So, initial thoughts are, we've got to be looking at a cultural victory here. The plan is to use the philosophical trait to power the GA farm. We'll want to pick up some religions, not sure how we'll do that yet.
it's epic, so it's going to be a high level of culture needed.
the ring map will take a very long time for war, so hopefully culture will take less time input.
Although, on noble, it will be a faster win via war. I guess it depends on who the neighbors are.
And, no plan withstands meeting the enemy.
We'll send the settler up the hill 2W to see what's around. Missing a turn shouldn't matter too much.
It seems to be that the deasert 1W of starting will get the most in the capitol. Commerce is going to be a problem. Colusus economy anyone ?
building scout, researching agriculture.
Then we'll go BW-AH-Archery and see where we're at. Produciton is low so do we want to chop lots ?
Found marble to the east, near some other resources too.
Found Ceaser to the East., and some nice gold to the west. I think I need to get that area.
The narrow bits are all 1 wide on this map, on the test they were 2, so we can get navies from the outside to the inside of the ring.
And Mao to the west.
Humm, No copper close, but Rome has two lots, and gold. Looks like this may be tricky. I sense the hand of a map designer here.
OK. I've explored around the world.
I've no copper, no iron and no horses. I guess the admins have set this one up to be a challenge.
I've got 3 cities now, with #4 planned for the east to get the 4 resources over there.
The plan will be to tech towards construction, and then build cats/elephants to take out China and defend against Rome. I think I need to plan the politics a little here, and encourage some religious wars.
So, the question is, do we go for a later war, and then roll everyone up, or move towards a cultural victory that we seem to be being encouraged to. I don't have any early religions, and may be leaving it too late to move towards Christianity. Hummm. decisions decisions.
In hind-site, a quick warior rush could have got rid of Roam before they got copper and archery sorted. I may try that in a reload to see if it would work.
Coming back to the game after a few days break, I'm really screwing things up.
I'm trying to head for construction without pottery !! and I've put 6 turns of science into alphabet which isn't a prereq.
My initial scouting picked up everyone, and I went openborders with everyone to try to pick up some religions. Sadly, that would only have worked post sailing, so now everybody's got a -1 on my for trading with their enemies.
So, I think my plan was to back fill the missing techs, but at this rate, even MMing, it's still 18 turns to alphabet. Or 5 for wheel and 5 for pottery... Humm.
Lets touch it out, and see if we can pull ahead with some tech trading. [crossing fingers] if not, then the game's lost I think. If I manage it, then it should put me in a stronger position...
Without metal, barbs are going to be difficult, so I'll need more archers. I need to fog bust to a) reduce the chances of barbs appearing, and b) swarm them if they do. Barb axes are going to be a tad tricky to deal with.
[at this point I hadn't twigged that barbs were easier at noble either. Doh]
picked up some base techs with giving iron working to lizzie, but that's the only one available without giving up the monopoly on alphabet. So, we'll do pottery the hard way (4 turns) and start cottaging where we can. Then go back on for mathematics.
Hopefully we'll get things turned round soon.
550BC, JC builds the oracle. which seems a little fast on noble I must say !.
Also put down city #4 just east of the mountains in the east, on the head of the only river. Hopefully this can become the financial center.
By 275AD. i've got some phants hooked up, I've got one phant south of moe, ready to disconnect his iron, and 3 ready to walk over his archers in his cities. backed up with 4 cats.
The plan is to use this to get me some more cities and some iron. not sure if we;ll keep them of not yet. not too good at dotmapping yet. If we can get moe's area up and running quick, then we have a chance at this.
At 500AD, I'm in the middle of a war with Moe, and Beijing should fall next turn. I'm about 10 turns of completing the great library. The war is slow going, and I'm taking casualties. Mao found some more copper/iron from somewhere, cos a bunch of axes & spears turned up but they decided to try to take me on the open plains, so that was good for me and very bad for him.
So, not a great start, but probably a win.
JC and Monty are doing very very well but I'm drawing closer on the power chart. But once moe is down, I'll have to decide which one of the top two on the power chart to go for. I can't seem to persuade Monty to attack anyone. I guess I just don't have enough techs.