Help with Scions?


Jun 26, 2009
Me and a friend have been trying to play the Scions since they sounded neat but we haven't been able to make them work.

We were wondering if there was some mechanic on how to "game" more settlers/citizens than the random spawn or (very slow) production, because left on its own it feels like you're growing at one-third speed.
There's a building that increases the spawn chance. I forget it's name. Some kind of temple. Having a higher population in your capital helps too. Also, your priest units (Legate, Doomspeakers, Doombringers) have a small chance of converting defeated enemies into reborn (I think.). You can also get reborn by razing cities you capture.
I guess it's just not being very clear on what causes reborn to spawn. Is it a set random number in the capital? A chance per city per turn like Sheiam gates? The population of your capital?

I think the best thing for this whole mod (mod) would be a condensed "manual" document like FFH2 eventually came out with. I know I didn't even understand half the features in FFH2 before the manual.
Reborn do not spawn per se. Reborn are created in some cases via Doomgivers/Doomsayers/Legates being successful in combat against a living unit, given by the Dark Council (fixed number, one time thing), Pelmoc's Succor ability, or by being built with a Cathedral of Rebirth. They build faster for every luxury resource you have, as well as if you have the God King civic and faster as well for every open borders agreement with other civs.

Awakened are the ones that spawn. They're functionally identical, but they require a significantly greater time to be built if built directly. Otherwise, they spawn based on the counter which is increased via luxury resources primarily. If you're Korrina rather than the Emperor, Imperial Cenographs will increase the spawn rate. The Emperor has a higher base rate. For further details, go under the 'pedia -> Fall from Heaven Concepts -> Scions of Patria - Gaining Population. Ultimately, acquiring a lot of luxury resources and building Reborn is the best way to go.
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