GOTM 23 First Spoiler

tBOnE, I want to congratulate on your most clever move: to follow my example! :lol:

LC - Liar, liar, pants on fire! I don't believe a word you write, and I've finished, so you can either tell us the truth or shut up until you have uploaded! :D
@tBOnE: Note on worker stealing: Different difficulty levels play out differently with worker stealing. If you run a test on the particular difficulty level you're about to play, you have a better idea of when the workers actually appear. At Noble, some AIs may not even build a worker for quite a while, so your warrior may be idle for quite some time. In Erkon's case, stealing 4 workers from Qin probably took him close to about 0 BC or whenever he attacked Mao. An interesting detail would be when Erkon captured the first one.

@Erkon: With my single worker, I also had the gold mined on the 6th turn after settling Gold City.[/COLOR]
... In Erkon's case, stealing 4 workers from Qin probably took him close to about 0 BC or whenever he attacked Mao. An interesting detail would be when Erkon captured the first one...

Turn 65/660 (2080 BC)
Frederick(Germany) declares war on Mao Zedong(China)
While attacking in the wild near Beijing, Warrior defeats: Chinese Worker

Turn 86/660 (1450 BC)
Frederick(Germany) declares war on Mao Zedong(China)
While attacking in the wild near Beijing, Warrior defeats: Chinese Worker

Turn 98/660 (1090 BC)
Frederick(Germany) declares war on Mao Zedong(China)
While attacking in the wild near Beijing, Warrior defeats: Chinese Worker

Turn 114/660 (805 BC)
Frederick(Germany) declares war on Mao Zedong(China)
While attacking in the wild near Beijing, Warrior defeats: Chinese Worker

Sorry for the statistics... :crazyeye:
Please note that the following reveals all oponents. The rules for posting in this thread do not require that all oponents be met, so don't read if you don't want that info.

4000 BC:
Spoiler :
Settled 1 W of starting location. The expanding borders revealed the crabs to the SW which I could have captured if I had known they were there. Start on Worker. Research Agriculture->Animal Husbandry->Bronze Working. Test games showed that the biggest handicap was the long distances between countries, so I am going for fast Chariots before Axmen. This will allow me to get troops into place and pillage metals while intimidating workers and maybe luring an archer or two out into the open until the slower foot soldiers can catch up. Not my favorite strategy, but I found the long lag time of massing Axes tedious in test games. Eventually, of course, I will need to get enough Axes out there to take cities, so another part of my approach is to build lots of Settlers.

3500-2000 BC
Spoiler :
3500 BC: Discovered Mao to the SW. He is blocking further exploration to the S.

3310 BC: AH comes in and I discover that there are no horses either in my territory or China's. Could this be a cavalry-free map? How appalling. Switch Settler build to Scout so I can explore more rapidly while researching BW. The Worker is farming the Wheat to SE.

2710 BC: Bronze Working comes in. Holy cow! There is no copper around either. Switch research to Archery -- was going for Wheel->Pottery->Writing, but I need to get defenses up for incoming barbs. This is going to be tedious if we have to play this game without military resources. Hmm, or is it just that all the resources are on the central island? Now that I think about it, that seems almost self-evident. So, it's a race to Antarctica, is it? Well, we will have to prioritize Optics. But first, I want to try for Ironworking, just in case.
Same turn: New Scout discovers Marble to the NE. I wonder if I should try for a cultural victory instead of domination. Will have to keep that possibility open in case there are no strategic resources on the ice island.

2590 BC: Rome is to the East of me. There better not be Iron on the continent!

2470 BC: Settler finishes. There really isn't a good spot for him, but I decide on the jungle plot 2S3W. This allows me to use the Corn and Crabs but puts the Gold to the NW out of reach. I would really rather take the desert hill and get the Corn and Gold, but that just isn't as good a site and will have increased maintenance. But this approach does allow me to get the Gold with a NW city that captures the Crabs, so maybe that is a better long-term strategy anyway. But in the short term, I need to focus on building up some military and consolidating my empire. All this exploring has distracted me and I have neither roads nor warriors yet. Barbs are coming anytime now. Also, I pull the trigger on slavery in case I need to produce some troops extra quick.

2440 BC: Dang it! Julius has copper in his fat cross. @$%&! That is going to be trouble. But it does, perhaps, take the pressure off bee lining for Optics->Astronomy. Still, I will need to find out what is available on the ice continent, since I don't have any military resources of my own.

