For the Next Patch

like always you got it
the text unit shut be grigari2 to
or not "grigari" art
I'm pretty happy with 2.35. I'll release at the end of the weekend (the delay from now is to have a chance for some more bugs that may be identified to get fixed this patch). I'm winding down 2.0's development, so there will be another patch or two if needed, but anything other than bug/text/scenario fixes will wait for 3.0.
the AI only cunstruct "construction ships"
and intead of defend planet with fortification
they act like ships in civ4 patroling the city
please fix this before patch
I don't know much about the AI, so I can't entirely fix the problem, but here's a bit of Final Frontier code that might contribute to the issue:
		# Cheat a little bit, need to get more Construction Ships
		iConstructionShip = CvUtil.findInfoTypeNum(gc.getUnitInfo,gc.getNumUnitInfos(),'UNIT_CONSTRUCT_SHIP')
		# Size requirement
		if (pPlayer.getNumCities() > 1):
			if (pCity.getPopulation() >= 4):
				iNumUnits = 0
				pyPlayer = PyPlayer(iPlayer)
				apUnitList = pyPlayer.getUnitList()
				for pUnitLoop in apUnitList:
					if (pUnitLoop.getUnitType() == iConstructionShip):
						iNumUnits += 1
				# Either 0 ships or less than certain # of cities...
				iNumCitiesThreshold = (pPlayer.getNumCities() / 2) + 1
				if ((iNumUnits < iNumCitiesThreshold) or (iNumUnits == 0)):
					iRand = CyGame().getSorenRandNum(100, "Rolling to see if AI should be forced to build a Construction Ship")
					# 15% Chance of forcing AI to build one of these things
					if (iRand < 15):
						printd("   Forcing city to make a Construction Ship :)")
						pCity.pushOrder(OrderTypes.ORDER_TRAIN, iConstructionShip, -1, False, False, False, True)
						bOverride = true
						return bOverride
In Star Trek, unlike Final Frontier, cities and resources can be connected with the Cargo Holds technology. For this reason I'm thinking of lowering the chance to 5% for most of the game and 10 or 15% if the player has either Subspace Corridors or Transwarp Corridors (I'm thinking 10% instead of 15 as these only have military benefit in Star Trek).

God-Emperor has identified a second bug in CvAI that I will be fixing that causes the military weight to be too low. For this reason I'm a little leery about fixing both in the same patch, as combining the two could cause the AI to be unable to get resources (it doesn't actually comprehend starbases, it's just a python override to construction ship behavior).

EDIT: Also, when are you seeing this? Scenarios probably should have this code removed (as resources start improved) and if it's only a problem late-game I could attempt to have it check the game turn and only apply it in the first part (half?) of the game.
How's the fix going? I have another thing I tried out. This one should allow the game data used by some events late in the Deep Space Nine scenario to work across game sessions (so if you save, the game isn't broken). Unfortunately I can't check to make sure there are no python exceptions. The attacked file goes in ST Deep Space Nine\Assets\Python.
is working fine in milenium mod
is where i have the problem so i put the file there
and the AI is builthing jemjadar fighter at last
thank you
Not sure- I admit I haven't downloaded it.

As another question- does the AI build sensor stations? I was wondering because while there is code in CvAI to get them to build starbases in certain locations, there's no such code for Sensor Stations in that file.
Probably not, but I haven't verified it. I'm not sure how to teach the AI where a good location to put one is. You'll also notice that the code that makes them place starbases only takes into account resources.

I think I might be able to (try and) do this. I added some code to it that gives it a massive bonus if the plot is near a wormhole (that way, the base can bombard things that come out of a wormhole- a strategy I used in Millennium to fend off the Grigori) for my modmod. I was considering trying to make them build starbases near solar systems for defense as well, or near other chokepoints, but this would be harder. And, making an entirely new function for sensor stations would be even harder, I think...

What is an ideal place for a sensor station? Near cultural borders? On the edge of a city's visibility?
I think I might be able to (try and) do this. I added some code to it that gives it a massive bonus if the plot is near a wormhole (that way, the base can bombard things that come out of a wormhole- a strategy I used in Millennium to fend off the Grigori) for my modmod. I was considering trying to make them build starbases near solar systems for defense as well, or near other chokepoints, but this would be harder. And, making an entirely new function for sensor stations would be even harder, I think...

What is an ideal place for a sensor station? Near cultural borders? On the edge of a city's visibility?

Never mind. I had a look at the beginning of the teaching functions, and I would probably have to reengineer half of to get this to work.

I'll download the construction ship change fix and see how that works, though...
Will release later tonight or tomorrow; I'll put the new CvAI file in last case anything surfaces before I send it out.

It's alright if you re-engineer CvAI (all of my changes other than the unique buildings and changing them to Star Trek are bug fixes) but I can see why you wouldn't want too. That's the reason the 1.0 scenarios are no longer updated except for bug fixes.
I like the idea of expanding the base mod to be richer, more complex, with added units, civs, game concepts, etc.

I LOVE the idea of examining shorter-term conflicts in more minutae and detail using scenarios built on the STMod base. This is where relatively minor* players like the Mirror Universe civs and the Voyager civs really shine, and where players like the Borg can be better balanced.

I do really enjoy the randomness of the base mod, though. Kudos, deanj!

*in terms of the Star Trek we see, not the years of Krenim Empire we can imagine- or make a scenario around.
Could I request a version of the Galaxy scenario on a smaller map (maybe with fewer civs to match the new scale) for lower-powered computers? I know that accuracy is lost in the process, but for me it makes the difference between playable and not.
If it weren't for the fact that the wormholes are hardcoded to the map (with no way to detect which one is loaded) and the fact that there is no room for the alphas (would have to consolodate Earth, Vulcan, Andoria, and Tellar back into the Federation and remove the Orions, Breen, and either the Ferengi or Tholians, and possibly Bajor/Cardassia) I'd look into it. I may update the map for 3.0, which would probably make it faster with some of my planned DLL/python changes.
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