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Funny Fall from Heaven Screenshots!

did he look any different?
Probaly not. I don't think they've ever made new art for that ocurance. (It would be to rare to bother)
Yeah, I know. What's so funny about a bunch of recently captured cities? Well, I'll tell you. All of those cities(except the one in the north with 1 pop, I just founded that one) were captured in under 15 turns - and they were all captured by a single unit.

It started off with a ship wreck. On this whole little island I'm on, there was one ship wreck. It was in Sandalphon's territory, so I couldn't get to it earlier, but when he declared war on me I sent a galley north to explore it. The result was an assassin that was trapped in the lair. Given I wasn't even close to building my own assassins, I was pleased with the result, and also very cautious of using him. However, I slowly picked off the weaker units Sandalphon sent into my territory(his military was vastly superior to mine at the time, and I had to turtle in my cities) Over time, my Assassin got several useful promotions: Drill IV and Combat II.

Then, the real gamechanger happened: My Assassin was chosen by Aeron. With 2 more strength, he became a killing machine, and after I got Blitz he singlehandedly killed all of the units Sandalphon sent at me. For a while this continued, with Sandalphon sending units at me, my assassin killing them, until I noticed something: My assassin had 97.3% odds(with 2.3% withdraw chance) attacking the units in his cities. So I started attacking them, mainly to give my unit more experience, but before I knew it, I was actually conquering his cities. With an assassin. From the time I captured the first, I captured the rest in only 13 turns, with only one unit.

Look at his promotions in the screenshot, and check in EXP :eek:

EDIT: My assassin just assassinated Hyborem!

This is what happened. Two turns after I took and posted this screenshot, Hyborem entered into the world. Dis was created three tiles to the north and one tile to the east of Borlans(my northernmost city in the screenshot). Immediately after he spawned, I declared war on him(I sure as hell wasn't going to share my frozen tundra with no commercial or agricultural value with him!), moving my assassin east to kill a Champion and Longbow he was using to escort a settler to found his second city. Hyborem and one of his Champions attacked and captured Borlans, which was undefended at the time. The next turn, I had my Assassin attack and kill the Champion in Borlans. Then I cast Raging Seas to weaken Hyborem, and took the Shock promotion on my Assassin(I was saving that for Subdue Beast, but this was so worth it), moving my combat odds from 14% up to 92%. Then I attacked and killed Hyborem the first time. Since he is immortal, he respawned in Dis, but being an assassin and all... the following turn I moved my Assassin over to Dis, attacked Hyborem, and killed him for good. Now I'm using my assassin to mop up the rest of his units!

That settles it. I must write a RP story about this.

The other day, my Losha Valas had a similar experience. She levelled up to something like 13 in the comforts of her own home by eating everyone, and then, on a whim, I declared war on Perp. She jumped on a ship and, ironically, was killed, but she resurrected and successfully got to Perpentach's secluded island-valley.

Once there, she SINGLE HANDEDLY DESTROYED PERPENTACH'S ARMIES. Just ONE unit. She stood right out of Jubilee and attacked it three times a round (Blitz + Haste), each with >99.99% win rate. Perp was throwing his whole army at me, to no avail. Then she moved in and destroyed/took each of his remaining cities, and completely wiped out the Balseraph.

Buboes spawned around this point, but my Rosier took care of him. I gave War to Losha, and sent her towards Clan lands after some levelling up at home (she didn't get much XP from destroying the Balseraph). Once again, she completely destroyed them, and, sick of fighting, I agreed when they offered to capitulate.

Next I sailed her home and had her attack Acheron. She died. But you know what? It DIDN'T MATTER. She came back immediately, and Mardeos was able to slay the dragon after throwing a few mooks at it. Win.

Since she had War, the Armageddon thing actually hit 100, and the world was getting pretty screwed up. Fun game, though.

Now, I have to admit I was just playing on Noble, but Losha seems pretty overpowered in that she can level up without any risks, and that she can't die as long as you have a supply of mooks around for her to kill...

Sadly, I didn't get to fight Ars Moriendi in that game. Don't know where he is. I eventually won a religious victory, but just for kicks I declared war on Hyboream. Losha lost against him, so Onionsoldier still had a much awesomer assassin than her.
Tis the Island of Treasury Dungeon doom

Reminds me of when a while back I got a chest over barrow. The chest could explore the barrow which spawned a savant. The savant opened the chest which got me a tech and then I used the savant to get a bit more research. Made me smile a little inside.
The other day, my Losha Valas had a similar experience. She levelled up to something like 13 in the comforts of her own home by eating everyone, and then, on a whim, I declared war on Perp. She jumped on a ship and, ironically, was killed, but she resurrected and successfully got to Perpentach's secluded island-valley.

