Help with Pirates! Yarr! by Paasky

Sorry, haven't had much time to put into this. But the time I have put into it has required a lot of Civilipedia clicks. I chose to play the Portuguese. True, I could have done a lot more reading in this thread than I have, but I just wanted to jump right in.

The problem is I have no civilipedia information available. This could be standard for the Portuguese, but like I said, I haven't burned through much of this thread. The game looks fun, the map is good. With the good graphics, before I discovered the lack of info, I expected a good game. I will try the Spanish next and see what their pedia looks like.

The civilopedia does need more work. It is not one of my strongest skills and will require a lot of work and research. I am working on it. The first version has been released and is now available in the completed scenario thread. I will soon start working on version 2 which will be an expanded version with an even larger map.
Ok. Thanks for the reply.

I started as the Spanish and am much more enthusiastic. The civilopedia has seemingly been more informative. The Wharf is one item I wish I could learn about in this early game. I will continue as the Spainish and return later to the Portuguese. I'll post more later.
Not sure what this is just North of San Jose. Some kind of defensive Fort? Couldn't find anything on it. Didn't really want that Englishman climbing into it. But didn't know if I should either.


  • Fort.gif
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Not sure what this is just North of San Jose. Some kind of defensive Fort? Couldn't find anything on it. Didn't really want that Englishman climbing into it. But didn't know if I should either.

That is a fort. It provides defensive bonus to whoever occupies it. Have gone to the completed scenario thread and download the completed scenario files? If not, you need to do that.
Go to the link in my signiture below and click on Pirates Aarrrrr
I tested the "Palace Jump" this weekend, and it works: you don't need a "Victory Location". Just abandon your capital, the palace will jump for example to Cuba, and then you can cash in 2-3 treasures each turn... :D

I do recommend to turn this off, either as Civinator explained above or e.g by making the Palace a Small Wonder?! (I don't know the technical details of this, have never modded myself.)

I tested the "Palace Jump" this weekend, and it works: you don't need a "Victory Location". Just abandon your capital, the palace will jump for example to Cuba, and then you can cash in 2-3 treasures each turn... :D

I do recommend to turn this off, either as Civinator explained above or e.g by making the Palace a Small Wonder?! (I don't know the technical details of this, have never modded myself.)


Very good work, I will fix that.
I've downloaded the complete scenario files as you suggested, Guardian. I like it. Playing as France this time. They're the best so far. The shipwrecks and the "Undead" are a trip. Have my supply chain to Bayonne set up and running (never have found Paris).

There may have been an occurance of a couple of ships disappearing without being notified, but I'm not absolutely sure about this.
I've downloaded the complete scenario files as you suggested, Guardian. I like it. Playing as France this time. They're the best so far. The shipwrecks and the "Undead" are a trip. Have my supply chain to Bayonne set up and running (never have found Paris).

There may have been an occurance of a couple of ships disappearing without being notified, but I'm not absolutely sure about this.

If your looking for a challenge, try playing either the Netherlands or Portugal. Those are the hardest.France and Britain are moderate and Spain is the easiest. either of the pirates arre moderalely difficult and the undead have a unique advantage if you know how to take advantage of their unique abilities. Have fun.
Thanks. Just came back to post some initial thoughts. Playing as France.

At turn 56 0f 600 I had 10,000 VPs, one fifth of the VP Victory at one tenth of the game. That was 500 VPs over England, 500 regular points under England,

Killed Mad Jack but saw no benefit for this. No extra points, nothing. Still fighting his clan.

I had 25 towns and 1 city, which should have been 29 allowed units (before cost). The game only gave me 28. Not sure if this is game mechanics (I never check this really) or if it's a matter of rounding off, to my loss. Just to play a smooth game and feel secure, I have built 82 units, so I'm paying quite a bit. Will changing governments help with this? Is that possible (changing back).

It takes 10 turns to chop a forest. :(

You might want to take a look at the a/d/m for the coastal battery 20#. It's vert different than the 18# and the 16#. But you might want it that way.

Building items in the West either cost a lot or very little. No in between cost. Maybe you can add a medium cost building or unit in there.

Turn 61, got my sixth Tech. Always have science slider on 10%. That may change now that I have gained a small bank roll, but increasing science doesn't lower th turns. Cash rushing is a neccessity.
Thanks for the Feedback Cyc. I am always interested in hearing from players and their comments.

