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Fox-40: Island Immortality (OCC-AW)

This is looking very nice, good job :thumbsup:

As for targets, Mao, sulei and zara are (still) the only ones with astro. Justinian techs well but can't attack us yet. I'd say raze some of zara's coastal cities and then go after mao while building a second stack for justinian (if we can, at least it isn't that urgent with him...).
I doubt we can (should) focus on zara entirely, I expect the other AIs to build up theire SODs and we don't want them in our lands...
lurker's comment:
FOX-40?!? :eek: Who the heck would follow GreyFox for 40 games?!?

Hahahaha ... it's been awhile, but nice to see you again ChrTh.

Fox adopted the +10 per game strategy ;)
I'll grab it tomorrow most likely :) . If someone gets it first, be my guest... :)
Hello Guys, I'm back!

First off, although I'm mildly disappointed at the fact that the game is still unfinished, the progress looks fine. The number of specialists we have looks impressive!

Bad thing losing our tons of CRs rifles on the first run ... shouldn't have gone after Ethopia that early.

I think it is a mistake to produce a chariot just for supermedic. We could have used a musketeer instead. It also has 2 movement, and with rifles around, it will never be selected to defend. This also opens up the musketeer for promotion along the guerrilla line, making him the prefect last unit to mop up cities on the hills and then retreat back to safety.

As to the next steps, I think going after coastal cities is the way to go for now. We need to eliminate the invasion threat.

Some tiles could be changed to a fort ... eg. the marble, the iron, the uranium. This would allow us to station air units, give better defense for our MGs, and also may shorten ships maneuvering paths.


Welcome back, oh mighty leader :) ! If you want to play, be my guest. I'll play after you then... (the obvious attempt to escape Mr. Fox's legendary :whipped: :lol: )
As to the next steps, I think going after coastal cities is the way to go for now. We need to eliminate the invasion threat.

Welcome back Special Agent Fox :goodjob:

If we go coastal cities, I would suggest going clockwise around the sea, ie China next. Should we keep re-inforcng the existing stack (which I was doing) or start up a new stack as we actually have to start clearing some civs at some stage, one stack probably won't do it.
Just a notice to the team. I will be OOP and civ-less as well as possibly no internet access starting tomorrow (9/11) night til saturday (9/20) night. Please put me on autoskip during that period.

Maybe we should have 2 stacks concentrate on keeping the coast clear and another couple of stacks taking out the AI piece meal?
Our standard jokes nowadays:

Spoiler :

Plus one more text-based one:

Spoiler :

A woman announces to her friend that she is getting married for the fourth time.

"How wonderful! But I hope you don't mind me asking what happened to your first husband?"

"He ate poisonous mushrooms and died."

"Oh, how tragic! What about your second husband?"

"He ate poisonous mushrooms too and died."

"Oh, how terrible! I'm almost afraid to ask you about your third husband."

"He died of a broken neck."

"A broken neck?"

"He wouldn't eat the mushrooms."

Played a few turns, razed a couple of cities. I know we want to raze coastal cities clockwise, but Ethopia has some more coastal cities.

I suggest the red path in removing the last coastal city of Yarob. I stopped here. Partly because we have a GG from the last fight.

Do we want a second supermedic for our second stack? Or save him for a academy (we need it for infantries)?

I suggest also that we have a small stack of say 3/4 MGs + a couple of rifles to go around pillaging. We need the money, we also need to impede the powerful civs:

I mentioned about changing iron/uranium mines and marble quarry into forts, but then I noticed that we have a fort on the coal, but the city screen does not show we have coal. So I am puzzled, and did not build forts on iron, marble and uranium. I thought fort connects a resource?


-- GreyFox == Just Played
>> Imhotep == UP!
-- R_rolo1 == On Deck
-- Ozbenno

-- Berserks01 == skip until 9/20
-- Mystyfly == Autoskip


  • Fox-40 AD-1786.CivBeyondSwordSave
    412.1 KB · Views: 69
I mentioned about changing iron/uranium mines and marble quarry into forts, but then I noticed that we have a fort on the coal, but the city screen does not show we have coal. So I am puzzled, and did not build forts on iron, marble and uranium. I thought fort connects a resource?

lurker's comment:
You built the National Park, so no Coal in the city. But you are still credited with having coal as a civilization, so can build rails. :)
I sorted out my pc issues. I am able to play civ again tough I'm not in a rush to play (quite busy next week). After that I have ~3 weeks of holidays (again ;)) so^I'll be a bit more active.
I mentioned about changing iron/uranium mines and marble quarry into forts, but then I noticed that we have a fort on the coal, but the city screen does not show we have coal. So I am puzzled, and did not build forts on iron, marble and uranium. I thought fort connects a resource?
That's the reason I didn't build forts where I placed the MGs. I wasn't sure if it would connect the resources or not ... I was actually waiting for someone to ask/demand that we place forts where I stationed those MGs :p
Forts definitely connect resources.

Just don't spam them. Enemies landing units in OUR forts can be a PITA.
Re: Mil Academy for infantry, it is not a "must have". But we are just producing enough to churn out 1 rifleman (165) + 1 artillery (225) every 2 turns. With infantry (210), we can't. So, a mil academy is good to have when infantry is enabled.

So, we can go for Mil Sc after Ass Line for Mil Academy and blitz.

On the same note, we don't really need 2-movement units for pillaging. It's good to have, but not necessary. Especially since we would be targeting cottages for pillaging (which require 4 pillage to completely destroy it). So the idea will be a pillaging party of 3 MGs (take care of sieges and other non-mounted units) + 2 rifles (take care of mounted units). They spend one turn to move to the cottage, and spend another turn to completely raze the cottage.
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