• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

[GS] GS impressions/random observations thread.

Had enough time with it that I can say the old "one more turn" thing is back. For the first time with Civ VI, really, as I was finding I could never quite finish games. Now it is much more interesting, lively even. Love the random events, getting to like diplomacy again and really love the changes to the map, which looks pretty yet functional. Overall I'm tickled pink and loving every minute of it. Good job, Firaxis!
Nope, if you had watched the Phoenicia livestream then you would have known that this was something Carl did during the stream and was noted by Ed that the Move Capital ability changed the original capital when it came to domination victory and policy cards and what not. This was even available on Ed's twitter.

Yep, I’ve tested this as Phonecia and it does work as for the policy cards and Casa. (Once I moved my capital to a third contintent my GPT jumped from 400 to 700, it was crazy!)

Also, the Golden Age dedication Hic Sunt Dracones is oddly worded - +3 starting Population for cities settled on a different continent than your first city - however for Phonecia it counts your first city as wherever your original capital is. I found this to be really powerful once Free Inquiry was finished. +9 movement embarked settlers starting 4 population cities allowed me to get a Cothon in fast and build a few defensive units.

Just wanted to confirm! Hope it helps :)
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Does climate supposed to change so fast? And i have just three power plants. There is no time to research and build alternative energy. Also that changes are pretty small, i think. If you could see tiles that would be submerged, why you should risk? And there is simply just to little of them. And in some maps, i suppose, you can completely ignore climate change, on pangaea for example.


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I don't have much time to play so I only managed to get to brink of industrialization in my first game, but stumbled upon a thing that makes diplomacy infinitely better for me: If someone attacks your declared friend or city state you are suzerain of, you get grievences against them! Meaning if I join the war against a power that attacked my friend, I get to take a city from them without being yelled at by everyone about how warmongering I am!

I play England as Vicky and plan on establishing colony on next continent near Spain, who doesn't like me very much. I want to attack them as I'm ready to settle to take additional city and help with loyalty, but that would make me a warmongerer. Insetad, I made friend and recently ally of Japan who is neighbour of Spain and Spain already asked me like 6 times to joint war with them against Japan. I'll just wait until Spain finaly snaps and attacks Japan and then go in with grievances ready to take the city. For the Empire!
I don't have much time to play so I only managed to get to brink of industrialization in my first game, but stumbled upon a thing that makes diplomacy infinitely better for me: If someone attacks your declared friend or city state you are suzerain of, you get grievences against them! Meaning if I join the war against a power that attacked my friend, I get to take a city from them without being yelled at by everyone about how warmongering I am!

I play England as Vicky and plan on establishing colony on next continent near Spain, who doesn't like me very much. I want to attack them as I'm ready to settle to take additional city and help with loyalty, but that would make me a warmongerer. Insetad, I made friend and recently ally of Japan who is neighbour of Spain and Spain already asked me like 6 times to joint war with them against Japan. I'll just wait until Spain finaly snaps and attacks Japan and then go in with grievances ready to take the city. For the Empire!
But that sounds pretty warmongerish. If you defend your friend, you should not rob the attacker, you should defend your friend.
Having a city ceded to you generates the same amount of grievances that conquering it in the first place does? WTF???

Did anyone already some testing if there are any changes to the cede mechanic? Do cities have to be ceded or can you still just keep them liek before in R&F?
There was this permanent diplo modifier if you occpied cities of an AI player (no difference if ceded or not) – is this modifier still in the game?
Maybe there is a change so that ceding gives you additional but decaying grievences whereas not ceding gives you a permanent diplo modifier. This would at least make some sense.
Disappointing to see Norway and Sweden using the generic Western European, ill-fitting, timber-framed city set, with the former still not having its own unique palace.

At least Brazil's got revamped.
Seems like something is wrong with the Mali start bias, I've had like 20+ restarts now and still I keep starting in half deserts or no desert at all.
So I started my first game and had the time to play for an hour on epic.

Rolled Egypt (just like my first vanilla & R&F games, randomness is funny) and got a fantastic map (shuffle). Lots of room (settled 4 cities before I met another civ and am now at 8 without conquering). Mountain ranges divide what I think is a continent with only one tile to go from the southern half (me and 5 CS) to the northern half (Canada and Aztecs, maybe more).

Floods as Egypt are indeed fun, I have to say. I even managed to build the pyramids. Yet, the better map generation is by far the best feature for me so far.

Had a huge barb scout swarm. Me and the CS usually killed the scouts and camps quite fast. But the amount of camps seems to surpass R&F/Vanilla by far. At least it makes me rich :)
Okay. Done with Montezuma in SV. That final step to SV is so tedious. You need to have lots of aluminum or lots of power-generating buildings/improvements. Otherwise 1 light year per turn for 50 turns is a snoozefest.

Climate change and rising seas happen mid-game to end game and it happens so damn fast. No amount of goodwill or diplomacy can stop the rising tides. I just hope the are more to 3 meters rise because it hardly does any impact. It will also be better if the tip for tile elevation is disabled / hidden so that settling or building near coast have a bit of gamble.

GDR is so overpowered. 2 to 3 hits will level a city. I think GDR will be cool in multiplayer. Anyone who owns a lot of uranium will own the world.
It will also be better if the tip for tile elevation is disabled / hidden so that settling or building near coast have a bit of gamble.
That would be an awful change, the system is OK at the moment because you are making an informed decision.
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