[PTW] GOTM 197 Carthage Regent


Mar 29, 2021
Michigan, USA
GOTM 197 Carthage Regent
Carthage Harbor2.JPG
GOTM 197 Carthage Regent

Welcome to GOTM 197, created by LaSalle. In this game you will play as Carthage who are commercial and industrious. Carthage begins the game with the alphabet and masonry. Your unique unit is the Numidian Mercenary that will be available as soon as you learn bronze working and requires no special resources. These powerful early units have the attack strength of an archer and the defense strength of a pikeman. They will not become obsolete for over an era until the discovery of gunpowder. However, you will have to pay dearly in terms of shields for these mercenaries at 30 shields each. The commercial trait should help mitigate this obstacle by reducing corruption in your cities allowing more shields to be put to use rather than wasted.

Your settler has already located a fine spot at the mouth of a river on the coast. There is plenty of food nearby and even gold! A city built here has the potential to be the envy of the world. The surrounding land is not so hospitable. Fortunately, your industrious workers work twice as fast as regular workers. With enough effort, they should be able to develop the land into suitable territory for your growing civilization. It is suggested that you build many.

Scope of the Game:
  • Normal size world
  • Pangaea
  • Wet, warm climate
  • 7 opponents, pre-selected
  • Restless barbarians
  • Regent difficulty level
  • The normal rule changes for gotm will apply
Time Plan: The game is released on January 1, 2025. Submissions are due by March 31, 2025

Game Release Page:
Starting Location:
GOTM 197 Carthage start.JPG
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I went for 20k... moving 1 from the starting position, this is how it transpired:
turn b4 victory.png

Techs are so incredibly cheap on Regent! ;) 4t research really was not a big issue. but the AS... still had my do all the research, even would have to go for Espionage myself, right after all the Modern Age-techs!

and i even had 3 culture builds left when the game ended.
except for Pyr and Sun Tzu, I snatched all the wonders in the game that were built... CoC being the only Great Wonder that was left for grabs when I reached 20k.

Thank you for that nice set-up, especially for Regent! Only I learnt to remember why I hate culture games so much actually... ;D

Did not really take notes. I know that I lost at least one turn when I did not prioritize the capital enough. Only used 1 MGL for a wonder, one of the very last ones. First MGL into an army for HE (was lost again very soon, the army that is). Will add some more information if I remember anything else...

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Hi guys,

My game crashed/froze on victory trigger and I couldn't save it to the original downloaded file. Am I allowed to load the autosave?
Yes, in case of a crash it is allowed to load the latest autosave and attempt to reconstruct the played moves.

However, if there is a victory screen crash, it will probably occur again. I forget what the reason usually is.
Yes, in case of a crash it is allowed to load the latest autosave and attempt to reconstruct the played moves.

However, if there is a victory screen crash, it will probably occur again. I forget what the reason usually is.
Yeah it happened again :| But! this time I saved before end turn and also found the solution (not the reason though)! https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/game-keeps-cashing-on-win-screen.674821/

TLDR: press "esc", do not click on X in the first victory screen (the one with the battered opponents)

I went for 20k... moving 1 from the starting position, this is how it transpired:

I learnt to remember why I hate culture games so much actually... ;D
The problem with culture games is that by the time you acquire enough culture points, you could have easily won by another victory condition or even all other victory conditions. It is frustrating delaying finishing the game just to obtain a culture win.
ok, I found some additional information on my game:
-reach size 12 of the 20k city in 1600bc
-revolt in 950bc
-Republic + GA start in 875bc

i think i remember that I had Rome never build legionaries. I wanted the land of Rome, Zulus and Greece, conquered it in this order. Built an exile for Greece on one of the islands before kicking them off the continent. All the other civs declared on me at some time, for highly valued WH. Took wonder-building towns both in Russia and from Osman.
Start was slow as there was no really good supporting 2nd town, but when the jungle was all gone, dominance was established. For Regent, however, the AS civs did not do too bad. I even saw an army and Osman also built the IW.


Edit: except for the initial builds, and the production enhancers, the capital really only built culture builds. no market, harbour, etc... till the end. ;)
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