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Hagia Sophia and Macedonia

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All this argument is meaningless anyway, imo, because its like if people arguing over whether Nikolai Tesla was an American or a Serb, it depends on your definitions, whether you're talking ethnicity or citizenship. When you're arguing over Alexander, you're also arguing over definitions. Alexander thought of himself as a Greek and fought for Greece, and established "Hellenistic Greece", while at the time of his conquests his upbringing was somewhat culturally separate from the Hellenic states.

Basically I have no problem with the game calling him a Greek!

No problems with me too, but seeig raging greeks that want to change history to fit their idiotic nationale pride, is like italians making a web petition to ensure the fact that Caesar Augustus was italian...

The web site posted by Civgr is a rant against Paionia and their claim of Alexander as slavian...:lol: Probably Civgr didnt' read it at all, saw the site and posted it...

The most hilarius thing is this "Why was the New Testament, for example, written in Greek?" so what that proves?? That Jesus was Greek?:lol:

So, were greeks the people of Egypt too, who spoke greek... And for sure were greeks in Pergamon... After all they spoke greek....

It's usual that dominant culture influences near countries even in the spoken language...

It's so obvious that is idiotic calling it wrong...

In all fairness, the most ancient words of the Greek language are not necessarily Greek either; even mighty Mycenae, the greatest of those first, foremost early Greek Mycenaean city states is a name that is totally, and unmistakeably non-Greek in origin.

That's the wrongest thing i ever seen written... So they are greeks because they were allocated on the greek land??? So Turks were Greek because they occupied the greek lands (as geographical topoi)? We use the definition "Greeks" for a specific people in archeology and history... Mycenaeans were not greek, they used a different language and came from a different place, as well the Minoic people (But Crete now is greek, are they greek then?).

Was Alexander greek? Half by lineage (but it is mostly uncertain) and by culture for sure... Macedonians were greek? Unlikely...

Was Diodoros Siculus greek? by culture for sure, but Sicily was part of Roman empire in 40 B.C. and it is always considered part of italian peninsula.... So was he roman?? But he wrote in greek! It's the lineage to be the fair measurament of his greekness. So we can establish that he was a greek born in Italy under the Roman governament... (because the so called Magna Graecia at that time was gone...)

PS one thing you must remember... macedonian history doesn't start with Philip II and Alexander II... So if you want to claim Alexander greek, ok, but don't rant about Macedonia, because it was probably a thracian-illyrian strain....
prefecture of Macedonia.. Is something to eat???:confused:

But i don't remember in any archeological o bibliographical evidance of that name...:lol:

To me all the rant about Alexander is: Υργή κοιλία...:lol:

You are loling at your own frigid chlling "jokes"...Looks funny, just to let you know...

Other than that, I'm sorry my English is just a little better than yours, (see how you spelled "evidance" in your post (or maybe you meant the dance of evi?? - Now you can lol again )

So we divide our country in prefectures "ΝΟΜΟΙ" Attika, Trikala Blah blah, lots of blah and ...Thessalonika..


The correct word to use was peripheries..not prefectures


Sterea Ellada, Thessaly, MACEDONIA, etc

Now I sincerely apologise on behalf of all the monkey faced and monkey act intellectuals you might have run into since the bibliography they fed you with, excluded the basics..

Also I was really wondering what does Υργή Κοιλiά mean...I can understand κοιλιά means belly, stomach...Υργή?? Maybe you meant Υγρή? liquid? wet?

wet stomach? liquid stomach. This is so much of intellectual for me that I pass out.You may now lol again.
JLoZeppeli, I don't know what you have against your own nation and what harm it did to you or maybe you are just another pseudointellectual that just wants to be different. In any case, contrary to you, who probably only read the FAQs, I read the website quite well, like all the other scholars who also happen to sign it.

Name it as you like. Make you own theories and stay with them. Use as many typical flame baits like taking a sentence someone wrote and making it an emblem repeating it in any chance you have to point out what? That those who spoke the Greek language where not de facto Greeks? Are you serious? Why on earth would someone suggest that all people who happened to speak Greek were Greeks? It's like saying that everyone who speaks English nowadays is Enligsh. And you keep saying it over and over again. It's so obvious that it is idiotic repeating it all the time...

