

Oct 24, 2016

Introducing my second WIP mod for Civ 6. I've not modded Civ before & am new to Lua scripting. I shamelessly pinched the name from the well-known Skyrim mod. This mod adds a small amount of damage to units per turn when they are on tundra, snow or desert tiles that simulates 'exposure' to the elements. Some features:

* Exposure on snow tiles is greater than on tundra tiles
* Exposure in tundra & desert tiles are the same (for the moment)
* Unit health does not fall below 10% even when the unit is on tiles that give 'exposure'
* Units recover health when positioned on grassland, or any other type of non-snow or non-desert tile.
* Positioning a unit on a an oasis tile in a desert recovers health (exposure)

Feedback is most welcome as this is a WIP.

Download HERE
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Known issues:
* Barbarian camps in snow loose health. Need to figure out how to identify a barb camp in Lua code & disable exposure.
* All unit types in all eras suffer the same exposure damage. Obviously this is unrealistic & I plan to adjust exposures by unit-type & era as the mod develops
I'm four years late, but I just wanted to say thanks for working on this mod! I especially like that units near fresh water heal. (It gives more strategic importance to rivers. About the barbarian health issue. Would checking if the tile has an improvement be enough to solve it?
It seems like a tile having an improvement should be enough of a mark of civilization that a unit wouldn't suffer attrition.
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