2170 BC: Ahh, evidently Louis is to the E of Julius. Could it be possible to get them into a war? They already have different religions (Julius founded Hinduism, Louis founded Buddhism) and are annoyed with each other. Everyone is Cautious toward me, so maybe there are some diplomatic opportunities here.

2000-1000 BC
Spoiler :
1960 BC: It just occurred to me that I can explore past Mao if I get a Galley or even a Work Boat down there. Actually, this should have occurred to me earlier when I was worrying about the resources, but I am so used to exploring by land that I didn't consider the possibility. Ring maps are like Pangaea but naval power is still important. Lesson learned.

1690 BC: Saw my first human barb over by Louis' territory. My scout was able to avoid contact, but that region is a dead-end just like China, so I am heading back to fill in the blanks of the lands I already know. My own archers are starting to patrol for fog-busting. Need to start building some settlers so I can pump up the production. Also need to get some workers to start building cottages and connecting my cities. So far I have no maintenance costs, but that will change soon enough. End of session.

1630 BC: Elizabeth introduces herself. I can just see her warrior on the land bridge S of Beijing. I just realized that my Scout is trapped on the peninsula SW of Beijing until I can negotiate open borders with China. Interestingly, she already knows Louis as well as Mao (and is mutually annoyed with them). This suggests that the southern rim of the ring is more open than the northern one.

1480 BC: Making dotmaps for city #3. I would really like to settle near the marble, but it is a bit too far. I need a source of cash first, and that means the gold to the W. That site isn't great with so much desert, but I can get the crabs and corn to the N and overlap the oasis with Hamburg. Mao has built a city 2S3W of Beijing, further restricting my trapped Scout. However, if he pops that border, it will force me onto the land bridge, so I may get some southern exploration before Writing or Sailing come in after all.

1090 BC: Wandering around Rome's borders, my Scout discovers that Julius has...a second source of Copper! What's up with that? In other news a barb city has formed near the land bridge to Rome. Stupidly located, as are all barb cities.

1000-500 BC
Spoiler :
895 BC: Open borders with Julius and Mao. Not too wild about making a deal with Louis, since I feel pretty sure Julius will ask me to cancel it. Then again, that could work in my favor, but I want to explore Rome first, since I will probably have to make war on Julius eventually, whatever happens between him and Louis.

820 BC: Julius has a second source of Stone in his node as well. Hey, where was all this luck when I was your master in GOTM22? Mao isn't doing too well. 2 cities defended by a Warrior and Archer each. I may have to put him out of his misery, if I can find a stick to hit him with. Iron working in 9 turns. Cross your fingers.

790 BC: A barbarian warrior kills my Scout in China. Jeez. Julius is sending an Axe and an Archer in my direction. Hmm. He could be going after the barb city, but it is a bit far for him, so I'd better prepare for battle. Bringing my fog busters in to defend my cities.

745 BC: Ah, no. The spear is heading up toward the stone near the land bridge. So J is probably just exploring. Now that I think about it, he doesn't start with a scout, so his exploring is probably a bit behind mine.

670 BC: No iron anywhere near me either. Sigh. I suspected as much. But Mao has Iron that he hasn't discovered yet (as do Julius and Louis). Well, the best bet now is to settle the Ivory and head to Construction. It's going to be a long haul.

610 BC: Yep, Julius went for the barb city. His axe took one archer out but stupidly attacked again before recovering his strength. Lost the axe and left the barb archer with a city garrison promotion. Not wounded enough for me to take it out. Not that I want the city, but still.... Settled Cologne on the hill 1N2E of the Ivory. This will get me the sheep but it leaves me one square away from the ocean. No other way to get both resources though. So now I get to play Hannibal. We'll see how this works out.... End of session.

500 - 0 BC
Spoiler :
520 BC: My exploring Galley can see what looks like Monty's territory through the fog, but I can't get close enough to meet him yet. It looks like he will be between Mao and Liz, which will be interesting after I take over China.

505 BC: Monty likes Mao, is annoyed with Liz and doesn't know anyone else. Hmm. That could be interesting. He doesn't have open borders with either of them, which means he can't mass troops in my direction and is not likely to meet any other civs by his own exploration (they might come to him, of course). Also, he is likely to attack Liz and if I back him that might keep him from getting too pissed off when I attack Mao. 'Course, there's no telling with Monty, but hopefully before he starts thinking about attacking me, I will have access to China's iron mines and begin to make a more solid defense. Sending a scouting warrior to keep an eye on China's iron supply. I will need to attack if a mine appears there, since I can't afford to get behind the curve. In that case, my diplomatic schemes with Monty might not bear fruit. Will need Open Borders with him next turn to continue exploring, so that should help to improve our relations.

