help with cityset graphics not showing up in game


Queen of Lurkers
Jun 11, 2008
Too close to the polar circle
I would need some help with some of my cityset graphics not showing up in game.
The funny thing is that about half of my new cityset shows up but the other half doesn´t and I have no idea why? I am pretty sure that the XML references is correct since I´ve rechecked this several times.

This made me think that there is some problems with the nifs itself although all of the nifs in the cityset shows up fine in sceneviewer. I´m pretty new at doing these things so there may some things about nif files and citysets that I don´t know about, are there, for example, any restrictions on how big the nifs can be or could it be something else that fail?

I have tried to enable the LSystem.log (by putting 1 instead of 0s in the PlotLSystem and CityLSystem files) since that would probably help, but this doesn´t seem to work either because there is no log file to be found... What am I doing wrong here,do I have to enable logging somewhere else to? "confused"

I´m very thankful for any help that can be given...
Well, I discovered that the ninodes that didn´t show up in game are all those who should go into the 2x1 leaf, the only thing I can found separating these nodes from the other ones are that they have the <Rotation> tag in the XMLfile. I have based my new cityset on the med_eu.nif cityset and all the 1x1 and 2x2 nodes are showing up just fine. Switching the graphics of the missing 2x1 nodes with those of the 1x1 nodes shows that there is nothing wrong with the actual graphics since located in the 1x1 leafs they show up in game.

This made me think that there has to be something wrong with the rotation of the 2x1 nodes in my new cityset .nif file, any idea what could have happened?
Btw, I used Blender to create my new building models....
Finally got it to work, reassembled the meshes, resaved, rearranged the .nif file, deleted everything that could have caused any kind of problems and rewrote the whole XML section by hand! I have no idea what went wrong the forst time though and I'm to tired to examine, just happy it works ok! :)

Still, I can´t get the logging to work, it´s supposed to go into the MyGames/BTS/Logs directory, right? (My mod is based on BTS)
Anyone have an idea what I'm missing here?

The J, are you still having problems with your cityset? If you like, I could have at look at your .nif file and see if I could discover whats causes your problem..
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