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Forum Upgrade and the Turn Chat this weekend


No Longer Just Lurking
Nov 18, 2003
Bedfordshire UK
The Forum Upgrade is likely to start “late Friday” Thunderfall time. Guessing, Thunderfall time to be Eastern US time with Daylight Saving, I would guess that this could well be 20:00 (8 PM) Eastern Time Friday, or 00:00 GMT Saturday (13 hours before the turn chat). I assume that #turnchat will be unaffected by the forums, therefore the main problem is instructions. I do not wish to deprive anybody of their right to post their legal instructions, therefore IF and only if, ALL those legally able to do so have posted instructions by 23:00 GMT Friday (1 hour before my guessed time), I will download the thread, and any appropriate discussion/poll threads that I feel I may need and the turn chat will go ahead as planned. The extra hour is to give me time to download everything. If anyone legally able to do so has not posted instructions by then, I will cancel the turn chat. There is no legal obligation to post this early, therefore there will be absolutely no blame on the officials who have not posted.

It has been suggested that the TCIT is posted on another forum, unfortunately I feel that some officials would not be able to find/access this and therefore will be unable to post.

edit: (1:30 GMT) As the forums are still up and we nearly have all the instructions, if the instructions are not posted before the forums go down, then the turn chat will be cancelled.

If the chat does go ahead and I feel that I need to refer to a forum thread that I have not downloaded, then if necessary I will stop the chat.

edit to add: In the unlikely event that the forum is still up at the official closing time for legal posts (1 hour before the turnchat) then the chat will continue as normal even if everyone has not posted their instructions.

The uploads server will be available, so saves, screenies etc will be posted there as normal.

Comments please.
I like this plan, however there is one traditional element which will be missing. The mid-chat save would not be available for the attendees viewing pleasure. Since we don't have authority to change anything, this is not as big a deal as it was in games past, but some may be disappointed. Also the forum can't be used to pass the save and log to date on to another in the CoC, or to communicate trouble with the chat itself.
Thank you for commenting DaveShack, you raise some good points, and I certainly don't want to exclude anyone with this (or get CCd!).

If necessary I can e-mail screenies and saves to those present. If it's necessary to pass it on, again I could e-mail, or if that was not acceptable, stop the chat. If the chat goes down - then obviously we stop. I do not know if we will be able to upload to the uploads server - if we can I will do so in preference to e-mail. Obviously I will post all the information in the forum as soon as I am able.
Game saves can still be uploaded, although a post would have to be made. I can upload a copy of the TCIT to my Internet accout ( http://home.comcast.net/~jgasioro ), and admend the HTML document (that's what it essentially is when it's saved to your computer) whenever the save is present.

EDIT: Go to http://home.comcast.net/~jgasioro/cfctest.html to see what I mean. The file upload link in my sig will still work, too.
Build Artillery, Infantry, and Cavalry at will in those cities then. ;)
If the forum is still up at 1 hour before the turnchat starts and they have not posted, I may do that, but if it is not, then I will not know whether or not they would have posted if they could. therefore I will take my suggested cut off point and if everyone has not posted by then, cancel the chat. Perhaps I should add to my first post - if the forum is still up at the official closing time for legal posts (1 hour before the turnchat) then the chat will continue even if everyone has not posted their instructions.
Just print out or otherwise save the intstructions that are posted and play the game whether the forum is up or not. The show must go on. Besides, with those excellent summaries we'll all get to see what happened!
If a few leaders fail to post instructions, I think the chat should go on regardless. It's not like absentee governors like anarchywrksbest are likely to post instructions anyway.
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