490 BC: Monty is at the top of the power graph, I am third (Julius pulled ahead of me this turn). I have Open Borders with Monty which should start accumulating good will but still keep him isolated since he can't get through Mao to me. He has Liz' exploring warrior trapped, which may be the cause of their ill-will. Julius is sending a settler W toward the Stone/Sheep corner defended by a single archer. There is a barb archer in his way, which might take him out. That would be good, but I don't want to get too close, since the barb nearly got my scout.

475 BC: Mao is mining his iron! But he only has one worker on it and it will take him 6 turns, plus he needs to build a road. Gives me a bit of time, but not enough to get the Jumbos in place. I could start a fake war and just defend the isthmus until I can mount an adequate invasion, but I would prefer to provoke him instead. Trouble is, I don't have a lot of diplomatic resources. I will need to get OB with Liz soon, and that might piss him off if I refuse to stop trading. But only if he asks before Monty and that seems unlikely.

415 BC: Somehow I met Washington, but I can't see his unit. He doesn't have open borders with anyone but Liz, and he doesn't know Mao or Julius so I assume he passed my galley in the south. But he might have sent a galley of his own past my Scout which is on the isthmus between Rome and France. Well, now I know everyone. Mao will finish his iron mine next turn. I have cancelled OB with him, but I don't think I can destroy our relations sufficiently to make him declare war. So I will have to pull the trigger within the next couple of turns.

310 BC: I declare on Mao but it doesn't work quite the way I would have liked. I wanted to declare a couple turns ago, but there was an Archer/Warrior/Settler party between my raiding party and the iron. Waiting for them to pass delayed my attack so that Mao's worker finished the road to the iron. I moved my party to pillage, but he sent a defending party from Beijing which included an Axman which he must have upgraded on the turn it took me to move into place. So now I have a hot war with Mao and he has the capacity to bring the battle to me. I don't think this will be too great a setback since I will have elephants soon, but it is disappointing.

60 BC: Construction finally comes in and I immediately convert 3 of 4 cities to produce War Elephants. Berlin is working on the Pyramids, which I didn't expect to get -- only wanted the cash -- but now it looks like I have an adequate shot at. I had earlier build a settler which I moved to take Marble, Corn and Cows but when I got there I realized that the barb town, Alemanni, is within 2 tiles of my selected location. I could move, of course, but no other location is attractive. Instead I move some archers into place to take out Alemanni. With the help of the War Elephant from Cologne, this shouldn't be too costly.

1 AD - 500 AD
Spoiler :
5 AD: Well, looks like I won't need the Elephant after all. When my archers arrived on the scene, Julius had a single Praetorian posed to attack Alemanni. Such luck! If he had had 2 he could have taken the city outright and I would have been forced to find another location for my settler. But only 1 will not be able to capture the city in a single round, and my 3 Archers can easily take the remaining Archer out. Yeah, I get by with a little help from my friends. As a bonus, there is a worker in the city (why?) which I get for free.

80 AD: The Pyramids built in Berlin. I trigger the revolution to Police State for the 25% military production. I don't think I've ever used the Pyramids for that purpose, but then I rarely get the Pyramids without really trying! Between turns Mao sent an Axman across the river to attack my War Elephant guarding the border. Dude, what are you thinking? The Archer accompanying him got some sense and ran back to Guangzhou where he thinks he is defending against my stack of 5 Archers and 1 Elephant. But they are actually heading down to Beijing to take out the Iron. Meanwhile my other towns are building some Cats for the second wave. Since I don't have any CR attackers, I will need to reduce defenders as much as possible.

200 AD: Buddhism spreads to Munich and Frankfurt in the same turn. Didn't know that was possible. I could convert, which would cement my ties with Julius, but I will wait until I need it. Can't afford the Anarchy.