Maybe it's your only argument. I get it. Well keep saying it. And of course don't read anything else on the subject. Like the info on the aforementioned website. After all what do they know? They are only university professors who put their academic reputation on the line just for a rant. lol

I can only give you one excuse for writing your theories. Maybe your definition of someone's ethnicity is just a little bit on the personal, the "how you can understand it best" and the "what serves your purpose" side. You are deliberately using theoretical analysis of someone's origin, like the indoeuropean theory and the origin of some gods, pointing out similarities between different cultures of the time, to come to what conclusion? That the Macedonians were not Greek? What are you talking about? If we use this analysis with your logic neither Macedonians, nor Athenians, nor Spartans were Greek.

You see, in fact there was not such a thing as a Greek back then. And of course that goes for all other civilizations of the time and their ethnic groups which were not united under a common well known word like we know them today. The word Greeks (Hellenes to be precise) was not even used by the time of Homer... In that time Hellenes were just a name of a tribe in Thessaly... So if we use your definition of ethnicity we come to the conclusion that everyone who is not from Thessaly is not Greek after all... Needless to point out that you know all that quite well, but you decide to use this analysis and when you reach your conclusion you choose to make the logical leap and reunite all Greeks together just to claim that Macedonians (the ones long before Alexander like you wrote) were not Greek. As I said, a definition of one's ethnicity as it serves our purpose best... There's an easy way out of this of course. Just look at the Wikipedia for the word ethnicity...

Wikipedia said:
An ethnic group (or ethnicity) is a group of people whose members identify with each other, through a common heritage, consisting of a common language, a common culture (often including a shared religion) and a tradition of common ancestry.

Members of an ethnic group are conscious of belonging to an ethnic group; moreover ethnic identity is further marked by the recognition from others of a group's distinctiveness.

Processes that result in the emergence of such identification are called ethnogenesis.

I wasn't going to write as much, but oh well...

PS. You see raging Greeks in this thread, but I'm just pointing out some facts here. You were the one talking about crushing our "pride" earlier... lol Maybe your work experience at the Benaki Museum (a Greek museum for those who don't know) was not the best after all...

No intentions to start a flame war.

Its some of stuff I've always pondered for a long time.

ur rather egoist

Really? Oh what a misunderstanding then... You see, it's rather unusual for a person to express two ideas in a single thread, one in favor of the Greeks and one against them (in order not to be called biased against Greeks and lose their point from the beginning) on two "hot" subjects that there's gonna be lots of debate about for sure.

PS2. I'm an egoist? lol Nice Greek word by the way. JLoZeppeli uses lots of them too. Now where is the poster that will point out how many Greek words there are in the English vocabulary, in order for another subject to blend in and another "fight" to start... Oh wait, I kind of just did... Damn, I guess I didn't see it coming... lol Whatever.
t does Υργή Κοιλiά mean...I can understand κοιλιά means belly, stomach...Υργή?? Maybe you meant Υγρή? liquid? wet?

wet stomach? liquid stomach. This is so much of intellectual for me that I pass out.You may now lol again.

Yes because it is ancient greek written on a satirical epigraph:lol:

You must have little arguments to counter mine if you bring back to correct a typo in what I wrote dude:D

But the monkeys are saying me that Alexander lived in ancient Greece not in the modern one, so that's why i laughed about your silly statement on the prefecture of Macedonia... And i would like to laugh more, so please continue with your rant!:lol:

The best part is that my coworkers at Benaki, greek archeologists and art historians, think in a totally different way than you and you ranting friends... That's very funny, that your compatroit experts in the field totally deny what you say...:lol:

Civgr please, don't use Wiki, if that's all you have, refrain from statement like that....

First the Hellenic tribes we are speaking of are indoeuropean that migrated from far away than Thessaly. Aeolians and Ionics and Acheians (that came after)...

Second ethnic groups in history are people who share language, culture and other markers... That is about original language, culture and marks, not the acquired ones by neighboring peoples or autochthonous... It's quite different...

Homer perhaps is not usefull to mark historical references to be fair, if you know a little about the Homeric Question (and i don't ask for detailed studies on the matter)..

Moderator Action: Infracted for trolling (this and similar posts). Please try to moderate your tone.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Yes because it is ancient greek written on a satirical epigraph:lol:

You must have little arguments to counter mine if you bring back to correct a typo in what I wrote dude:D

But the monkeys are saying me that Alexander lived in ancient Greece not in the modern one, so that's why i laughed about your silly statement on the prefecture of Macedonia... And i would like to laugh more, so please continue with your rant!:lol:

The best part is that my coworkers at Benaki, greek archeologists and art historians, think in a totally different way than you and you ranting friends... That's very funny, that your compatroit experts in the field totally deny what you say...:lol:

Other than pure sarcasm and name calling "silly" "ranting" "idiotic" and whatever you have used so far, you are trying to do exactly what???

