Let's just call fishing first F and bronze first (also worker-settler first) B.
- Same units on the map on turn 32 (1 worker and warrior we started with). The workers are even on the same spot (not intentional, I swear).
- Same 3 improved tiles in the capital (clams, clams, pig mine).
- Population/growth: Capital in B has 2 pop, growing in 3 turns; city 2 has 1 pop, growing in 1 turn. Capital in F has 3 pop, growth was stopped as soon as it reached 3 pop to produce settler, and settler still needs 2 turns.
So in 3 turns B has a 3 pop capital and 2 pop city 2, F has a 3 pop capital (with 1 turn of growth ahead of B) and no city 2 yet.
- City 2 set up in B with its fish improved, not in F. In F, capital needs 2 turns to produce settler, then can finish workboat.
In B both our cities can produce whatever we want next, F has a few turns to catch up in setting up city 2.
- Also related to production: worker in F just finished a chop, worker in B is one turn away from chopping.
(Another minor point because we are not running out of forests anytime soon, but notice how the same amount of forest is left in the capital work area in both cases. In B, city 2 placement destroyed a forest (I missed the chance to chop it first), and then 1 forest was chopped just west of city 2 on that hill for the workboat.)
- Research and gold situation: That was detailed in my post above, but in summary:
F: 13 research per turn, 0 gold change, 27 gold in bank, 163/162 sailing (so sailing finished with 1 point overflow).
B: 16 research per turn, -1 gold change, 19 gold in bank, 155/162 sailing. On the on the next turn it becomes 18 research / turn with sailing.
As mentioned before, F is 8 research points and 8 gold ahead (16 total commerce); but until F settles its second city and works that fish, B is now making 2 more per turn (+3 research, -1 gold), becoming 4 more per turn until sailing. In 3 turns (2+4+4 = 10) B will only be 6 total commerce behind, or about 1/3 of a turn worth of research, while several turns ahead in growth and production.
Of course this is not the only possible outcome of each strategy. Maybe
@sampsa was actually ahead of my B save. And maybe you can produce a better position in a fishing first save.