215 AD: Mao sent a galley up the outer coast. This could have been a problem if it contained a raiding party, but it was only a Settler and Archer, which he dumped on the hill across the river from my Elephant. Not bright. I expect he was planning on settling a city in what is now my territory, since he hasn't done any exploring in that region since I dropped OB. I took out his guarding Archer at 95% (even crossing a river onto a hill) and converted his Settler into a worker. I now have 2 Cats, 2 Jumbos and 4 Archers heading S to start taking his cities out. The southern party successfully pillaged the roads leading to the Iron, so that should no longer be a problem. A Chinese Sword came out of Beijing, killing a pillaging Archer, but dying to my Elephant's counter-attack. Debating on whether I should attack Beijing or wait for the Cats. Probably the latter since Mao has a fortified Spear in there and it won't be a slam-dunk for my WE, even with Shock promotion from the Sword. In other news, Alphabet finally comes in and I trade Construction to Julius for Calendar and Mysticism. I wouldn't normally do that, but I think Louis will distract him from attacking me, and I plan on setting up good relations in the near term. Will trade Calendar to Liz for Monasticism and Polytheism next turn. Oddly, I am pretty far ahead on military techs as the others all went down the Priesthood route. Probably trying for Oracle, which Monty built in 130 BC.

290 AD: Guangzhou falls. I decided to attack here rather than going directly to Beijing to avoid having to leave behind a border guard. Razed the city for much the same reason and because there was no particular reason to keep it. Not a bad location, with flood plains and some good production, but Mao hadn't developed it at all. Now that I think about it, he hasn't really developed any of his cities. I wonder if he lost some workers to barbarians and just never replaced them. There is only 1 in his entire empire that I can see.

425 AD: Beijing is mine! I stupidly attacked with one WE before I softened the defenders with a suicide Cat. This still left me at 66% against the defending Spear, since he had unaccountably been promoted with Guerilla I??? But I lost the Jumbo and was forced to regroup while the defenders healed so I wasted about 3 turns. Still, Mao has only two weakly defended cities and no strategic resources, so this war is effectively over. I would normally extort some techs for 10 turns of peace while I consolidate my gains, but that would force me to declare on him again, incurring double diplomatic hits with Monty. The latter has been stomping around China with some nasty looking stacks, but he still hates Liz more than me, so I hope I can avoid a conflict with him until I am ready to dictate the terms. Another argument against letting Mao linger on is that Julius is now pleased with him, so I would be sacrificing that relationship as well. Mao really doesn't have much to extort anyway: Priesthood and Monotheism, both of which I could get just as easily elsewhere. I am building a Buddhist monastery in Munich in order to convert Monty. Haven't adopted a religion yet myself, since that could easily backfire.

500 AD: China is down to one city (Nanjing) but I will not be able to conquer it before 590. It is only defended by one Archer and one Axman, but I just can’t get enough troops over there in time.
Besides, it is much more challenging to be competing with Conquistador63 than with LC or Erkon! :lol:

I understand. I'm also very satisfied with the competition I'm up against so far :D. Last GOTM I played I happened to select the same VC as Balbes and Conquistador63. Balbes finished several centuries ahead of both of us :eek:.

DynamicSpirit said:
I'm smugly laughing at all these people who planned to go warring on a map that turned out to have no copper/iron/horsies.

That's only making the conquest VC more interesting to play for! Even without any strategic resources conquest can be done based on an early archer rush as several players have already proven. Conquest is rarely the ticket to highest score anyway...
@LC and Erkon:

You actually built Settlers in this game? :eek: Weren't we supposed to be competing for fastest conquest? Freaking builders, you are...:lol: :lol: :lol:

Here is my start. Settled in place, built worker first, researched AH. No horsies. Researched BW. No copper. Decided to archer rush JC and captured Rome 1300 BC. I am now at 330 AD and have captured and kept 3 more AI's capitals + one additional city. Never built more than Berlin myself. Things are mostly looking bright but I have made some MONUMENTAL MISTAKES losing my entire attack force no less than three times. :hammer2: :hammer2: :hammer2: Twice on one front, once on the other. Sheesh.

I also have problems keeping my strategic resources connected since the barbarians keep settling on my roads. :(
@Gnejs: So what did you build in Berlin while you were researching AH>BW>Archery? Multiple workers or just 1 wkr, rax, and 25 warriors?

Did you develop all hill tiles in Berlin before roading?

How many archers did you need to defeat which defenders in Rome?
Gnejs . . .

You didn't build a settler and were able to produce enough archers in just your capital for a successful rush? That's interesting. How many archers did you throw at Rome? Did you not settle any cities?

I settled in place, went the frustrating AH-first route, and produced 2 workers and a settler (then a warrior) for a gold city on the NW coast. Only after founding that second city did I proceed to take over China. Everyone seems to have gone after the Romans first, but China is closer and more vulnerable.