You are here claiming you work at Benaki Musuem and?? As what? You were a historian and Arhaecologist??Then you should know where the tomb of Phillip was found?? No?

I'm not gonna feed you litlle trol anything else. Just note you use Benaki Museum a lot...You're gonna ware it...

Like I said before, anyone having doubts about the ethnicity and sovereignity of any part of Greece, can try to have the luck of other people who did in the past.
The best part is that my coworkers at Benaki, greek archeologists and art historians, think in a totally different way than you and you ranting friends... That's very funny, that your compatroit experts in the field totally deny what you say...:lol:

Again a false statement, a hearsay, while ignoring facts and the 332 signatures... And of course once more the Benaki Museum... Hope they don't owe you money!!! Tough situation. Really.

Civgr please, don't use Wiki, if that's all you have, refrain from statement like that....

I tried to use a more academic source, but all those references from the scholars who specialize on the subject were deliberately ignored... Maybe Wikipedia will have better luck as the easy way... lol
Did King Philip change the name of his country from macedonia to greece?

Technicly even Greece didnt even know they werre Greeks at this points.

Its the Romans who decided that they would be called Greek!
I'm not gonna feed you litlle trol anything else. Just note you use Benaki Museum a lot...You're gonna ware it...

What do you mean by that???:confused:

I use it as a reference of my past experiences, as i use books to prove my arguments..

Or do i need to rant like you without even a base of discussion?

To be more specific my interest is lychnology, in the Benaki is a large collection of greek-roman lamps... My studies are about the lamps like the n. 22100 (lamp handler with Isis lactans in relief), about the oriental cults in iconography on the handlers or disc.

Again a false statement, a hearsay, while ignoring facts and the 332 signatures... And of course once more the Benaki Museum... Hope they don't owe you money!!! Tough situation. Really.

I tried to use a more academic source, but all those references from the scholars who specialize on the subject were deliberately ignored... Maybe Wikipedia will have better luck as the easy way... lol

You are wrong, they speak of a claim of Alexander birth as slavian... And they are complaining for that... It's a matter of birthplace....

They are no speaking of Macedonians as greek, and to be fair on the website they specifically posted about the entering in the Olympics of Philip.... If you read ancient writers, they all call Macedonians barbarian (or better barbaroi or stutterers if you like) exactly like the Thracians...
If you look about 2 pages before in this thread, you're going to see my discussing in a very solid base.But then a seperate thread started on the same and also you and others came in completely ignoring what was written before, and giving examples like: "Hey the holy texts were written in Greek, is Jesus Greek too?? Noooo huh neither are Macedonians Oough!"..

I'm sorry but for me you're just a troll when you on purpose skip what is written before and make partial use and quotation of posts.I'm not gonna spam the entire forum with the same posts over and over again.

As for you abuse of Benaki Museum, what are the "past experiences to prove arguments"! If one who works in a Greek museum can have "past experiences which prove arguments" then why can't many who live in the country for their entire life? Why is it our professional status that makes our opinions more solid? The cleaning lady of the Benaki Museum, also "works at the Benaki Museum" is it appropriate to say that makes her opinion more solid than anyone elses just because she works in that particular place?

Dude it's our ideas and ability to pass them over to others who dictate us, not the place we claim to work at.And at this field you have failed.Instead of having your voice heard, you angered everyone with "simplistic" examples, partial reading and name calling and of course "view of the expert since you work at the....Benaki Museum..."
If you look about 2 pages before in this thread, you're going to see my discussing in a very solid base.But then a seperate thread started on the same and also you and others came in completely ignoring what was written before, and giving examples like: "Hey the holy texts were written in Greek, is Jesus Greek too?? Noooo huh neither are Macedonians Oough!"..

I'm sorry but for me you're just a troll when you on purpose skip what is written before and make partial use and quotation of posts.I'm not gonna spam the entire forum with the same posts over and over again.

As for you abuse of Benaki Museum, what are the "past experiences to prove arguments"! If one who works in a Greek museum can have "past experiences which prove arguments" then why can't many who live in the country for their entire life? Why is it our professional status that makes our opinions more solid? The cleaning lady of the Benaki Museum, also "works at the Benaki Museum" is it appropriate to say that makes her opinion more solid than anyone elses just because she works in that particular place?

