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Fox-40: Island Immortality (OCC-AW)

Lurker's comment:

Oh, brother... Decimation! I could utter the inevitable "told you so", but that would probably result in a swift treatment involving lots of tar and feathers, so I won't go there. ;)

The problem isn't a lack of strength in your offensive units, but a complete absence of stack defenders. Hence, you don't need artillery. Well, not yet, in any case.

The peanut gallery begs you to research Steam Power and Railroad, and adding at least four machine guns to your stack. Correction: to your future stack. Be aware that Railroad obsoletes macemen, so you might want to build as many as you can to get some city raider promotions on your rifles. Fire the scientists and priests and hire merchants, so you'll gain some more gold to pay for the unit upgrades.

Also: you've only got two Musketeers left, and can't build any more. You might want to research Horseback Riding and Military Tradition at some point, so you can build Cavalry. These will enable you to retreat the final attacker back to the safety of the stack, instead of having to leave it out in the open.

Oh, and good luck! (I could add "you'll need it", but with said tar and feather still on my mind, I'll refrain from doing so.)
Spoiler :
Q: How many surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: turnip

I spend some quick turns (up to 355) building some 1 turn units (including a chariot to turn into a medic). They have been left in Paris.

Steam Power was replaced by Railroad (12 turns left).

Some naval actions were had (no losses) but that was all.

We popped a prophet that was merged.

Once we have railroad and a few machine guns, we can go on the offensive again. Currently there are 6 rifles (4 CR3), 4 cannons, a musketeer, a chariot and a GG in Paris. There are 3 rifles, 2 maces, a cannon, a pike and a musket recently offloaded from the boats outside Paris. We are probably short on seige so I have started a cannon even though it is a 2 turn unit. I would vote to make the charot a super-medic pillager with the GG.

We can build a levee for the extra hammers but I think more troops are the answer at the moment. Once the next stack sails, we can build it I think.

Once we have Railroad, we have the choice of Assembly Line (via Corporation probably 21 turns), Military Science (7 turns) or Artillery (13 turns). I think Artillery myself. Once the AI gets frigates, we need Combustion to upgrade the navy.

-- GreyFox == Skip until 9/Sep
-- R_rolo1 == UP!
-- Berserks01 == On Deck
-- Imhotep
-- Mystyfly
-- Ozbenno
What are you gonna upgrade them to? Maybe you could upgrade them to a really strong sailboat.....you know , something that doesnt require oil.

Well, I hear those stealthy wind powered battleships are all the rage lately. :) But anyway. Strategy-wise, I'd recommend going after whomever is closest to discovering both Astronomy and Chemistry (meaning frigates, obviously), and razing his coastal cities before he gets there. Currently, this means Mao (who has Astronomy already). With his beach resorts in ruins, move on to the next likely candidate. Oh, and keep on plinking those caravels! Keep the AI from upgrading them to instafrigates!

Edit: Oh and one more thing: if you go to engineer and priest specialists (just click the citizen automation button), your production increases to one cannon per turn.
Can't you build destroyers and transports with uranium? My bad if you can't.
lurker's comment: Yes, but you must have fission. I got baffled by this one before.
Lurker's comment:

You might also want to consider saving a Great Scientist to found Standard Ethanol later, even though you've got an offshore oilfield. The thing is, unlike in the previous OCC game, your precious field of black gold is within bomber range of the mainland to the north. Having Standard Ethanol under your belt should give you a more reliable source of oil, and saves you the trouble of having to defend that sea tile.

Just a thought.
Ok , This time, the real thing :p

Nothing fancy too.... decided to remove the chinese naval threat while researching steam and partly artilery ( this one mainly because all the AI are massing cuiraseers and arties do not suffer flank attacks... and Assembly Line needs 3 techs before we can even start it ( Natio, Constitution and corporation )
We also captured a chinese worker that is ATM in our lands... we have lots of railroading to do and after that we should make forts everywhere outside the BFC ( to both help naval and air management ).

Assorted pics
Spoiler :

And I think replaying a set can be counted as a Joke :p
Lurker's comment:

You can uncover and scout significant portions of the mainland using your airship on recon missions, especially when launched from forts on the shores of the island. I'm not sure you'll like what you'll find (*cough* Zara *cough*).

Note also that Zara, Charlemagne and Suleiman will be able to land troops on your island without your navy being able to do anything about it: their closest ports (New Serai, Florence and Samsun) are within the 4-tile distance a galleon can travel in one turn.

All I can think of to prevent a cataclysmic enemy invasion is stationing machine guns in forts along the coast (on the tiles that are vulnerable to one-turn invasions). I'm not sure if there's much time left to prepare. Do keep a close eye on that tech advisor, I'd suggest.
That part of "*cough* Zara *cough*" is not news to anyone that played inland sea and seeing the known Zara city names ( besides the captured Mongolian ones ): Zara started near the bottom left corner of the map and he expanded like hell ( he borders China now :eek: ).

And there is another way of preventing a drop from those 4 tiles away cities: put navy in the way :p normally ( not always ) AI in drop out actions tries to avoid engagements ( because AI is very resilient to break stacks and the combats would definitely force it ) and if you put a strong enough force in the way , they will normally deflect their path ( p.s This is not fool proof. Use at your own risk ;) )
Well done.

Now we have machine guns, I'd put a few in the stack and hit Zara hard, he is the real threat here, we can't let him run away with this. Artillery seems fine, then Assembly Line I think, then probably head towards Plastics, then maybe Industrialism.

-- GreyFox == Skip until 9/Sep
-- R_rolo1
-- Berserks01 == UP!
-- Imhotep == On Deck
-- Mystyfly
-- Ozbenno
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