Haven't played since the patch that made districts not stack. You pick my civ.

Hello, can you confirm something for me. I was playing last night and noticed slight architectural differences between China, Jakarta, Nan Madol which all use green string lamps and Seoul which uses red string lamps. I was curious what color lamps Japan uses. Trying to see if Seoul is the only Far East civ/city state who uses red which may point to Korea being the next DOC civ
Red if I'm looking at the right thing.
Red if I'm looking at the right thing.
Damn I was really hoping for Korea and a SE Asian civ, as a duel pack in the next couple of months. I was hoping Souel was alone in having red lamps, maybe pointing to Korea being our next civ.
Not sure, I hope we get 2 or 3 more small packs while we wait. I'm just looking for signs, they love to drop small hints.
So yeah..taking a break to do my dailies on STO. If it were pretty much anyone other than Japan, they would have been toast long ago. My major hold up right now is I have like 12 Archers and am making 11 gold per turn...upgrades at 200 a piece are holding me back. One Commercial District under construction....but I'm being held up making districts again without the money to buy new tiles...basically doing well so far except I'm behind on money.
For your money issues, you could try to get to Mercenaries for the 50% discount to upgrade units policy.
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