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Historical NES I - World War I.

To: Russia
From: Kaiser Franz Josef I of Austria-Hungary
We ignore your idle threats, and you will never destroy Austria-Hungary!
Iam sending PM right now!
I don't know...

To Russia: I suggest that you cancel your mobilization during the next two weeks, or else you will have to consider Deutschreich an enemy of Russenreich.
actually waiting for you guys to PM me.


Austria invaded and crushed Serbia. The entire garisson there was wiped out.

Italy and Rumania backed out of triple alliance.

Now that everyone has a basic army, income is half of what you started with, excluding Austria and Great Britain. I will inform them of their current income and their casualties.

Tell me your buys and orders ASAP so we can keep this thing rolling.

Should I include neutrals? It sure would add a lot more diplomacy to it.

Oh, and new map:

Note that borders won't change until peace is made (the game will continue after peace is made if anyone wants to). Until then, the borders remain, but occupied land is colored in for the nation that occupies it.
Toasty, what is the British income? As soon as I get it, I will tell you my deployments. Also, can we increase our income?

To: France, Russia
From: Britain

I think that war is inevideble with the former Triple Alliance leaders, especially Austria. I, myself today consider Britain at war with Austra in response to the invasion. I hope you will follow me.
My proposol for war is:
British forces land on France soil. When the French are ready, a task force will march through any enemy territory on the way to Austria's capital. In the meantime, Russia begins to build her forces of power and be ready to reinforce France and Britain.

This of course is just an outline.

To: Austria
From: Great Britain

What do you think yourselve as? Consider now that you are at war with MIGHTY britain!
What's half of 425 lol? 212.5!

Think I might need a different number lol.

Italy prepares for War!
Seeing that many nations are preparing its armies for war, the Italian government announced today that the Italian military as well is beginnig to mobilize its forces, anticipating the destabilising effects the conquest of Serbia and Montenegro might have. Reports indicate that well trained mountain troops have been sighted near the French and Austrian borders. The garrisons in Torino and Udine have been put to high alert and several cruisers have left their bases.
Announcement From French President Raymond Poincaret
Today at 12pm the French Government officially declared war upon Austria-Hungary in retaliation to the invasion of Serbia. I now call upon every man, women and child to stand with me in defending this great country and to help us bring peace and prosperity so that our children may grow-up in better place.
Together we must fight for 'liberty'
Okay guys, since no one seems to be using Biplanes correctly, I'll inform them.

Biplanes can be ordered to move to a location for reconnaisance at ANY TIME and do not move with all of the other units unless on defence patrols. Any AA guns will fire once (in that each will roll one die and will only do it once) and any planes in the area will do battle with the attack biplane(s). If even one of the reconnaisance planes makes it back to home the leader is thoroughly informed of enemy positions in the area.

Needless to say, this can come in VERY handy.

Also, transports may carry 3 infantry units at a time. The only have 1 defence so escorts are necessitated to prevent naval attack, where they are very likely to lose.
tsar nicholas II said today that they will assist france and britain in a invasion on austria and therefore declares war on austria-hungary.

give serbia back to britain or die!

Turkey sympathises with Austro-Hungary, they have lost their heir to the throne due to terrorists that Britain couldn't keep under control!

Britain has many times insulted Turkey, and we have no love for them, and neither do many we suspect. I would not be surprised if Britain actually sponsored this move!

Russia is another country we have no love for, nor France.

Therefore we announce our intentions to perhaps join the German and Austro-Hungary side.

Sultan Abdul Hamid II

Also, if anyone is interested in replacing IceEye as Greece, please volunteer.
ooc: My buy are in now. But I nead more at least 2 days time to submit my orders as I only can cme online 2 times in 3 days. Why can´t you set up a system that I know in advance when the orders shall be in? /ooc

Greece wishes to join Austria-Hungary! Greece is willing to join the side of Austria-Hungary in exchange of all rights to take over Albania.
New York Times
Autumn 1914

Russians and Austro-Hungarians Clash on Galician Border
A small Russian force, moving into positions to attack the Austrians, was soon found on the defence by the faster-moving Austrian troops. The Austro-Hungarian attack, in total amounting to no less than 18 infantry divisions (but now only 12), found the Russians a little more jagged a pill to swallow than the Serbs. Nonetheless, Franz Josef's legions did seem to swallow them.

A total of 7 Russian infantry divisions were obliterated, but killed 6 Austrians in the process. The Austrian artillery, arriving late and short on ammunition, could not give the same success rate it made in Serbia--only one of the bombardments were successful. The Russian artillery, meanwhile, had a 50% success rate.

Tis opens the first theatre of war in the new one that has developed in Europe. Galicia, realtively barren of any fortresses or trenches, has allowed a great deal of moving combat there. The Austrians, taking advantage of this, were able to assemble a large offensive force that has the possibility to not be stopped by the Russians until the cities of Minsk and Kiev are reached.

The Galician offensive, outstretching its supply lines and coming close to the Poland and Ukraine district army groups, came to a half about 200 miles into Russian territory. Despite this, it has been an extremely good show and parades are expected to be made in Budapest and Vienna, for the second time this year.

The Austro-Hungarian war machine, obviously very well oiled and up to scratch, is impressing just about everyone in Europe. Undoubtedly, if the war continues at this rate, Austria will have no problem reaffirming her status as a great power in Europe.

Italo-Austrian air skirmish over Venice; move appears to sour relations
While the Italians say they are preparing for war, but don't specify against whom, it makes cats curious. Kaiser Franz Josef certainly let his curiosity get the better of him. No less than 5 Austro-Hungarian biplanes made a reconnaisance mission over Venice, and in the process killed an Italian pilot.

Some think that with the quiet "phony war" coming up in the West Italy now has much more to gain by attacking Austria. The lands of Trento, Trieste, and Istria remain Italian long-term territorial goals, and the past has proved to us that the French Alps are all but impenetrable.

Perhaps if Austria backs off on her own ally, they will stay in line with him, but this reporter believes that checking behind your firend's back is nota good way to make friends.

All Quiet on the Western Front: Little Activity in Germany, France remains silenced

Despite the bombastic nature of Kaiser Wilhelm II, and the warlike nature of the German Prussians, Germany has found it comfortable upon her cushion of neutrality as their Austrian allies continue to march successfully against the Russians.

All in all the Kaiser has said such things to the Tsar as to cancel his mobilization, German involvement may not even be necessitated; after all, the withered old man down South has already dealed the Royal legions of the Tsar a fair whoopin', but can the war-based Prussians remain still while their ally fights valiantly?

France, Great Britain, and Russia currently remain at war with Austria-Hungary. When Germany will make her entrance remains unclear.

Austro-Hungarian support is Rallied
Earlier this season the governments of both Greece and Turkey declared their support of, and eventual involvement with, Austria-Hungary. As things continue to look grim for the Triple Entente, being unable to reach the Austrian mainland and as the Russians lose the first battle of the war, this is not a good thing; it opens a second front for Russia and allows the Dardanalles to be closed to allied shipping.

But, one thing is assured, this war won't be over by Christmas. It seems that there isn't much of a chance of "keeping it local" anymore.

The War Situation in Europe:
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