Guess the Map V: A Map is Worth a Thousand Words

Sorry people, nobody's gotten it yet.

Here's a clue: Each dot corresponds to a single thing. Whether that thing is an object/event I'll leave to later on.

Oh, and the map is accurate as of 2005, although I don't think it makes that much of a difference to be honest.
Yea, Nuclear Power Plants.
Should there not be more in Iran?
Nope, Iran only has one. It starting supplying electricity recently.
Cool Map though, I do like maps that don't have countries as single fields but take into account different locations and more diverse categories than binary ones. As we know from Civilization, it is the Cities that matter in the end after all.

However it is increasingly difficult to find creative maps. So I had to get back to the countries again, it's just easier to colour them this way ;) . I hope I did find something clever and it is a real riddle for you:



  • Ishallneveragainlookatfilenamestocheatinthegame.png
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Yeap. Nuclear plants. Looks like you guys guessed it while I was gone.
@Artifis Oh sorry, I didn't go back to the last page to look who posted the map, so I thought this answer:

Yea, Nuclear Power Plants.

was the one from the map-creator/poster. I would never have posted the new map else... I should never have assumed without looking, but I never would have thought, someone would confirm the map who hadn't posted it.
Whoops, sorry about that.
What do China, USA and Spain have in common? Brown
What do Australia, Chile, Jordan and Hungary have in common? Yellow
Mexico and Russia. Orange
UK, Finland and Japan. Green.
France, Kenya, Italy, Vietnam, Netherlands, Romania and Czech Republic. Red
Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Egypt, Singapore, Portugal, Turkey, South Korea, Myanmar(Burma), Norway, Sweden, Greece, Poland, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Slovak Republic and Croatia. Blue
South Korea is purple and it is the only country with that color.
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