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From Russia With Love: Putin to Blow Up Asteroid Headed for Earth

We're going to let the Russians take the steering wheel of a large chunk of rock heading to Earth? In that case the only question is who does Putin like least? :scared:

We are on the verge of a Space Rock Gap!
Is all this Putin love sarcastic?
He is not a spaceman so he rightfully isn't mentioned in the article at all. I'll be waiting till all western media begins calling this a new arms race and saber rattling, or Putin flexing his muscles. Now that is hot.
If somebody photoshopped Putin wrestling an asteroid away from Earth this would officially be the best thread ever.
As Prime Minister he is basically a giant bureaucrat, so do you think his internal paper pushing pwns?
Anyways I think he is the best suited to be bureaucrat number one, whatever works I dunno much about him lol. I have a Putin themed Calendar from 2006 so I am qualified enough to say that the western media will spin this as more of Putin's oppression of innocents or his muscle flexing.
If med, or anyone else pissed in the wrong direction, his stare would kill them where they stood.

And he's buff and kicked much ass as a grunt.

One might think I'd love the paratrooper Chavez, but compared to Putin he is a freakin monkey.
Oh I thought that the media would make everyone view Putin as a villian. I think the media's constant negative coverage of him makes him even more macho. The unpresidential order of cutting gas to ukraine for theft and failure to payment, CNN's Glen Beck blew out of proporation as just another step for Putin's dream of rebuilding the Byzantine Empire.
This thread will be much more interesting when the Western Media begins their spin on this. Already we see that the YahooMedia has said that Americans say this plan will never work so the media has pitted this into a Russia vs. America sceanario.
Silly Russians.

This thread will be much more interesting when the Western Media begins their spin on this. Already we see that the YahooMedia has said that Americans say this plan will never work so the media has pitted this into a Russia vs. America sceanario.

There is no spin on this.

"Russia being Russia" explains it all.
He should do it. Even though the odds are small, it would be awesome.
Yea, ok. Whats next, the US returning to the moon in 2019?

Don't make me laugh.
Nah we're really going. This time there's big money in it.
Nah we're really going. This time there's big money in it.

So? Tell me, what is more likely? The various consortium's that make parts and instruments drag there feet in R&D and production while bleeding NASA dry(A time honored tradition dating back to the Shuttle program and possibly earlier) or that NASA finally realizes that it can build an effective space craft that can reach the moon with reasonable R&D costs and time honored technology?

I mean Jesus, we reached the moon in 1969 with computers less powerful then a modern calculator!!!

The Apollo program, with contemporary technology lost only 3 people, meanwhile the boondoggle called the shuttle program has lost 14 people!!!
I'll bet Russia bulilds the missle, and MISSES by about 100 yards, and acually sends the asteroid AT Earth instead of AWAY from Earth. I don't really give a crap about Putin any way, because by the time the Asteroid rolls around, Putin won't be in office, and no more of Putinmania!
So? Tell me, what is more likely? The various consortium's that make parts and instruments drag there feet in R&D and production while bleeding NASA dry(A time honored tradition dating back to the Shuttle program and possibly earlier) or that NASA finally realizes that it can build an effective space craft that can reach the moon with reasonable R&D costs and time honored technology?

I mean Jesus, we reached the moon in 1969 with computers less powerful then a modern calculator!!!

The Apollo program, with contemporary technology lost only 3 people, meanwhile the boondoggle called the shuttle program has lost 14 people!!!

Okay then, humanity is going. The Russians, Chinese, Europeans and Japanese all also want helium 3. I think the US will be there too.

"An almost inexhaustible supply of clean, pollution free energy"

"This material at several billion dollars a ton is the only thing worthwhile getting and bringing back."

Link to video.

Link to video.

As if rescuing Mother Russia was not enough, Putin is now saving mankind itself.

Gosh, this is awfully nice of him!

I'll make the request once again for a Don Quixote smilie...
What would one of those look like? :confused:

No idea. In Hollywood movies it's usually American president who saves mankind, but Perminov didn't mention Obama too.

Seriously, there may actually be one or two people still alive in Russia who were around when the Tunguska Event happened. I'm sure any sane person wouldn't want a similarly-destructive kind of thing to happen in any populated place.
Okay then, humanity is going. The Russians, Chinese, Europeans and Japanese all also want helium 3. I think the US will be there too.

"An almost inexhaustible supply of clean, pollution free energy"

"This material at several billion dollars a ton is the only thing worthwhile getting and bringing back."

Link to video.

Link to video.

Eventually, i'm sure(if we don't all kill ourselves). However, I am doubtful it will be undertaken anytime soon. The US has the most advanced space program with the most funding by a very wide margin. What chance does everyone else have unless something drastic changes?
Is an 885-foot rock big enough to really worry about?
Not unless it's traveling at tens of thousands of miles per hour and headed in your general direction.
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