Hipfot's veyDer's User Events

Unfortunately the version I uploaded yesterday included some old lua and xml files with the non-working notifications. :(

I've made a new build with new notifications and VFS set to False for the four files mentioned on an earlier post.

IF anyone already started a new game using version 4 i think (based on my tests) that you can just overwrite MyUserEvents.lua and MyUserEvents.xml with the new ones.

Gilgamesh: I hope this solves your problem!

Unfortunately the version I uploaded yesterday included some old lua and xml files with the non-working notifications. :(

I've made a new build with new notifications and VFS set to False for the four files mentioned on an earlier post.

IF anyone already started a new game using version 4 i think (based on my tests) that you can just overwrite MyUserEvents.lua and MyUserEvents.xml with the new ones.

Gilgamesh: I hope this solves your problem!

My problem was related by Version 3. The game iam now running is bugfree Version4 (now on turn350).

I've gone through all events testing if they could trigger, if messages were shown correctly and if effects were working. In that process I've disabled the Meteor and Meltdown events as they caused a game crash. I also found some events that did not have an effect or had a wrong effect. Those have been fixed :)

I'm uploading version 6 here. This might be the final version - at least for a while - as I'm going to see if I can get the mod working as a module in VEM :D

That would be awesome.

I slight possible bug. I was playing yesterday. Was still early enough in that game that I had one civ left to meet. I got a message that something happened in Cologne. So knew that eventually I was going to meet Germany.
Not a big deal. But just wanted to point it out.
A possible new event could be you have heard of a new country, or a new civ reveals itself to you... or both...
That would be awesome.

I slight possible bug. I was playing yesterday. Was still early enough in that game that I had one civ left to meet. I got a message that something happened in Cologne. So knew that eventually I was going to meet Germany.
Not a big deal. But just wanted to point it out.
A possible new event could be you have heard of a new country, or a new civ reveals itself to you... or both...

Hi Dunkah

Just got word from Thal that it should be included in the next VEM release :)

What you're experiencing is an irritating side effect of notifications being shown to all players as previously mentioned. As also mentioned I haven't got the skills to fix this.

I'm hoping that when Thal gets this module going we'll see some new improvements.

As also mentioned I haven't got the skills to fix this.

It's not hard. You're already going to want to have some way to compare the current player ID to that of the Active Player to see whether certain messages need to be given (or what syntax you use for those messages), so all you need to do is throw on a HasMet() check between their Teams. If the two teams haven't met, don't give a message that'd give any detail away. (For unmet teams, make a generic "an unknown player has done X" sort of alternative.)
Barb Invasions/Internal uprisings are big priority for me.

Anyone got the code to spawn a Barb Camp and circa 5-9 Barbs?
This allows for an initial surge, with potential dribble reinforcements.

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