Dude it's our ideas and ability to pass them over to others who dictate us, not the place we claim to work at.And at this field you have failed.Instead of having your voice heard, you angered everyone with "simplistic" examples, partial reading and name calling and of course "view of the expert since you work at the....Benaki Museum..."

So you are saying that working as the cleaning lady and working as a researcher are the same? And that if i'm italian but know little of Milan in middle Ages (only what i have got from my studies when young), i have more credit on the matter that an medieval expert of Italy from another country??

If this is your measure to grade the validity of arguments, i like to be a troll, a troll with a brain however....:D

Again implying things I have not said again post quotted like suited best, and once again taking it personal...
Isn't that silly? Imagine if I am Greek like I say, and If I live in Athens and if I happen to visit Bennaki Museum and come across an Italian researcher of ancient lamps with my ranting friends what would happen???...Nothing but opening up your head to new ideas my friend :)

But a nice slip from answering the question a couple of posts above:

Where was the Tomb of Phillip found?

PS A researcher is one who researches for things (truth, science whatever) not necessarily one who has found it...
First the Hellenic tribes we are speaking of are indoeuropean that migrated from far away than Thessaly. Aeolians and Ionics and Acheians (that came after)...

Oh c'mon. That's what you understood from what I wrote? You are joking. For sure. :lol: I didn't say that the Hellenic tribes migrated from Thessaly. I said that the word Hellenes was used for a tribe in Thessaly. Your sentence has a logical anacoluthon. You are talking about Hellenic tribes which did not exist at the time. This name was given to them long after they settled in. List the requirements (with references, not what you heard in the Benaki Museum) they met in order to be called like that and we will compare all of them together to see if they fit in the Hellenic ethnic group.

Homer perhaps is not usefull to mark historical references to be fair, if you know a little about the Homeric Question (and i don't ask for detailed studies on the matter)..

Deliberately misinterpreting my words, once more. I didn't quote Homer for historical reference. I quoted him just to point out the date I was referring to. It is well known that Hellenes where first called a tribe in Thessaly. Don't make me quote Wikipedia again! :lol:

Ooooo. Balkans.

Nice, isn't it? :lol: With a little taste of Italy inside. But don't make the mistake and call him Roman. He'll hold a grudge on you... :D
They are no speaking of Macedonians as greek, and to be fair on the website they specifically posted about the entering in the Olympics of Philip.... If you read ancient writers, they all call Macedonians barbarian (or better barbaroi or stutterers if you like) exactly like the Thracians...

Hmmmm, I guess you haven't even read the FAQs after all.

FAQ no.5 said:
5) Doesn’t Demosthenes call Philip a “barbarian”; that is, a non-Greek?

Yes, he does. But beyond the fact that Demosthenes harbored a personal grudge against Philip because of the humiliation he suffered when he lost his power of speech at the Macedonian court (Aischines, On the Embassy 35), Demosthenes could call anyone he did not like a barbarian, including fellow Athenians (e.g. 21.150). The word, at least in some uses by Demosthenes and others, should be understood as a generic insult. Thus, for example, in some parts of the USA people are dubious that people from other parts are “real Americans.”

FAQ no.10 said:
10) If the Macedonians were Greek, why did they call themselves Macedonians?

For the same reason that the Athenians called themselves Athenians. When, for example, Demosthenes is speaking to his fellow citizens, he calls them Men of Athens (e.g. De Corona 18.251), not Men of Greece.

Note that already in 479 B.C. on the eve of the Battle of Plateia, Alexander I, forced by circumstances to be in the Persian camp (as were other Greeks like the Boiotians and the Thessalians), secretly revealed to the Athenians the Persian battle plan. He justified this action by stating his care for all Greece because he, from ancient descent, is a Greek (Herodotus 9.45). Clearly Alexander has no doubt of his ethnicity.

And of course the other ones as well.
Oh c'mon. That's what you understood from what I wrote? You are joking. For sure. :lol: I didn't say that the Hellenic tribes migrated from Thessaly. I said that the word Hellenes was used for a tribe in Thessaly. Your sentence has a logical anacoluthon. You are talking about Hellenic tribes which did not exist at the time. This name was given to them long after they settled in. List the requirements (with references, not what you heard in the Benaki Museum) they met in order to be called like that and we will compare all of them together to see if they fit in the Hellenic ethnic group.