This is a redux of a game that I did not create originally so any game interaction is especially appreciated. I do know that tech research is set at minimum 5turns and max of 10 turns. So, increasing science below 5 turns is not possible. The object of the game is to increase wealth to purchase units and hurry production and building. You can not buy techs, but you can hurry production and building. In order to do this you must transport treasure and trade goods to your capital. Eclipse666 has a very good synopsis of the game in post #5 of the completed game thread that you might want to read. If I make any change in this, it will probably be to increase the cost of building to encourage treasure and RM production to make them more necassary rather than less. Building new towns and cities is suppose to be difficult. Basic building should be less expensive to make new towns viable but they should not be able to advance rapidly. The scenario only covers a period of 600 months, 50years. Growth should proportionate to that.

Regarding the 20# coastal battery, thanks for bringing that to my attention. I have fixed that and will post a new Biq file after I get more feedback regarding any other fixes that need to be made.

I will take a look and check out the VP scoring and see how looks and what can be done. I do know that the best way for pirates to win is to complete the Treasure wonders (Space Race).

The best win for the Europeans is to eliminate the pirates and go for the conquest victory. I believe that was the original game concept and I have not changed that. The pirates of course CAN acheive a conquest victory, but it will be difficult, on the other hand, the space race is not available to the Europeans. There is no VP victory, however in multiplayer mode, VP may be important in establishing rankings. Example if you play as the french and secure a conquest victory with 100,000 VP you would rank higher than a player playing the same civ with a conquest victory with only 75,000 VP.

Thanks again for your comments. I will look forward to any future comments you might have.

Thanks. Just came back to post some initial thoughts. Playing as France.

At turn 56 0f 600 I had 10,000 VPs, one fifth of the VP Victory at one tenth of the game. That was 500 VPs over England, 500 regular points under England,
Killed Mad Jack but saw no benefit for this. No extra points, nothing. Still fighting his clan.

I had 25 towns and 1 city, which should have been 29 allowed units (before cost). The game only gave me 28. Not sure if this is game mechanics (I never check this really) or if it's a matter of rounding off, to my loss. Just to play a smooth game and feel secure, I have built 82 units, so I'm paying quite a bit. Will changing governments help with this? Is that possible (changing back).

It takes 10 turns to chop a forest. :(

You might want to take a look at the a/d/m for the coastal battery 20#. It's vert different than the 18# and the 16#. But you might want it that way.

Building items in the West either cost a lot or very little. No in between cost. Maybe you can add a medium cost building or unit in there.

Turn 61, got my sixth Tech. Always have science slider on 10%. That may change now that I have gained a small bank roll, but increasing science doesn't lower th turns. Cash rushing is a neccessity.
Same with me Lanzelot. I'll start a quick dummy game and see what Victory Conditions are listed on the opening screens.
As the "Capture the Princess" type options are enabled, this introduces victory points into the game. This is why everytime you bring a bonus back to your Capital, the game tells you that you've captured the princess and gives you Victory Points.

Although "Victory Points" isn't listed as a condition of winning in the setup screen the "Capture" conditions are. Now if you check the Multiplayer Game Limits, you'll find the limit for Victory Points is 50K. Game over at the game limit.

I suppose I can prove this by ending the game, but Pirates has caused my game to crash several times. Other scenarios don't do this. I'll give it another shot, but it's not looking good.
As the "Capture the Princess" type options are enabled, this introduces victory points into the game. This is why everytime you bring a bonus back to your Capital, the game tells you that you've captured the princess and gives you Victory Points.

Although "Victory Points" isn't listed as a condition of winning in the setup screen the "Capture" conditions are. Now if you check the Multiplayer Game Limits, you'll find the limit for Victory Points is 50K. Game over at the game limit.

I suppose I can prove this by ending the game, but Pirates has caused my game to crash several times. Other scenarios don't do this. I'll give it another shot, but it's not looking good.

Ok I think I have fixed the problem. I have posted an updated Biq file On post # 3 of the completed scenario thread located HERE

Test this Biq and let me know if it works now. Victory point win should work also.

