Help me or I have to destroy my computer!


Huey Tlatoani
Jan 3, 2002
Graz, Austria
Please, help me getting rid of all those XP features trying to make us immature, knowing everything better. Yes, I know my hard drive D: is almost full, I want it that way!! It's a small partition to store the more sensible data. WTF does Bill Gates care? And why does this "Hard Drive Cleaning Assistent", or whatever, continue to tell me that every few minutes with a blob popping up, annoying me. And then there's that f**king Upgrade program trying to automatically upgrade windows

Please help, or I have to destroy my computer!
Nahuixtelotzin said:
Please, help me getting rid of all those XP features trying to make us immature, knowing everything better.

(translated from French, so there might be a few non-accurate names)
Control panel -> Install/Uninstall Programs -> Windows components

That will delete a few parts of what Windows install in its installation directory, but not much. How big is your partition? Cause with the number of patches that you have to install, free space can go down really quickly. You obviously need much more in the partition where you install Windows that the space it requires when you actually install it.

Yes, I know my hard drive D: is almost full, I want it that way!! It's a small partition to store the more sensible data. WTF does Bill Gates care? And why does this "Hard Drive Cleaning Assistent", or whatever, continue to tell me that every few minutes with a blob popping up, annoying me. And then there's that f**king Upgrade program trying to automatically upgrade windows

Please help, or I have to destroy my computer!

Keeping a drive near to full is not good for performance. Beside making you go mad when you run short in space (and I don't know of any standard way to backup everything in windows, including the registry), they really affect the performance, as the hard drive has to crawl to find free space. Anyway, I've never understood people who putted their windows directory on a second partition, as it always seemed to me like one more problem. So unless you dual boot, there's no reason to do that. I understand separating stuff like your document and program files, but windows... Anyway...

And to disable automatic patching (if you do that, check windows update often, or then you'll feel even more sorry)

(In classic view)
Control Panel -> System -> Automatic updates

And from there you can disable automatic updates.
Thank you, Sodapop.
My problem is that I don't have a CD-Writer, so I just use D: as a copy location for the more important files. But if it really affects performance so much, I'll really have a look on how to lessen the amount of data there.
Thanks again!
Hmmm, well, from what I understood, your Windows directory is located on your D: drive, and the rest on the C: . And having your windows drive filled is not good, cause again, with the number of patches they issue, you'll run out of space someday, that's a sure thing. But having two partitions in itself is not bad.
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