First thing you'll do?

I'll be up at around four in the morning, happily installing and scrolling through the civilopedia without any rush. Then maybe play as either France to see all the other leader screens, or Brazil. Gonna see how the regular 3-4 city tradition play works, and how it'll be accompanying aesthetics. Can't wait to be octdecimated by Shaka. :crazyeye:
I'm actually going to play as Venice. Despite the fair amount of hate I've given them lately, I've been growing fond of OCC mode in Civ 5 Gods and Kings, and they're starting to seem more and more interesting to me by the moment. Though, I still don't like their lack of choice. I may like to play as them, but restricting you to only one city is still pretty lame.
I will fire up as the poles, hoping to flip the AI cities as they spam their cities like they usually do. I think testing out the new Culture/policy/tourism system is most important to me. It seems to be the biggest change to the game.
I'm going to start up a game as Arabia. Huge, either Terra with 10 or Continents with 12-16. Hopefully without morocco, but defiantly with Venice in. See if the AI handles Venice differently; if not I may be slightly disappointed.
I'll probably open up the wrapper first. :crazyeye:

I do wanna play the Shoshone though...

Shoshone, Hemispheres, Standard.
select start a new custom game from the menu, scroll around and stare at the screen for 5 minutes, then load up civfanatics because i'm overwhelmed by the options and can't remember all of the civs' unique features. :) that's pretty much what i do most times i play anyway.

(then, i'll probably get distracted and start reading strategies even though i promised myself i'd try to figure it out on my own this time. then, i'll realize it's, like, 1 AM and i probably shouldn't be starting a civ game that late. then, i'll check facebook. *then*, i'll actually start a game, screw up, start again, screw up . . . then, at 2 AM i'll really decide i shouldn't start a new game. then, i'll probably check facebook again.)

edit: then, i'll go to sleep, and have a bunch of weird civ-related dreams.
Well, first I'll download and install it.
Then I'll either:
a) Boot up a standard size Continents map, add in two extra AI players, and test the new BNW features as England with the 9 new Civs.
or b) Go play the "Scramble for Africa" and/or the mysterious "Conquest of the New World Deluxe" scenario.
True Earth Map Morocco/Japan
Fractal map, as random verse the 9 new civs. Once I meet them, starting a new game as one of the 9 verse the remaining 8.
I'll buy civilization 5: brave new world
Go as Korea against the 9 new civs. Continents, no barbarians, legendary start. King
In order to solve the eternal dilenma of which leader is better, i shall fo the following:
Random AI opponents + Assyria
Random Maps

Would the spear or the slab prevail?!
In order to solve the eternal dilenma of which leader is better, i shall fo the following:
Random AI opponents + Assyria
Random Maps

Would the spear or the slab prevail?!

By the late of the game, Polynesia and Assyria are tearing each other apart to no avail, when, suddenly, a cry in the distance is heard... DanYOLO!
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