Funny Political Pictures Thread I: A New Hope

Ivanka, and English fashion...
It's not wildly hilarious, but it is quite funny.

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It must be American politics or English pictures? How about Swedish?
HERE WE GO! Numbnuts all around, they are like a prehistorical animal and it´s a bit polluted that circus. Think really hard and in the "right" way and you should know who influences it all, my opinion mind you. And it begins with a "S" and ends with "atan". Hint hint and nudge nudge.
Swedish meme:

It says: " -I would do ANYTHING for you.
- Vote for the social democratic party?"
*BOINK in the butt!*
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During a tour of the USA in 1866, President Andrew Johnson gave a speech in St. Louis that fits this picture beautifully.

I have been traduced and abused! I have been traduced, I have been slandered, I have been called Judas Iscariot.
There was a Judas once, one of the twelve apostles. Oh, yes! And these apostles had a Christ, and he could not have had a Judas unless he had twelve apostles.
If I have played the Judas, who has been my Christ that I have played Judas with?
Sounds like trump's style of deflection, but it didn't mention Hillary? Also it was pedantically correct :p
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