I also discovered another problem. The victory screen does not show the proper LH's. That problem is in the pediaicon txt file. I fix that and post a new txt file also on post #3 as soon as I fix the pediaicon file. This problem has no effect on game play and is cosmetic only.
I have a question,
If a game begins and the civleopedia is updated having more entries can the new file replace the old one mid-stream of the game and not crash the game?
I have a question,
If a game begins and the civleopedia is updated having more entries can the new file replace the old one mid-stream of the game and not crash the game?

You can replace the Civilopedia.txt and the PediaIcons.txt everytime ,without encountering any problems. (at least so far no normal error has been included ,of course)

btw: I have always wondered that Civ saves the Unit_32.pcx ,so it needs a restart of the scenario to show a new icon for a unit. And that`s the only graphic saved.
Ok I think I have fixed the problem. I have posted an updated Biq file On post # 3 of the completed scenario thread located HERE
Well Guardian (I played all the Ultimas), it wasn't a problem for me. As you stated earlier, the only way to advance in this game is to cash rush what you need. The ONLY way to not run out of gold is to keep delivering bonus' to the Capital. Delivering bonus' to the Capital gives you the VPs. VPs are the only good thing I seem to be gaining in.

At this point, I can build Marines and Dragoons in the Capital. But they are not transportable. Oh yeah, I can alo build those great City Defenders, but they are not transportable either. So my Capital is very well protected, but my colonies are not. I can still build a lot of the inexpensive matchlocks, but they are pretty useless. I feel lucky when they win over a 10/4/1 pirate. So expansion in the West will primarily be Settlers on any good land. Now comes my point...

I have increased my VPs to 20,000 (nearly double what I had 10 turns ago), but I am still 500 points behind the British. I have been settling cities as quickly as possibe, but keping up with the British is difficult. So a domination Victory doesn't look good.

I have taken Tortuga, killed Mad Jack and am now attacking the next Pirate Island. But this second offensive is not going well. My Matchlock guys are pretty feable. I have to land around 4 of them next to the Pirate city on the only piece of land available. That's like throwing meat into a grinder. Even though I Bombard the city to redline (get back to that in a bit) the Pirates totally heal and pretty much dessimate my troops during the in between. Because I can't transport any worthy troops from the Capital, I have to wait fo my Western cities to build more Matchlocks. This means no Ports or anything useful in those cities as we need to train these worthless natives. (Or wait for our newly created babies to grow up into men so we can send them off into the slaughter.) If I don't leave enough of the Matchlocks in the cities, these low level Pirates come and capture the cities, destroying everything that WAS built (which you can't afford to replace). So when you finally get enough Matchloscks for another offensive, you take them over on the ships, bombard the city to red and land the troops on the only piece of land available. The Pirates heal and kill or redline your troops in the IBT. Fun, fun, fun. ..... But my Capital is very well protected.
EDIT: Oh yeah, now I have 29 towns and 2 cities, which means I should get 37 free units. I only get 35. I guess two are taken to guard the Queen's dog...

Now, back to that bombarding to red bit. The first things that get bombarded in the city are the only things that make taking the city worthwhile. All the City Improvements get destroyed first. I'm suprised the Pirate city didn't lose the VP oblisk because of bombarding. So now I have basically worthless Pirate city to attack (next door to my island) that is basically invincable. Maybe if I spend the next 20 turns spending all my gold on Matchlocks, I can land enough of them on that piece of land where the meat grinder won't matter. Unfortunately, my other Western cities won't get the buildings they need to keep them from rioting because of this meat grinder. But hey, life is supposed to be difficult, right...

For me, living with all these heavy restrictions (from the Worker job lengths, to the non-transferable units, to the low level units, to never gaining any on my 500 point deficit on the British, and on and on) is not really living. But they game was a challenge. Now, you want to prolong the game by taking away the VP Victory. I would think that would make a very monotous game. I'll just finish up this game. Probably won't d/l the update.
Your line infantry should be transportable by any merchantman, officers and marines are only transportable by warships, dragoons can be transported by merchantmen also. I will recheck the biq file and see what the settings are for these units. All units are transportable except city defenders and coastal batteries.

Well Guardian (I played all the Ultimas), it wasn't a problem for me. As you stated earlier, the only way to advance in this game is to cash rush what you need. The ONLY way to not run out of gold is to keep delivering bonus' to the Capital. Delivering bonus' to the Capital gives you the VPs. VPs are the only good thing I seem to be gaining in.

