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Glenn Beck Calls for Counter-Revolutionary Putsch


The Tighnahulish Kid
Sep 14, 2005
...Would be a slightly alarmist way of putting it, but not entirely unrealistic.

Beck: "If you're in special ops, please - please - tell your friends, wake them up" about the coming revolution

Nor is this, it seems, the first time he has issued such feelings in recent weeks:

Beck warns White House that the "military has a responsibility to stop the destruction of the Constitution"

Beck warns of revolution and begs the military to "please remember your oath to the Constitution of the United States"

Surely, this bonzai Francoist is becoming an embarrassment? For how long, exactly, does the American far-right plan on keeping him around?
When do we charge him with treason?
what an idiot - I fail to understand why anyone listens to that guy
When do we charge him with treason?

I don't see this happening, but I'd be in support of it.

Someone really needs to shut this self-proclaimed mouthpiece up.
Someone really needs to shut this self-proclaimed mouthpiece up.

Beck is like an internet troll, if the media just ignored him, he would eventually go away. At this point, I am more sick of hearing about Beck than what he actually says.
Hopefully our State Police have better aim than their Bavarian counterparts had in the 1920s.
Beck is a smart guy, and he hit the head on the nail again. How the heck do you find him to be "A Francoist?" Or why the heck do you think he's crazy?

@LoE- What about freedom of speech besides?

And besides, if you think Beck was advocating a rebellion, you don't know what he was talking about...
No, the people that say the things that get him to say the things he says hate America:

Nobody wants to violate the fourth amendment, but we are going to have to.

These kinds of comments by a person in power should be seen as treason, not what Beck says.

@Miles Teg- Feel free.
Freedom to advocate a violent overthrow of your democratically-elected government?

Well, first of all Beck didn't say that. Second of all, the Supreme Court ruled that such speech could only be legally prosecuted if it was deemed to cause an immediate threat. And the US government is not in immediate danger.

Third of all, "Democratically elected" means rather little actually.
Why hasn't Beck commented on his supposed rape and murder of a girl in 1990? He appears to be silent on the matter
Because ridiculous charges shouldn't be replied to. They were randomly made up by a guy on the internet with no evidence. If I accused you of being a rapist on here, would you bother to deny it, or would you just hit the report button? Obviously, in real life you can't do that, so he just (Wisely) ignored it.
Because ridiculous charges shouldn't be replied to. They were randomly made up by a guy on the internet with no evidence. If I accused you of being a rapist on here, would you bother to deny it, or would you just hit the report button? Obviously, in real life you can't do that, so he just (Wisely) ignored it.

It was most likely some wiseass teenager who jumped on the anti-Beck bandwagon because it's the cool thing to do.
It was most likely some wiseass teenager who jumped on the anti-Beck bandwagon because it's the cool thing to do.

Tell us about the coolness of libertarianism and the violent otherthrowing of government
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