Conquest has been straightforward . . . well, bifurcated and straightforward. The RNG gods have been kind, and I'm facing two severely weakened and one whole civ at 500AD.
Cactus Pete said:
You didn't build a settler and were able to produce enough archers in just your capital for a successful rush? That's interesting. How many archers did you throw at Rome? Did you not settle any cities?

Lexad did something similar in the Zulu WOTM a long time ago. It was also a noble game I think. A difference is that Copper was available near the capital for building Impis in that game.

Cactus Pete said:
I settled in place, went the frustrating AH-first route, and produced 2 workers and a settler (then a warrior) for a gold city on the NW coast. Only after founding that second city did I proceed to take over China. Everyone seems to have gone after the Romans first, but China is closer and more vulnerable.

I think it's because most people saw Rome as a potential threat with the strong UU. At least that was my reasoning. I also knew that China would be an easy target also later particularly after the worker steal.

Cactus Pete said:
Conquest has been straightforward . . . well, bifurcated and straightforward. The RNG gods have been kind, and I'm facing two severely weakened and one whole civ at 500AD.

D'oh. You are likely to beat my date then... But I guess that Gnejs is also likely to be faster .... unless we all pray hard for his 4th stack to go missing :please: :please: :bump: .

Anyway it's fun that the competition for conquest has been so hard in this game.
Here is my start. Settled in place, built worker first, researched AH. No horsies. Researched BW. No copper. Decided to archer rush JC and captured Rome 1300 BC. I am now at 330 AD and have captured and kept 3 more AI's capitals + one additional city. Never built more than Berlin myself. Things are mostly looking bright but I have made some MONUMENTAL MISTAKES losing my entire attack force no less than three times. :hammer2: :hammer2: :hammer2: Twice on one front, once on the other. Sheesh.(

I'm almost tempted to play it again to see what I can do with an archer rush despite not having the time. Maybe I'll just keep the save file and play it sometime in the future. My first war declaration was at 200AD after building a stack of elephants. Yet you by 330AD have 3 enemy capitals because you got an archer rush going. It makes good sense though getting hold of that metal!

I understand the monumental mistakes bit. You'll see in my final spoiler that I made a few as well which made my already mediocre end date a few years later still!
I played this a while ago and my memory is a little sketchy. I had secretly undertaken the fastest conquest challenge of LC, Erkon and the rest, sorry C63! I have never tried a capitol only plan as Gnejs did, so I went for a more consevative build at least 2 additional production centers and then go to war. With this in mind I researched BW 1st so I could find the copper,:sad:, and chop out my first settler. OK, no copper, research AH so my settler can get some horses.:sad: With no horses in sight either, Hamburg is founded in 2740BC NW for the gold, corn, and clams. Wheel for the resources and trade routes next, followed by AG.

Build order in Berlin was wk,wa,wa,settler,wa,wk,Barracks. Hamburg started with a warrior and then built settler #2, followed by a Barracks.

In 2230 we DOW Mao and steal a worker! Just trying to slow him down until I get my soon to be reseached Iron online for the kill.

Research after Ag went Archery then IW.:sad: :sad: :( Nice map admins!!;)

I figured something like this might be in the works, but didn't really have a great plan for adapting to the lack of resources. Berlin is pumping out nothing but Archers, about 3 turns each, and sending them towards Bejing.

I figured with Caesar in the east, Praets and all, I was going to attack westward until I got Maces, and then I could go in both directions. I had sent an Archer east when they became available, and Caesar already had Praets in sight. But this meant that research needed to be maintained for a while, (= don't build/keep to many cities). When IW is discovered, I see that pile south of Bejing. My warrior has been sitting on the hill holding down Mao's settler party, but I of course have no resources to attack with. So I decided to go for the Oracle sling to Feudalism for LB's and Vassalage.

Munich is founded in 1210BC on the desert square 2S of the corn on Mao's section of the ring, and starts with a Barracks.

We are building roads to the front and researching Writing, Myst, Poly, Priest, Monarchy in time for the Oracle to be completed in Berlin w/o the help of marble.

When I have Bejing out numbered by almost 3-1, I attack with my Archers (some of them are promoted c1/cover after the trip through the wilderness). I of course lose all of the significant battles, and now have to wait for reinforcements. Mao sends the settler party past me to the SW for the gold.