At this point, I can build Marines and Dragoons in the Capital. But they are not transportable. Oh yeah, I can alo build those great City Defenders, but they are not transportable either. So my Capital is very well protected, but my colonies are not. I can still build a lot of the inexpensive matchlocks, but they are pretty useless. I feel lucky when they win over a 10/4/1 pirate. So expansion in the West will primarily be Settlers on any good land. Now comes my point...

I have increased my VPs to 20,000 (nearly double what I had 10 turns ago), but I am still 500 points behind the British. I have been settling cities as quickly as possibe, but keping up with the British is difficult. So a domination Victory doesn't look good.

I have taken Tortuga, killed Mad Jack and am now attacking the next Pirate Island. But this second offensive is not going well. My Matchlock guys are pretty feable. I have to land around 4 of them next to the Pirate city on the only piece of land available. That's like throwing meat into a grinder. Even though I Bombard the city to redline (get back to that in a bit) the Pirates totally heal and pretty much dessimate my troops during the in between. Because I can't transport any worthy troops from the Capital, I have to wait fo my Western cities to build more Matchlocks. This means no Ports or anything useful in those cities as we need to train these worthless natives. (Or wait for our newly created babies to grow up into men so we can send them off into the slaughter.) If I don't leave enough of the Matchlocks in the cities, these low level Pirates come and capture the cities, destroying everything that WAS built (which you can't afford to replace). So when you finally get enough Matchloscks for another offensive, you take them over on the ships, bombard the city to red and land the troops on the only piece of land available. The Pirates heal and kill or redline your troops in the IBT. Fun, fun, fun. ..... But my Capital is very well protected.
EDIT: Oh yeah, now I have 29 towns and 2 cities, which means I should get 37 free units. I only get 35. I guess two are taken to guard the Queen's dog...

Now, back to that bombarding to red bit. The first things that get bombarded in the city are the only things that make taking the city worthwhile. All the City Improvements get destroyed first. I'm suprised the Pirate city didn't lose the VP oblisk because of bombarding. So now I have basically worthless Pirate city to attack (next door to my island) that is basically invincable. Maybe if I spend the next 20 turns spending all my gold on Matchlocks, I can land enough of them on that piece of land where the meat grinder won't matter. Unfortunately, my other Western cities won't get the buildings they need to keep them from rioting because of this meat grinder. But hey, life is supposed to be difficult, right...

For me, living with all these heavy restrictions (from the Worker job lengths, to the non-transferable units, to the low level units, to never gaining any on my 500 point deficit on the British, and on and on) is not really living. But they game was a challenge. Now, you want to prolong the game by taking away the VP Victory. I would think that would make a very monotous game. I'll just finish up this game. Probably won't d/l the update.

The update has a lot of changes including VP Victory, if you read my last post. Also you are playing against an omniciant AI, a great disadvantage. The game was design for multiplayer games. And yes, the game is very challenging, it was meant to be. The value of the inland cities is there ability to produce treasure and trade goods, Something that you MUST have in order to win.
Your line infantry should be transportable by any merchantman, officers and marines are only transportable by warships, dragoons can be transported by merchantmen also. I will recheck the biq file and see what the settings are for these units. All units are transportable except city defenders and coastal batteries.

Just to see whether I understood this correctly:
All ships which have an asterisk (*) in the "transport" column of your Ship List, can transport Officers and Marines, but no other unit?
All ships that don't have the asterisk, can transport any unit except for Officers and Marines? (And except for the immobile units like Coastal Battery and City Defender, of course.)

Cyc: I have to backup the Guardian here: Line Infantry really rocks! Put 5 into a Merchantman and then you can really smoke out those darn pirate nests... :lol:

Cheers, Lanzelot
Cyc: I have to backup the Guardian here: Line Infantry really rocks! Put 5 into a Merchantman and then you can really smoke out those darn pirate nests... :lol:

Cheers, Lanzelot

Thanks, Lanzelot. I agree with you. Once I completed The Naval Academy in my Capital (which gives every ship an extra movement point) I started pumping out the Line Infantry and transported them on my Armored Merchantman. Now my Frigates get 13 MPs and my Man-O-War get 9.

Turn 141
Oct. 1667
40 cities
My VPs 35930
Brits - 11233

Histo - 1587
Brits - 1891

Units 115

So I've managed to close the gap between the French and the Brits to 304 pts. I'm more optimistic now.
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