GONG! builds Mausolleum of Maussolos


Nov 30, 2004

Team GONG has built something, but the party is going so hard that we havent had time to reflect on what it is that we built. So we call it the Mausolleum of Maussolos, since we hear this is an uber-leet thing to build. No one knows what it quite does; storehouse? burial mound? landing pad for alien spaceships bent on galactic domination? Who knows?
:lol: very clever!

Good work and congrats! :beer:
You built a Mausol!

[party] :dance: :band:



Did it come with directions or batteries?

Do you know how to use it?

Does it have a warranty?
Well, the Mausoleum sure worked for us on TNT last game. :rolleyes:

But seriously, congratrulations on this surprising feat!
wow, you wasted all that time building the MoM? even knowing how that worked out for TNT last game? ;)

just kidding guys, congrats on the wonder build GONG. :)
How did you make that nice of a picture? I don't even know the physics of it.
Daghie is very good sketching on papyrus.

To answer CB's questions:

We had to buy batteries. 6000 9V batteries. It is worse than Christmas, it only lasts 30 minutes on the batteries. we should have bought the rechargeables and power adapter.

Killer knows how to use it, but he won't tell any of the rest of it. He grabbed the instruction manual and hid it. Of course none of the rest of were going to admit that we needed the manual.

It comes with a 60 day warranty, but there are a lot of conditions with it. JB and I keep saying we got ripped off. The Prince tells us we got a good deal and shut about it.
Did it come with directions or batteries?

The batteries are a cover. It's all beer based alien technology. Killer did hide the instructions and we sent the Stargate crew to find it. We later found them sloppy drunk. It's hopeless.
The batteries are a cover. It's all beer based alien technology. Killer did hide the instructions and we sent the Stargate crew to find it. We later found them sloppy drunk. It's hopeless.

I thought the beer was the batteries - I was sure that the Aliens said if you put two different metals in the beer you get some currents. I was looking forward to them as I'm getting peckish with all this beer.
The Babes put together a couple gifts for your great project.
I think Daghie and Bugs are in this picture. I'm not sure who the guy playing piano is.

A song

Artist rendering of what it really looks like.
Spoiler :


Congrats fellow idio.....I mean Gong'ers!
Yo mod you need to moderate that pic! Im getting a red x and it wont open in Firefox either! I guess thats me playing the bongos. And we've got the honeys too!
OK fixed. Could that be JB on the piano? I've heard he wears funny looking glasses.
Alright, I see the Mausol off to the left, it looks like a lion with a man's head. But what are those two big pointy things behind it? Madonna's bras?
But what are those two big pointy things behind it? Madonna's bras?
that's a biiig woman. let's call that area a "fun park" :lol:
I thought for sure they built it to store all the dead ponies that Council helping is Babe to supply :evil:
:wow: nicely done! I really like those old Civ2 Wonder movies. Best of the Civ series, I think.

In Civ 2 Leo's featured a unit upgrade for free? :wow:

I miss the whole game at times :cry:

:lol: Just joking, there where more things I don't miss too much.
Remember building a wonder with caravans? 20k would be quite easy... :mischief:
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