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From Russia With Love: Putin to Blow Up Asteroid Headed for Earth


Jun 29, 2002

By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV, Associated Press Writer Vladimir Isachenkov, Associated Press Writer – 40 mins ago

MOSCOW – Russia's space agency chief said Wednesday a spacecraft may be dispatched to knock a large asteroid off course and reduce the chances of earth impact, even though U.S. scientists say such a scenario is unlikely.

Anatoly Perminov told Golos Rossii radio the space agency would hold a meeting soon to assess a mission to Apophis. He said his agency might eventually invite NASA, the European Space Agency, the Chinese space agency and others to join the project.

When the 270-meter (885-foot) asteroid was first discovered in 2004, astronomers estimated its chances of smashing into Earth in its first flyby, in 2029, at 1-in-37.

Further studies have ruled out the possibility of an impact in 2029, when the asteroid is expected to come no closer than 18,300 miles (29,450 kilometers) from Earth's surface, but they indicated a small possibility of a hit on subsequent encounters.

NASA had put the chances that Apophis could hit Earth in 2036 as 1-in-45,000. In October, after researchers recalculated the asteroid's path, the agency changed its estimate to 1-in-250,000.

NASA said another close encounter in 2068 will involve a 1-in-330,000 chance of impact.

"It wasn't anything to worry about before. Now it's even less so," said Steve Chesley, an astronomer with the Near Earth Object Program at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Without mentioning NASA's conclusions, Perminov said that he heard from a scientist that Apophis is getting closer and may hit the planet. "I don't remember exactly, but it seems to me it could hit the Earth by 2032," Perminov said.

"People's lives are at stake. We should pay several hundred million dollars and build a system that would allow us to prevent a collision, rather than sit and wait for it to happen and kill hundreds of thousands of people," Perminov said.

Scientists have long theorized about asteroid deflection strategies. Some have proposed sending a probe to circle around a dangerous asteroid to gradually change its trajectory. Others suggested sending a spacecraft to collide with the asteroid and alter its momentum, or hitting it with nuclear weapons.

Perminov wouldn't disclose any details of the project, saying they still need to be worked out. But he said the mission wouldn't require any nuclear explosions.

Hollywood action films "Deep Impact" and "Armageddon," have featured space missions scrambling to avoid catastrophic collisions. In both movies, space crews use nuclear bombs in an attempt to prevent collisions.

"Calculations show that it's possible to create a special purpose spacecraft within the time we have, which would help avoid the collision," Perminov said. "The threat of collision can be averted."

Boris Shustov, the director of the Institute of Astronomy under the Russian Academy of Sciences, hailed Perminov's statement as a signal that officials had come to recognize the danger posed by asteroids.

"Apophis is just a symbolic example, there are many other dangerous objects we know little about," he said, according to RIA Novosti news agency.

As if rescuing Mother Russia was not enough, Putin is now saving mankind itself.

Putin you rock:goodjob:
yaya wasted money
The wording of the thread title is only setting people up for a dissapointment.

I for one believe he could if he wanted though.
I'll make the request once again for a Don Quixote smilie...
Hey, if it works as practice against a real threatening asteroid, then all the better.

More worried that he'll screw it up and make it more likely for it to hit, however.
Lev Andropov will save the world again!

BTW, the article didn't say anything about Putin.
BTW, the article didn't say anything about Putin.

Well, when asteroids rear their head over Russian airspace, who do you think is there to stop them? Huh? HUH?
all humor aside, there's a buncha damm rocks out there we haven't spotted and I'm at least glad somebody is lookin out for these things.

there's been some strong evidence that the North American extinction which occurred about 13,000 years ago, before the short Ice Age, was due to an asteroid which impacted on the glacier, thereby removing the smoking gun of a crater. not a big enough impact to threaten the entire planet, but enough to make a mess of North America and help bring on the Ice Age.

so... these impacts may not be as rare as we would hope.
Well, when asteroids rear their head over Russian airspace, who do you think is there to stop them? Huh? HUH?

No idea. In Hollywood movies it's usually American president who saves mankind, but Perminov didn't mention Obama too.
there's been some strong evidence that the North American extinction which occurred about 13,000 years ago, before the short Ice Age, was due to an asteroid which impacted on the glacier, thereby removing the smoking gun of a crater. not a big enough impact to threaten the entire planet, but enough to make a mess of North America and help bring on the Ice Age.

so... these impacts may not be as rare as we would hope.
I'd hardly call speculation which has not held up under any sort of scientific scrutiny to be "strong evidence".



Recently it has been suggested that one or more large extraterrestrial (ET) objects struck northern North America 12,900 ± 100 calendar years before present (calBP) [Firestone RB, et al. (2007) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 104: 16016–16021]. This impact is claimed to have triggered the Younger Dryas major cooling event and resulted in the extinction of the North American megafauna. The impact is also claimed to have caused major cultural changes and population decline among the Paleoindians. Here, we report a study in which ≈1,500 radiocarbon dates from archaeological sites in Canada and the United States were used to test the hypothesis that the ET resulted in population decline among the Paleoindians. Following recent studies [e.g., Gamble C, Davies W, Pettitt P, Hazelwood L, Richards M (2005) Camb Archaeol J 15:193–223), the summed probability distribution of the calibrated dates was used to identify probable changes in human population size between 15,000 and 9,000 calBP. Subsequently, potential biases were evaluated by modeling and spatial analysis of the dated occupations. The results of the analyses were not consistent with the predictions of extraterrestrial impact hypothesis. No evidence of a population decline among the Paleoindians at 12,900 ± 100 calBP was found. Thus, minimally, the study suggests the extraterrestrial impact hypothesis should be amended.
I dunno guys... 1998 may have been a real year of prophesy. We already have the black President and the world saving Russian.

All we need are some hardcore resource gathering workers to create the motley team we send up there. Obviously a battle royale between the Axmen and the guys of Deadliest Catch would decide that crew.
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