handed out with late eras starts.
14. Added the Morale spell (for flagbearers effect).
15. Fireballs/Meteors are cleaned up at the end of turns.
16. Fixed the Natures Revolt python error.
17. Hidden Nationality no longer allows untis to occupy the same tile.
18. Fixed an issue that kept hero pedia pictures from displaying if english is the selected language.
19. You can't found cities on mana nodes.
20. Trent summons are now permanent.
21. AI update called after summon.
22. AI considers bonus movement from promotions when picking a summon.
23. New AI_summonAttackMove function (makes summons more aggresive).
24. Added the unit ability to have gold provided from victorious combat (for pirates and the black wind).
25. Fixed an issue keeping ranged add and remove promotion spells from working (fixed rust and some other spells).
26. The AI now considers available weapons, affinity and damage types when considering what units to build.
27. Building mouseover help will only display "Required to train ..." if the players civ is able to build that unit.
28. Fixed Orc selection sounds.
29. Giant Spider invisibility added back in.
30. HN Casters create HN summons.
31. Switched the Editor to excel 2007 (no more 256 column limit, woohoo!).
32. Reduced the turn/year display to just display the turn.
33. Fixed a spinlock error when hidden nationality units attack barbarian allied teams (BtS makes hidden nationality shim as the barbarian player, since we allow player to ally with the barbarians it was causing spinlocks).
34. Movement is subtracted when the unit is routed by fear (to keep blitzing units from being able to attack against fear indefinitly).
1. Removed the Imperialist trait.
2. Added the Pillar of Flames spell.
3. Added the Crush spell.
4. Added the Graft Flesh spell.
5. Added the Tsunami spell.
6. Added the Conjure Lifespark spell.
7. Added the Domination spell.
8. Enabled Advanced Start.
9. Replaced the Reversal of Fortune with Hasturs Razor (randomly redristributes the damage on units within range).
10. Created the Vile Touch promotion (passes the enervated effect to living units in combat).
11. Removed the Archer of Leaves.
12. Added the Satyr unit (UU for the Fellowship, model by seZereth).
13. Added the Illusionist unit (Svartalfar UU, in awaiting new "shadow" mechanics).
14. Added the Puppeteer unit (Balseraph UU, in awaiting new "shadow" mechanics).
15. Removed the ability to Regenerate maps.
16. Added the Freak unit (Balseraph UU, starts mutated).
17. Added the "No Lairs" game option.
18. Added the "Hallowed Ground" game option (no Armageddon counter).
19. Added the "No Settlers" game option.
20. Added the "Compact Enforced" game option (no Infernals or Mercurians).
21. Added the "Wildlands" game option (double normal amount of animals).
22. Added the "Labruscum" game option (barbarians start the game with some cities).
23. Added the "Living World" game option (double the normal chance of events) (seZ).
24. Added the "Last Days" game option (double the changes to the armageddon counter) (seZ).
25. Added the Arena building (Balseraph Training Yard replacement, Melee and Recon units can risk death for a chance to gain experience in arena battles, either way the city gains +1 happy for a few turns) (Loki).
26. Added the Hall of Mirrors building (Balseraph UB, has a chance to create a temporary illusionary version of any enemy units within 1 tile) (Loki).