Deliberately misinterpreting my words, once more. I didn't quote Homer for historical reference. I quoted him just to point out the date I was referring to. It is well known that Hellenes where first called a tribe in Thessaly. Don't make me quote Wikipedia again! :lol:

Nice, isn't it? :lol: With a little taste of Italy inside. But don't make the mistake and call him Roman. He'll hold a grudge on you... :D

Arghh Wikipaedia!!!! Can you use at least some book quotes instead?? Wiki is a brainstorming of idiotic statements, little kid level of knowledge arguments and full of errors!!

And which tribe of Thessaly are you speaking? Boeotians?? Strabo speaks of some tribes that migrated from Thessaly, are you refering to them??

PS the FAQ, Civgr, are not part of the letter of complain, the experts not signed them, but the letter to complain the statement about the birthplace of Alexander...

The FAQ are quite wrong in various parts, if you want i can make a list...
OK, after a while it loses fun and gets tiresome. In fact with this I rest my case (until further notice).

Can you use at least some book quotes instead??

PS the FAQ, Civgr, are not part of the letter of complain, the experts not signed them, but the letter to complain the statement about the birthplace of Alexander...

The FAQ are quite wrong in various parts, if you want i can make a list...

You want references? There are lots in the website. Look for them. Look in the "article" and the "other resources" section too. There are wonderful articles and lectures from well known and distinguished scholars in this field. With references in most of them for every word they say. For example Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood's (she was an international authority in the field of Ancient Greek religion) article about "GREEK PERCEPTIONS OF ETHNICITY AND THE ETHNICITY OF THE MACEDONIANS". Direct link here, 26 pages, happy reading (like you will... :rolleyes:).

And of course the FAQ is part of the whole project. It's just in a separate form for easy viewing. You think the scholars would want their names and signatures mentioned in a website that lists inaccurate information even in its FAQ? There is detailed documentation attached with the letter sent to Obama, from where most of the FAQ's answers derive. As for the others there are references for each and everyone.

But you can easily make a list of errors... :lol: Oh well, if that's what you believe, no problem. There can be a different opinion about anything. There are even people who believe the Greeks are descendants of aliens or that the Great pyramid is in fact a spaceship and many things like that... I'm sure they can give us a list too very easily, supporting what they say... So thanks but no thanks.
OK, after a while it loses fun and gets tiresome. In fact with this I rest my case (until further notice).

You want references? There are lots in the website. Look for them. Look in the "article" and the "other resources" section too. There are wonderful articles and lectures from well known and distinguished scholars in this field. With references in most of them for every word they say. For example Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood's (she was an international authority in the field of Ancient Greek religion) article about "GREEK PERCEPTIONS OF ETHNICITY AND THE ETHNICITY OF THE MACEDONIANS". Direct link here, 26 pages, happy reading (like you will... :rolleyes:).

And of course the FAQ is part of the whole project. It's just in a separate form for easy viewing. You think the scholars would want their names and signatures mentioned in a website that lists inaccurate information even in its FAQ? There is detailed documentation attached with the letter sent to Obama, from where most of the FAQ's answers derive. As for the others there are references for each and everyone.

But you can easily make a list of errors... :lol: Oh well, if that's what you believe, no problem. There can be a different opinion about anything. There are even people who believe the Greeks are descendants of aliens or that the Great pyramid is in fact a spaceship and many things like that... I'm sure they can give us a list too very easily, supporting what they say... So thanks but no thanks.

You are linking books that probably you didn't read at all, linking a biblio it's silly without any knowledge of what is written in (and it's really annoying)...

The funny part of that is the pdf that are you linking.... Because Identità e prassi storica nel Mediterraneo Greco is an italian edition.... A book that I OWN!:lol:

That's more funny because Luisa Moscati Castelnuovo (the editor of) was part o a seminary about the exact opposite of the thesis you are waging, rejecting the bases of Sourvinou-Inwood theory. She was well know for her borderline ideas and the result of his work was better understood as ideological constructions...

So please, istead of linking stuff, read them and study, after that, you can take part in a serious discussion about the matter...

Or go on your path of ignorance and blind faith in some nationalistic rant, but don't sell that to others as if it was proven by someone, because it isn't...


PS speaking of the FAQ errors, the first one tell about the name Philhellene as referred to Alexander... But the nickname was given to another Alexander of Macedonia, Alexander I (V century b. C.)... I think that if they speak of the general word "friend of greeks" as an attribute of Alexander the Great, maybe they need to write it better... The website is clearly waging a thesis, there are plentry of sources that negate it... As en example of unfounded bias, is something written about Latin that shows clarly a lacking of knowledge, but only a collection of information put togheter without any real critic sense...
That's the wrongest thing i ever seen written... So they are greeks because they were allocated on the greek land??? So Turks were Greek because they occupied the greek lands (as geographical topoi)? We use the definition "Greeks" for a specific people in archeology and history... Mycenaeans were not greek, they used a different language and came from a different place, as well the Minoic people (But Crete now is greek, are they greek then?).

