Help Wanted - CIV Gold


CIV Gold - Project Lead
Nov 26, 2001
Hi all,

I'm posting this in a couple of places so that I can get a quick response.

By this point, I hope that most of the community is familiar with CIV Gold. If you're reading this in the project forum, then you obviously are.

In any case, two Gold releases - 5.0 and the Nature of Man - were slated for completion in the summer. The two primary resources, however (Fierabras and me) had overwhelming personal issues to address, and as a result the work has been delayed.

I've organized myself well enough to conitnue on but Fierabras will be taking further time away. In light of this, I am seeking support, both in project development and XML writing. The mods are both close to completion so we are not looking for weeks of commitment, only a few days.

If you are interested, post here and drop me a PM.

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