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Historical NES I - World War I.

Jason, Britain was in fact only allied to Belgium at this time, in order to respect its neutrality-i.e., Britain was obliged to come to Belgium's aid if she was attacked, but not the other way around. She was friendly towards France, whom was allied to Russia, but there was in fact no actual alliance there.

Jason, as of now we're using the actual WWI ultimatum. If you want to look it up, please do, but if not I'm sure I can dig it up right now.
Nevermind, I have it:

To suppress any publication which incites to hatred and contempt of the Monarchy . . .

To dissolve immediately the society styled Narodna Odbrana . . and to proceed in the same manner against the other societies . . which engage in propaganda against [Austria]

To eliminate without delay from public instruction in Serbia, both as regards the teaching body and the methods of instruction, all that serves or might serve to foment the propaganda against Austria-Hungary

To remove from the military service and the administration in general all officers guilty of propaganda against [Austria--names to be given over by the Austrian govt.]

To accept the collaboration in Serbia of organs of [A-H govt.] in the suppression of the subversive movement directed against the territorial integrity of the Monarchy

To take judicial proceedings against the accessories to the plot of 28 June who are on Serbian territory; Organs delegated by [A-H] will take part in the investigations relating thereto

To proceed without delay to the arrest of [two named persons implicated according to the preliminary investigation undertaken by Austria]

To prevent by effective measures the cooperation of [Serbia] in the illicit traffic in arms and explosives across the frontier . . . .

To furnish [Austria] with explanations regarding the unjustifiable utterances of high Serbian officials both in Serbia and abroad, who . . .have not hesitated since the outrage of 28 June to express themselves . .in terms of hostility towards [Austria]

To notify [Austria] without delay of the execution of the[se] measures
To: Britain
From: Kaiser Franz Josef of Austria-Hungary
What land are you referring to? I do not understand.
Serbia has 24 hrs left to reply to Austria with the acceptance of the said ultimatum. Otherwise, Austria will declare war on Serbia.

Dispatch from the Rumanian government of Ion Bratinau
Today Rumania has declared full mobilization in the anticipation of war. Whether or not Rumania will declare war on Serbia remains unclear; if a reasonable repsonse is made by the Serbian government, we will not attack her.
Europe and a great deal of the world hangs in the balance here--this is not a matter to be taken lightly. We urge the Serbian government to accept or make a reasonable exchange to the Austrian ultimatum. But for now, Rumania has prepared for war.
To Kaiser Franz
From: Britain

Please disregard my last statement, it was not mine, but that of my cabinet.
I am sorry to say that no propoganda has been commited to your nation, and Great Britain will not abide by foriegn orders.
To: France
From: Britain

I am afraid a war is abroad between my nation and that of Austria Hungary. I request your help on this matter, and that of Russia's, to decrease the amount of un-even odds against my nation.

To: Belgium
From: Great Britain

If war brakes out between myself and Austria-Hungary, will you come to my aid?
Still awaiting orders from WarlordMatt and IceEye...

If one of them doesn't turn them in before long I may just remove them from the roster...
To the World
Italy has decided to remain neutral in the conflict between Austria and Serbia. But our alliance with Austria and Germany demands that we aid them in case they are attacked. So Italy urges all other nations not to engage in this conflict. After all it was Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife that were killed in this incident which gives Austria every right to act like they do.
King Vittorio Emmanuelle III
To: Austria, Germany, and Italy
From: Prime Minister Ion Brainau
Subj: Cancellation of the Triple Allaince

My free government situated at Bucharest considers the Triple Allaiance officially dead as indicated by Italy's withdrawl and denial of any responsibilites. Thereby, my government will not side by you in any such actions against the rightful Serbian government of King Alexander I.

With such an action, Romania hereby officially declares her neutrality in the Austro-Serbian crisis and the ensuing Austro-Russian one. With this, we shall not seek to put harm on either side but instead avoid conflict.

Romania has officially cancelled her alliance with Austria and Germany. Because of their aggressive and inappropriate strides to so "punish" the Serbian government for its subordinate "Black Hand," we so no obligation to either.

We end this note bitterly and denounce such actions. Whatever war may loom on the horizon, Romania will not fight side by side with the imperialist Germanic nations.
If ce Eye doest come, then I will take Germany.
Yeah, Das, Ice Eye is Greece, not Germany.

Unless that's what you meant.

IceEye and Sir Lance Alot have been REMOVED from the roster for failure to give me buys/orders in time after fair warning.