We learn Monarchy and finish The Oracle (pop rushed) the same turn, 565BC!!

Now we can start making progress.

I refrained from building troops while I was waiting for LB's, so Hamburg was able to build a Library to better utilize its gold.

LB's being produced everywhere now.

Research goes Fish, Masonry, Pott, Math, Const, MC, and Currency (might have traded for this one) before 500AD.

Almost all production switched to Cats and Elephants after Construction is discovered.

Bejing falls to LB's in 250BC and is kept, Shanghi razed in 85BC, and Mao is no more.

Swords, Axes, and Spears are now mixed into the build ques.

The Barbs placed a city beautifully NE of Berlin grabbing the sheep, corn, and wine, and all those hills. This was captured and kept in 20AD. This turned out to be a great production city.

I captured and kept another barb city SE of Bejing because it had Gems and Cows, and forested grassland for cottages.

In 275AD I founded my last city near the thin strip heading east, so my culture will block that access to Caesar or anyone else wanting to come that direction, and grabbing the Cows and the Marble.

I razed another barb city while heading south, and then DOW on Monty in 155AD. I raze his first city in 230AD and captured Teotihuacan in 440AD.

At 500AD our sights are set on the Buddhist holy city of Tenochitlan as our next target. It is a bigger map than expected (never played ring before).

Victory is not in doubt, just the date!!:)
"I think it's because most people saw Rome as a potential threat with the strong UU. At least that was my reasoning. I also knew that China would be an easy target also later particularly after the worker steal."

I'd argue that eliminating a rival and particularly capturing a capital city ASAP is of greater benefit.
I must admit that the odds-on favorite for Whimp of the Week makes a good point. In this Noble difficulty game, however, I suspect that speed of expansion, development, and unit production trumps acquiring (and/or denying) strategic resources, since you are basically able to walk over the AI as soon as you reach him (if you reach him quickly), regardless.
My first builds? This is from memory, as I don't have the game in front of me right now.

First I build a worker, which does the following things:
1. Pastures the cows
2. Mines the grassland hill 2S
3. Chops forests 1E and 1NE.
4. Start roading towards Rome together with second worker.

Second and third build is scout and warrior. I think it was in that order.
Next barracks, followed by a second worker that finishes about the time I discover the wheel. I might have completed an archer or two from chopping before the second worker, which might have been whipped (ok, ok, I admit this is not a very precise account... ). My research was AH-BW-Archery-Wheel-(IW).

From now on until Rome is captured and copper connected I build only Archers. At size 2 I can get 7h from Rome, giving one archer every ~5 turns. At size 3 it is 9h and ~4 turns. Since I am roading to Rome at a speed of 1/2-2/3 tile per turn the later archers are moving faster and catching up with the earlier ones. I also manage to get XP from weak barb units along the road, so most of my archers have two promotions when arriving at Rome. I gave them Combat I + cover except for one with Combat I + Medic.

I declare on JC just when he adopts slavery. He has a settler escorted by an archer and a warrior going first NW past my first archers, then he doubles back to the eastern copper and settles there. Rome has two archers. I attack when I have 5 archers + 2 more archers one and two tiles away + a line of reinforcement archers all the way from Rome to Berlin. Didn't want to wait those 1-2 turns in case JC build another archer...
I get a little bit lucky and only need to sacrifice two archers of my own. :)

The capital only strategy is something I used with success for the Montezuma GOTM. I found out there that it was better to build Jaguars and let the AIs settle and develop cities for me to take, rather than waste hammers and growth on building the cities myself. In this game it is probably not an optimal strategy due to the hammer-poor and resource-less capital and long distances involved. But it works and is great fun. :)
Everyone seems to have gone after the Romans first, but China is closer and more vulnerable.

It was very difficulty for me to chose whether to rush Rome or China. I was dreading that JC would be able to produce axes before I got enough archers there. As you say, China is closer and easier but also was not guaranteed to give access to horses or metals.
Going for a space victory.

Based upon some test game starts I decided to settle in place and first build a worker and research animal husbandry. The grass/cow is the most powerful tile. Second and third build are settlers (at noble barbs are no threat for a long time). Second research is bronze working. When bronze arrives the worker just finished pasturing the cow and mining the grass hill. After that it was chopping the forests to speed up the settlers. Third research is agriculture.

That’s the strategy as it was based upon some test games. As we didn’t have any horse nor copper an early war would now require iron. But as we all found out: no iron too:sad: . With no strategic resources the idea of an early war was abandoned. In stead emphasis was put on research and building wonders.

