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Game Features/Functions

Well, I think that'd be good except that it also requires a change to engineering and its 1/3 benefit. I guess I can ask him how exactly he handled this himself and maybe I'll put it in too.
Also, on the second page of the thread there's something about how a flag can change like dynamic civ names (the english flag, for example, became the Union Jack.)
An idea.
Y'know how BtS brought in the strategy sections of articles?

I figure myself and a few others could write up strategies for each wonder, project, UU, UB, civ, and leader.
Just maybe a paragraph (two max) suggesting the best/recommended use, what they're good at.

If we were to do this, anyone else up for joining me in writing these? I could start ASAP.
What about civics? I am not a top player, but I could do some stuff, but my strategy is still developing, it often consists of, that guy is pissing me off, I'll mobilize, take his land, hey! I'm on the top of the scoreboard :p
Also, was any idea ever come up with for using Greater Zimbabwe as a wonder? I remember you really wanted to use that model for something.
I agree that it'd be neat to see in-game. As far as wonders that already have graphics, that and Nazca Lines would be awesome.

I just can't really find a use for either that wouldn't be a rehash of something another wonder does (Nazca Lines seems like it'd be a Center The Worldmap wonder, for example.)

Silk Road is another wonder the game really needs, but graphically I don't know how that'd work.
I agree that it'd be neat to see in-game. As far as wonders that already have graphics, that and Nazca Lines would be awesome.

Where could I find graphics for the Nazca Lines? I've never seen them in the download database.
Where could I find graphics for the Nazca Lines? I've never seen them in the download database.

You'd have to ask Wyz, it's in CivGold as the UB for the Nazca people.

Edit: Nazca Lines could reveal a chunk of the map nearest the city that built it. If that's codable. It could be a -really- early wonder, unlocked with Animal Husbandry or Agriculture.
Great Zimbabwe could act as a really early (maybe Construction) version of Forbidden Palace, since it was made during the region's iron age (even if it was made around the 13th century AD)
So, from time to time I look around and see if anything interesting is available for the mod. What do you all think of THIS FEATURE?

Instead of that, I'd just suggest removing the dumb exp gained cap that siege units got in an earlier patch.
It's infuriating how hard it is to level up your siege weapons. Makes medieval warfare more irritating.
Well, as far as I am aware I think siege weapons were "throw away" weapons anyway. I know it isn't really realistic how they are handled in Civ, but I don't think medieval armies kept siege craft around, it wasn't really worth it and was probably difficult to keep them up properly. I don't remember where I read this, but I am pretty sure they were created on a basis of necessity, when they were done being used they were stripped for materials, so even though civ handles them in a stupid way, I think they do follow some form of historic reality.

Having said that, the cannons should certainly get XP more often.

EDIT: IIRC a lot of the times a ship would be dismantled, made into a siege weapon, and if the army was victorious they would dismantle the weapon and rebuild the ship with the materials. If they weren't, obviously they didn't have much use for a siege weapon or a ship... well, not as much as they may have before.
That ship thing would be an awesome idea if it were within the scope of this mod!
Capo. I have a question, up for maybe changing The Internet?
I've just noticed that, in all honesty, it's a completely worthless project. By the time you can build it, you don't need it.
The current effect makes -sense-, but it just doesn't work. I was thinking we could just come up with another fitting but useful effect. Unless anyone thinks Internet's fine.
Capo. I have a question, up for maybe changing The Internet?
I've just noticed that, in all honesty, it's a completely worthless project. By the time you can build it, you don't need it.
The current effect makes -sense-, but it just doesn't work. I was thinking we could just come up with another fitting but useful effect. Unless anyone thinks Internet's fine.

Seems like you may already have something in mind. What would you suggest?
Seems like you may already have something in mind. What would you suggest?

I actually can't think of anything besides a beaker % bonus, or maybe a science bonus to every city in your empire, to represent scientific knowledge spreading throughout your nation rather than being centralized.

Edit: Actually, a great person bonus could also be fitting. Easier access to information theoretically should increase your chances of great people.
The internet is a good project the way it is. I don't usually build it (mostly because by the time it rolls around I either have finished the game or quit), but it can be very useful, especially on higher difficulties, where you can get a flood of techs.
The Capo, I remember a long while ago you said you wanted to include The J's Spawn A Civ modcomp in your mod.

I've already tested the Spawn A Civ to a fair extent for WoL, so if you're still doing it, I may be able to offer some advice and suggestions.
I have *BASICALLY* ditched the idea of the spawning civs. There are a number of reasons why. The first one was that I didn't want them to spawn in each game, and based on the way The_J implemented it, they would. Secondly I wasn't entirely sure that the spawned civs would act the way I wanted them to. They weren't really meant to be civs so much as better/more intelligent barbarians. It would require more than just The_J's spawn a civ modcomp to really handle it the way I wanted to, so I have decided not to do it.

Right now I'm having enough trouble getting this guy to finish up what he said he would for me in a timely manner (I'm what now? A month behind schedule because of this guy?), so right now I'm busy pestering him and trying to get as many little things done as I can since I can't move on until he gets the next patch ready.
^Well, in the latest version of Spawn A Civ, you can give the barbarians a chance of spawning in a game, but if you want something more complicated like them spawning based on certain events, then guess not. Likewise, you can make them barbarian civs, and give their leader a personality similar to that of the barbarians.

But, whatever, it's your mod. Hope things get faster for you. :)
I don't necessarily need events, I just wanted it to be a bit more random than The_J's spawn a civ allows, I suppose I could add a different percentage but ideally I wanted the spawned civs to act a certain way. As a recap this is what I originally had in mind:

- The Phillistines/Sea People; I wanted them to spawn in the ancient era, I basically wanted them to act as ancient pirates who would attack coastal cities, except unlike pirates they would land armies and attempt to establish a kingdom.

- The Horde; they were going to basically act like the Mongols or Turkic invaders, ideally they wouldn't have cities, but would start out with a "Mongol Camp" unit and a decent army and would sweep through during the medieval era. They would mostly raze cities, but every now and then capture them.

- Pirates; less interested in capturing or even razing cities, but would harass ships at sea and attack and blockade coastal cities.

It is difficult to get that to happen though, and since I am running out of time on getting this thing finished I decided that it isn't worth the effort at this point, sadly.
I see. Having such "civs" with really unique playing styles probably would be difficult to program. Personally I think it would be possible to some extent by using the leaderhead personality, but I do agree that you are right in the end. Oh well.
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