• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Generic Vacation Thread

Wow, doublepost in the Vacations thread. I'm surprised. Back though, with even greater knowledge of the Hellenistic era with which to berate people.

I knew something evil was afoot these past few days.
Spoke briefly with Nuclear Kid, aka Warhead over MSN and he has said that he was badly burnt somehow and is in hospital... He doesnt know when he will return, only that he will as soon as he gets home from the hospital....
I am now back with significantly more knowledge of, um, R.U.R.?
I might be away for a few days, the kitten I raised from a very young age just died because of misadventure... :( so I'm in a state or mourning, she was only a young bonny wee thing as well, well before her time :(
Aww, man, I thought she was getting better! That sucks, dude, I'm sorry. :(
Well I'm back. But yeah I'm still gutted, she made it through the night and we thought she was going to be alright, she was getting better and then had a massive heart attack and died :(
we thought she was going to be alright, she was getting better and then had a massive heart attack and died

I was going to simply say that I feel your pain, but this arguably makes it even worse; back in 2007, my three-year-old cat died more or less in the exact same way, though it was a he and he, ofcourse, was older (which was why it was such a surprise; we had no ideas that he had any kind of heart problems, too).
Yeah it's a bugger :(.
Just got back from more Quizbowllage.
Barring unforeseen beneficial circumstances, I will be out of contact from this Friday to next Saturday or Sunday (highly time-dependent). Should have an installment of the Titanomachia out by then to tide people over though.
In canada Dec 25th-Jan 1. Will only have brief glimpses of computer access.
Apparently it's the Monday after next, so a full week and a half. Wow I suck.
In canada Dec 25th-Jan 1. Will only have brief glimpses of computer access.

what an awkward christmas - new years visit. unless you have family here. :huh:

because generally...people...especially us...head south for winter. not north.
because generally...people...especially us...head south for winter. not north.

Actually, I just agree with him in general. Jamaica and Cozumel are much better for your constitution than Canada.
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