Towards the AD’s the building of wonders (Oracle, Parthenon and Pyramids) came to an end. Also Construction had been researched, so we could start a war using elephants and catapults. The decision who to attack wasn’t difficult. Mao had the Hindu holy city and nothing to match the elephant as Julius had praetorians and no holy city. We hadn’t been able to found a religion. So we started spreading Hinduism around our empire and prepared for war.

Shortly before the war starts Mao builds the Kashi Vishwanath :) . War is declared in 305AD. In 410 we capture Beijing and in 455 destroy Nanjing. The rest will have to wait for the second spoiler.


Spoiler :

3580BC animal husbandry
3010BC bronze working
2650BC agriculture
1840BC iron working
1660BC wheel
1450BC pottery
1210BC mysticism
1060BC masonry
985BC polytheism
850BC priesthood
790BC writing
535BC code of law
520BC civil service (from oracle)
460BC monotheism
295BC mathematics
130BC construction
20AD alphabet, meditation, fishing, sailing, archery
80AD monarchy
95AD calendar
140AD literature
305AD music
410AD currency.

Spoiler :

4000BC berlin
2710BC hamburg
2350BC munich
1330BC cologne
985BC frankfurt
410AD beijing.

Spoiler :

685BC Stonehenge
520BC Oracle (germany)
355BC Parthenon (germany)
100BC great Lighthouse
85BC Pyramids (germany)
125AD Kashi Vishwanath (china)
485AD Chichen Itza.

Great persons
Spoiler :

280BC Xi Ling Shi (scientist)
305AD Homer (artist (from music))
455AD Zoroaster (prophet).

New to the boards here, I used to play Civ1 on my Amiga many years ago. Recently got back into Civ4 and love it.

Starting.. Settled in place, build worker, worker, settler while researching BW first. Scouted around to get a feel for map, never having played ring before. Found Mao location and settled second city to the west on the hill/desert in 2-tile reach of gold and wheat. Linked the cities, researched base techs AH wheel etc. and scouted to the East.

790BC.. Had scouted out Julius and founded 3 more cities in my chunk of land towards Julius. Noticed He had good resources and all I had were Ivory, so I beelined for Construction (due in 9 turns). Plan to take out one neighbour, assuming others are spread around in a flat ring (I had initially thought it would be a thin torus type map)

370BC.. Production of elephants and cats going well in my 5 cities, amassing towards Julius building a road on the thin strip (6 others workers left on auto). Not done any more scouting yet except to find the next 2 Louis and Montezuma. Currently researching pottery, having also got IW, not sure what next. No religion stuff researched nor civics chosen, no wonders.

85BC ... Ready to declare war on Julius with my stack (3 elephant, 5 cats, 4 war) with more being produced. Going to head straight for Rome to try to sever metal supply (only seen a few Praets around). Researching Code of Laws and building Oracle, which I probably wont get. I think I'm getting behind a bit on tech (currently at 50% and about to go less with no money). I want to get this war over and regroup.

380AD.. The Roman empire is no more! Have captured Rome (25 BC), Antium (65 AD) and Ravenna (140 AD), then the last 3 by 380 AD (razing one as it was only size 1). Lost out on the Oracle to Mao.

Currently at 500AD not sure which direction to go in. Having secured 2 chunks of the ring, I am confident of being dominant, but am behind on development due to the war. Will probably consolidate cities and develop tech leaving things on auto and see how it pans out. Haven't met the last 2 civs, the rest are cautious towards me.

I'm sure others can do this a lot faster, but I'm still getting into the intricate details of the game.

All the best,

So, initial thoughts are, we've got to be looking at a cultural victory here. The plan is to use the philosophical trait to power the GA farm. We'll want to pick up some religions, not sure how we'll do that yet.
it's epic, so it's going to be a high level of culture needed.

the ring map will take a very long time for war, so hopefully culture will take less time input.

Although, on noble, it will be a faster win via war. I guess it depends on who the neighbors are.

And, no plan withstands meeting the enemy. :crazyeye:

We'll send the settler up the hill 2W to see what's around. Missing a turn shouldn't matter too much.
It seems to be that the deasert 1W of starting will get the most in the capitol. Commerce is going to be a problem. Colusus economy anyone ?

building scout, researching agriculture.
Then we'll go BW-AH-Archery and see where we're at. Produciton is low so do we want to chop lots ?