Das, if you want to play as Germany, please PM me with your builds/deployments ASAP. Greece is currently avaliable.
russia will help serbia in case of war.


i warn you, if you invade either britain or serbia i will personally shoot you and destroy your country!


if i have to invade austria will you help me,if we do it together they`ll have no chance!
No No No! I am having internet trubles that force me to use another computer. I didn´t know we were supposed to deliver those orders yet. I am sending them now!
To: Russia & Great Britain
From: France
Subj: War
France hearby declares her unity with Russia and Great Britain. We shall always work together and aid both our friends should we they be attacked.
Together we shall ensure peace in Europe!
President Raymond Poincaret
New York Times
Summer 1914

Austria, Angered Over Assassination, Declares War On and Quickly Crushes Serbia

The Austro-Hungarian state's quick bringing of revenge upon the Serbian state of King Alexander I was an absolute massacre. The Serbs, propped up only by the government of Prime Minister Lloyd George in Britain, felt the wrath of none less than the entire offensive force of Austria-Hungary, totaling a staggering 15 infantry regiments. The Serbs, unprepared for war and poor, could only face this giant onslaught with 4 infantry regiments and the major fortress and Belgrade.

Austria's magnificent performance, gaining her Generals award and appearantly restoring her status as a great power in Europe, caused minimal casualties on there forces. A great deal of merit has been granted to the 103rd, 121st and 115th Austro-Hungarian Howitzer divisions, all of which were German-speaking Austrians.

"The artillery barrage seemed to completely demoralize the opposition," General Conrad von Hotzendorf said. Hotzendorf, the architecht of the Serbian invasion and the head of the Austro-Hungarian armed forces called it a "Beautiful success," giving "no less than the highest honors to each and ever soldier on the front line." The attack was commenced and executed so quickly that the Serbian forces didn't even have the option to retreat before the whole of their force was destroyed.

This aggressive move, brought upon without any German input (Kaiser Wilhelm II has been yachting for holiday in the Baltic Sea), is sure to have serious reprecussions following a great speech by Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, who has pledged unconditional support to Serbia.

For now there are military parades and celebrations in Vienna, with Kaiser Franz Josef I and his advisor Berchtold leading them, but this bubbly mood seems to be inappropriate to many of Americans who feel the Austrians cannot realize their plight. For a general war yet looms on the horizon in Europe, and it has only to begin.

Triple Alliance In Tatters After Rumania, Italy Defy Austro-Hungarians and Germans Support
As the diplomatic treaty was ripped to shreds in Rome, Bucharest followed the Italian lead by claiming that it was officially dead, signified by Ion Bratinau's speech proclaiming Rumanian neutrality. Despite both states being fully mobilized and prepared for war, neither was interested in aiding the Austro-Hungarians in their quest to destroy pan-slavism and nationalism in one fell swoop.

King Vittorio Emmanuelle III, long known for his anti-German sentiments after the war of 1870 with Austria, declared that "After all it was Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife that were killed in this incident which gives Austria every right to act like they do." Despite their condolences to the Habsburg family, very few Italians feel the desire to fight with Austria.

"They hold Italian lands in Trentino and subject the innocents in the cities of Trieste and Fiume to their despotic rule," said parliament member Bruno Capercitenni. "Istria and South Tyrol must be Italian before any such measures of war alongside the dastardly Austrians can be taken." Clearly, Italian opinion is against the Central Powers, so deemed after the withdrawl of Italy and Rumania.

The two major powers, strapped of allies, may find it hard to fight well against the strongly-united Triple Entente. French President Raymond Poincaret declared that he, Prime Minister Lloyd George, and Tsar Nicholas II would be the peace-keepers; but, it seems, this will only lead to more escalation.

With the involvement of France this war promises not to stay focused in the East and the Balkans as predicted, but to spread completely across the continent, far into the French heartland and the hearts of Frenchmen.

German Gov't Fails To Act As Continent Marches For War
The Imperial German State, so anxious as she was to aid her Austrian ally now finds itself as the only one without her sword drawn.

The German Kaiser, appearantly on a long holiday in the Baltic, has been out of touch with the high military staff which has lead to much bickering among the high command between such figures as Von Kluck, Ludendorff and von Hindenburg. As the community drifts towards war, can Germany dock and find stable ground to fight on?

Note: I will send out income and combat resolution once we have a German player. Until then, just sit tight ;).
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