27. Removed the Yggdrasil wonder.
28. Removed the Tomb of Sucellus wonder.
29. Added the Unique Feature mechanic (woodelf).
30. Added the Yggdrasil unique feature (+1 happy, provides the fruit of yggdrasil resource, boosts food).
31. Added the Tomb of Sucellus unique feature (+1 happy, provides life mana).
32. Added the Mirror of Heaven unique feature (line of site +6, provides sun mana).
33. Added the Letum Frigus unique feature (no effect... yet).
34. Added the Maelstrom unique feature (damages, destroies or teleports ships that pass through it).
35. Added the Broken Sepulcher unique feature (provides death mana, Barbatmos spawns on it) (seZ).
36. Added the Barbatmos unit (barbarian lich hero, won't leave the Broken Sepulcher).
37. Increased the max players from 18 to 40.
38. Added the Remnants of Patria unique feature (+3 happy, boosts hammers).
39. Added the Pyre of the Seraphic unique feature (provides fire mana, can sacrifice angels to bhall on it).
40. Added the Dragon Bones unique feature (provides ivory, boosts trade, +1 happy).
41. Added the Pool of Tears unique feature (+1 happy, cures disease, enervation, plague and poison).
42. Increased the resource limit from 50 to 75.
43. Added Sun mana (no effects yet).
44. Added Religion Weight Modifiers (so different leaders and prefer different religions and leaders can be set to never adopt certain reigions).
45. Added the Blessing of Amathaon game option (doubles the normal amount of bonuses) (loki).
46. The Elohim start the game knowing where all the Unique Features are (loki).
47. Promotions can override mesh sizes (so grigori heroes always show a single unit instead of a group).
48. Added the Cotton bonus.
49. Added the Gulagarm bonus (hell resource).
50. Added the Razorweed bonus (hell resource, reduces the heal rate of enemy units).
51. Added over 100 events from BtS (all the disaster events prereq a minimum Armageddon level before they will trigger).
52. Removed the Undead Slaying II promotion.
Balance Changes:
1. Cover 2 and Formation 2 now require Combat 3 (just as Shock 2 does).
2. Buboes can cast Rage now.
3. Wraiths, Ars and the Angel of Death start with the Vile Touch promotion.
4. Banish spell now returns all enemy demons and elementals within range to their home plane (resistable).
5. Weapons upgrades no longer require buildings.
6. Removed the Scorched Earth traits from Jonus and Sheelba.
7. Tailor gives a bonus with Cotton instead of Sheep.
8. Returned the Forge to pre-weapons settings (+25% hammers, prereq smelting).
9. Made the Dwarven Smithy into a Forge replacement again.
Cosmetic Changes:
1. New model art for the drown.
2. New model art for the Stygian Guards.
3. New model art for Water Elementals.
4. New model art for Knights.
5. New model art for Spartiatoi.
6. New model art for Shield Walls.
7. New model art for Kuriotate Swordsman.
8. Added a custom "Gold" interface.
9. New skin art for the disciples and priests by Elhoim.
10. New model are for Buboes by seZereth.
11. New model art for the Bannor Warrior by seZereth.
12. New Valkyrie model art by Ploeperpengel.
13. New Main Menu
14. History pane added to the improvement pedia screen.
15. Load/Save menu BtS graphic replaced with a FfH graphic.
16. New icons for all the mana types.
. No rename city popup (I removed "self.__eventEditCityNameBegin(city, False)" from onCityBuild)
. Multiplay OOS's
To do:
. Nothing!
To do- waiting for "Shadow":
. Trophies
. invisibility applied by promotion
. causes war attribute/check on spells
. mana bar gui
. Horsemen spawn mana when they die
. Need to add the Sprawling trait effects
. Dirge spawn
. evangelist mechanic
. Magnadine captures barbarians
Spoiler Special DEBUG information for Sureshot :
Im trying to build in some debug infromation to help you help me isolate the OOS issues. To enable then check out the Fall from Heaven 2 025\Assets\XML\Gameinfo\CIV4GameOptionInfos.xml file. The DEBUG options aren't marked visible by default. Go ahead and change the bVisible option on GAMEOPTION_NO_EVENTS, GAMEOPTION_DISABLE_AI_SPELLS and GAMEOPTION_ENABLE_WORLDBUILDER_ALWAYS bVisible attributes from 0 to 1.
After that you should see those options in the custom game menu. The names are pretty self expanatory and those (as well as the game option to disable the Armageddon Counter) should help you isolate the issue. We will see how it goes and thanks again for helping.
- Kael