Found marble to the east, near some other resources too.

Found Ceaser to the East., and some nice gold to the west. I think I need to get that area.
The narrow bits are all 1 wide on this map, on the test they were 2, so we can get navies from the outside to the inside of the ring.

And Mao to the west.

Humm, No copper close, but Rome has two lots, and gold. Looks like this may be tricky. I sense the hand of a map designer here.

OK. I've explored around the world.
I've no copper, no iron and no horses. I guess the admins have set this one up to be a challenge.
I've got 3 cities now, with #4 planned for the east to get the 4 resources over there.

The plan will be to tech towards construction, and then build cats/elephants to take out China and defend against Rome. I think I need to plan the politics a little here, and encourage some religious wars.

So, the question is, do we go for a later war, and then roll everyone up, or move towards a cultural victory that we seem to be being encouraged to. I don't have any early religions, and may be leaving it too late to move towards Christianity. Hummm. decisions decisions.

In hind-site, a quick warior rush could have got rid of Roam before they got copper and archery sorted. I may try that in a reload to see if it would work.

Coming back to the game after a few days break, I'm really screwing things up. :smoke:
I'm trying to head for construction without pottery !! and I've put 6 turns of science into alphabet which isn't a prereq. :crazyeye: :crazyeye:

My initial scouting picked up everyone, and I went openborders with everyone to try to pick up some religions. Sadly, that would only have worked post sailing, so now everybody's got a -1 on my for trading with their enemies.

So, I think my plan was to back fill the missing techs, but at this rate, even MMing, it's still 18 turns to alphabet. Or 5 for wheel and 5 for pottery... Humm.
Lets touch it out, and see if we can pull ahead with some tech trading. [crossing fingers] if not, then the game's lost I think. If I manage it, then it should put me in a stronger position...

Without metal, barbs are going to be difficult, so I'll need more archers. I need to fog bust to a) reduce the chances of barbs appearing, and b) swarm them if they do. Barb axes are going to be a tad tricky to deal with.
[at this point I hadn't twigged that barbs were easier at noble either. Doh]

picked up some base techs with giving iron working to lizzie, but that's the only one available without giving up the monopoly on alphabet. So, we'll do pottery the hard way (4 turns) and start cottaging where we can. Then go back on for mathematics.
Hopefully we'll get things turned round soon.

550BC, JC builds the oracle. which seems a little fast on noble I must say !.
Also put down city #4 just east of the mountains in the east, on the head of the only river. Hopefully this can become the financial center.

By 275AD. i've got some phants hooked up, I've got one phant south of moe, ready to disconnect his iron, and 3 ready to walk over his archers in his cities. backed up with 4 cats.

The plan is to use this to get me some more cities and some iron. not sure if we;ll keep them of not yet. not too good at dotmapping yet. If we can get moe's area up and running quick, then we have a chance at this.

At 500AD, I'm in the middle of a war with Moe, and Beijing should fall next turn. I'm about 10 turns of completing the great library. The war is slow going, and I'm taking casualties. Mao found some more copper/iron from somewhere, cos a bunch of axes & spears turned up but they decided to try to take me on the open plains, so that was good for me and very bad for him. :evil:

So, not a great start, but probably a win.
JC and Monty are doing very very well but I'm drawing closer on the power chart. But once moe is down, I'll have to decide which one of the top two on the power chart to go for. I can't seem to persuade Monty to attack anyone. I guess I just don't have enough techs.
I must admit that the odds-on favorite for Whimp of the Week makes a good point. In this Noble difficulty game, however, I suspect that speed of expansion, development, and unit production trumps acquiring (and/or denying) strategic resources, since you are basically able to walk over the AI as soon as you reach him (if you reach him quickly), regardless.
I think you're missing my point. I'm not talking about resource denial (although sending your first chariots to the far reaches would be clever). Chariots and HAs = twice faster conquest on this linear map. The sooner you access horses, the sooner you finish.

I did basically the same thing as Gnejs except I idiotically researched Wheel and Writing before archery. :crazyeye: Never again. If you get it going as fast as Gnejs did, then your "speed of expansion, development, and unit production" is all accomplished through conquest.

What's still not clear from Gnejs is whether he immediately connected the horses E of Rome or not. In his shoes, I would have poprushed a settler in Rome, if necessary, to connect those horses.

As for your subtle hints about My aWard: my new goal is to master this Fastest Conquest. I'm a fast learner, so beware. :devil:
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