Once there, she SINGLE HANDEDLY DESTROYED PERPENTACH'S ARMIES. Just ONE unit. She stood right out of Jubilee and attacked it three times a round (Blitz + Haste), each with >99.99% win rate. Perp was throwing his whole army at me, to no avail. Then she moved in and destroyed/took each of his remaining cities, and completely wiped out the Balseraph.

Buboes spawned around this point, but my Rosier took care of him. I gave War to Losha, and sent her towards Clan lands after some levelling up at home (she didn't get much XP from destroying the Balseraph). Once again, she completely destroyed them, and, sick of fighting, I agreed when they offered to capitulate.

Next I sailed her home and had her attack Acheron. She died. But you know what? It DIDN'T MATTER. She came back immediately, and Mardeos was able to slay the dragon after throwing a few mooks at it. Win.

Since she had War, the Armageddon thing actually hit 100, and the world was getting pretty screwed up. Fun game, though.

Now, I have to admit I was just playing on Noble, but Losha seems pretty overpowered in that she can level up without any risks, and that she can't die as long as you have a supply of mooks around for her to kill...

Sadly, I didn't get to fight Ars Moriendi in that game. Don't know where he is. I eventually won a religious victory, but just for kicks I declared war on Hyboream. Losha lost against him, so Onionsoldier still had a much awesomer assassin than her.

Back before Shadow, my Clan was fighting the Lanun for more territory. My only unit with any chance at surviving a city assault was Rantine, so I parked a group of axemen outside each city. Falamar didn't feel like leaving his cities, so Rantine killed every last one of his units. I then sent all my axemen home and had Rantine bring down Keelyn down to one city in order to grab Orthus's axe. Now unstoppable, Rantine completely destroyed the Bannor and Hippus (the largest and strongest civ in the game) before doing a substantial amount of damage to the poor Luchuirp. This was back when the Clan still had scorched earth, and since I was FoL (and neutral, 'cause of an earlier adoption of RoK) the counter hitting 90 was not a good thing. Luckily, Keelyn had summoned Hyborem while I was away, so Rantine just killed all the demons and clowns, and got the counter back down below 60. Easily one of my favorite games of all time.

Also, I'm very [offtopic]
In case anyone was wondering what finally became of my assassin, this is a shot of his stats right after I won a Domination victory. You can't see it because of all the promotions, but he's level 32.

Also, when I was going through the playback of that game, I noticed this entertaining tidbit:

Basium was destroyed three turns after he spawned, by a culture flip of his only city... Good thing I already destroyed Hyborem!

Also, I ended that game with an Armageddon Count of 0. Absolutely 0. After razing all AV cities, the AC dropped from 21(highest it was all game) to 0. I didn't even need to Sanctify anything. Then again, the fact that the top 12 players of the scoreboard(excluding me, as neutral) were Good probably didn't hurt. Too bad I never got more Great Priests for an Altar victory, The One would have been happy to see how most of creation rejected Agares' perversions. Mammon was probably the only 'evil' god who still had his mana(Mind) is use by any civilizations.
Wow that's one awesome unit. Too bad you can't get the marksman promotion off him or something to make him stop attacking the weaklings. Probably a little bit overkill. :p

Hell Slayer Assasin (Strength 2274593753305) vs Scout (Strength 2)

I still like the name of altair better :D
Basium was destroyed three turns after he spawned, by a culture flip of his only city...

That's why I made the Mercurian and Infernal palces produce +10 culture.

I was growing tired of war and offered peace for a modest price. You know what she said?

Spoiler :

Who knew she's got a sense of humor.


  • 05-G4B3LL4.jpg
    144.5 KB · Views: 1,320
So now we know: animals in Erebus have opposable digits.

No it was sticking out of his *uhm*, whateverplace gave the added damage :)

Giant spiders love the axe , once saw it on a sidar worker too...
lol these are hilarious! (esp the one about the polar bear)
For 1:Acording to event text, my scout found a bucket of apples in a dungon. I think they were moldy.................:sad:

For 2: i win at a deul pangea map at turn 13. i told you that number was unlucky!:crazyeye:


  • Civ4ScreenShot0054.JPG
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  • Civ4ScreenShot0055.JPG
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"Building, building, building the mana node."
"Hey guys, I'm here to help build the mana node."
"All right, let's all work together to build this mana node!"
"Yeah, building a mana node is fun!"
"By the way, what kind of mana node are we building?"


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