Are Turks Greek? No, of course not - I'd never claim they were. (Though genetically they are largely indistinct fro the people who occupied the area, culturally, before the first central Asian ever stepped foot into Anatolia as a conquering Turk)

However, the Mycenaeans certainly are 'Greek', and its been proven beyond a doubt that Linear B is a Greek script, writing the Greek language- Minoan is a different language altogether, and potentially represents the the 'Pre-Greek stratum present in the Helladic peninsula before the Greek Speakers arrived.

As far as the Toponym of Mycenae is concerned:

Was Alexander greek? Half by lineage (but it is mostly uncertain) and by culture for sure... Macedonians were greek? Unlikely...

Was Diodoros Siculus greek? by culture for sure, but Sicily was part of Roman empire in 40 B.C. and it is always considered part of italian peninsula.... So was he roman?? But he wrote in greek! It's the lineage to be the fair measurament of his greekness. So we can establish that he was a greek born in Italy under the Roman governament... (because the so called Magna Graecia at that time was gone...)

PS one thing you must remember... macedonian history doesn't start with Philip II and Alexander II... So if you want to claim Alexander greek, ok, but don't rant about Macedonia, because it was probably a thracian-illyrian strain....

I fully understand Macedonian history dosent start with Alexander - it starts with the first people in the area, and but essentially begins with the first Indo-European speakers moving into the area. The scenario you post dose no tmake sense, regarding Greek to be a strange fully formed lanuguage isolate amid a sea of other Indo-European leanguages with no notable close cousin in proximity, despite ALL other Indo-European languages having having a 'family spread' of either a large and diverse area of occurrence, or a wide variety of closly related languages. Are we to believe that Greek is some exception to this rule? That Macedonian, a language that despite your claims has traditionally been regarded as a Greek tongue with foreign and archaic influences is suddenly to be lumped in with Thracian and Illyrian, creating this oddity of linguistic development? Where then, might I ask, would we find the relatives to the Greek language that must surely exist, if not for the areas around Greece itself?

Your proposal is unrealistic, and would seem to show a misunderstanding of the actual development of Greek civilization itself, and of questions of Ethnicity/Nationality (such as they can be understood) in the ancient world - making it a wholly unfit opinion in regards to a people who are far more mysterious, such as the Macedonians.
Dear troll, please do answer me at last where is Phillips tomb located :)

Also please do answer me, do you believe Alexander should be the leader of Greeks in Civilization game or should he be the leader of some other nation? And which?

Moderator Action: Please don't call people trolls - that is itself trolling.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Oh finally you linked something useful, use more Google books, it is worth of for some Leiden-Brill editions, as en example. (i can't buy the collection, so reading Vermaseren on it is quite helpful)...

On the problems about linear B: it is shown that is similar to some indoeuropean languages and is addressed as an ancient form of greek, but so arcaic to be debatable if we ca consider it as a whole with greek culture... For sure the difference with the languages of Greek tribes at the time of invasion are quite clear, as well some similarities....

Michael Ventris and Chadwick were the first to depict the similarities, but the afterwork of others, like Duhoux, Baumbach and Palmer, as an example, stated that the link between Linaer A and Linear B, and between Linaer B and Greek in the three mostly important dialects, is to be pursued in the exactly way other indoeuropean languages, like italic dialects and roman, are linked to each other... SO if we think of a tree, the branch of Greek and Micenean is not the same, but they are close for sure, and in that we can include even Macedonian... BUT to identify the one with the other is a mistake that only is granted to layman... If we speak as experts, no one can tell that as a matter of fact... NO ONE...

Dear troll, please do answer me at last where is Phillips tomb located :)

Also please do answer me, do you believe Alexander should be the leader of Greeks in Civilization game or should he be the leader of some other nation? And which?

Near Thessaloniki. What do you mean by that? So Frederich II was sicilian because he was buried in Palermo?:lol:

And yes, Alexander is the most suitable, because Pericles and other politicians of ancient Greece are too relate to their own city... So if we speak of a leader of Greek culture, Alexander is the only worth of it for sure... As i stated from the beginning...
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